STK AgGraphicsPlugin 11 Send comments on this topic.
Project Overview


The Graphics plugin interfaces.


Objects Description
AgStkGraphicsPluginGlobeOverlaySite A graphic plugin site with globe overlay cache control.
AgStkGraphicsPluginSite A graphic plugin site.


Objects Description
IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlay A base class for custom globe overlay plugins. Your class must derive from the interface to add custom globe overlays.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlayContext Configure a custom image globe overlay. Set the extent, tiler, projection, etc.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlayDescription Allows a custom globe overlay plugin to provide more information about itself.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlaySerialize Allows a custom globe overlay plugin to save/load itself.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginGlobeOverlaySite The Graphics Plugin Site which allows access to the STK Object Model and control the overlay cache.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginProjectionStream A projection that is updated dynamically.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginProjectionStreamContext Configure the projection attributes, such as field of view, near plane, far plane, etc.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterBitmap An interface to set a raster from a bitmap.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterDataBits An interface to set a raster from an array.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterDataOleAuto An interface to set a raster from a safe array.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterStream A raster that is updated dynamically.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterStreamAttributes Configure the raster stream attributes, such as the width, height, format, etc.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginRasterStreamContext Provides interfaces to set a raster.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginSite The Graphics Plugin Site which allows access to the STK Object Model.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginTile Represents individual custom globe overlay tile and its properties.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginTileCollection A collection of tiles used to get the children of a tiler.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginTiler Specifies a cartographic tiling scheme for a custom image globe overlay.
IAgStkGraphicsPluginWithSite The interface provides a mechanism for the plugin to communicate with the container using the specified site object. The Site allows getting to the STK Object Model.


Enumeration Description
AgEStkGraphicsPluginMapProjection The projection of the pixel data returned from a CustomImageGlobeOverlay.
AgEStkGraphicsPluginRasterFormat Common raster band layouts that may be contained within a raster dataset. Each pixel of the raster will contain the bands defined by the layout in the specified order. A typical color raster image will have an RGB raster format.
AgEStkGraphicsPluginRasterOrientation The vertical orientation of the raster.
AgEStkGraphicsPluginRasterType The type of data contained within each band of a raster dataset.
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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1