BodyFixedVectorPosPartials | The partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates. Uses internal units. |
BodyFixedVectorPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
BodyFixedVectorVelPartials | The partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates. Uses internal units. |
BodyFixedVectorVelPartials_Array | The partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
Date | This method is deprecated. Use DateElements instead. Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format. |
DateElements | Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. |
DateElements_Array | Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as the array: Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients. |
DateString | Current epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified. |
Date_Array | This method is deprecated. Use DateElements instead. Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as an array representing year [yyyy], dayOfYear, month [0-11], hour [0-23], minute [0-59], seconds. Useful for scripting clients. |
DayCount | Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format. |
DayCount_Array | Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format returned as an array representing wholeDays, secsIntoDay. Useful for scripting clients. |
FrameFixedVectorPosPartials | The partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates. Uses internal units. |
FrameFixedVectorPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
FrameFixedVectorVelPartials | The partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates. Uses internal units. |
FrameFixedVectorVelPartials_Array | The partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
GetInputValue | Gets the value of an input to the plugin in internal units. |
IncidentDirection | Incident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the requested frame. |
IncidentDirectionBodyCompPosPartials | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction body components wrt inertial position coordinates. |
IncidentDirectionBodyCompPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction body components wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionBodyCompVelPartials | The partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction body components wrt inertial velocity coordinates. |
IncidentDirectionBodyCompVelPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction body components wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionCompPosPartials | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial position coordinates. |
IncidentDirectionCompPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionCompVelPartials | The partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial velocity coordinates. |
IncidentDirectionCompVelPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionInBody | Incident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the body frame. |
IncidentDirectionInBody_Array | Incident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the body frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionVecInBodyPosPartials | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in body components. |
IncidentDirectionVecInBodyPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in body components, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirectionVecPosPartials | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in components of the requested frame. |
IncidentDirectionVecPosPartials_Array | The partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in components of the requested frame, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentDirection_Array | Incident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentVector | Incident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the requested frame. |
IncidentVectorInBody | Incident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the body frame. |
IncidentVectorInBody_Array | Incident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the body frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
IncidentVector_Array | Incident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
LatLonAlt | Current detic latitude (radians), detic longitude (radians), and altitude (meters). |
LatLonAlt_Array | Current detic latitude (radians), detic longitude (radians), and altitude(meters) returned as an array representing lat, lon, alt. Useful for scripting clients. |
ParameterValue | Parameter value for a registered parameter with indicated index. Uses internal units. |
PosVel | Current position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame. |
PosVel_Array | Current position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients. |
SetParameterOutputValue | Sets the value of a parameter output of the plugin in internal units. |
SetReflectance | Sets reflectance (in m^2) in specified frame. Force = 0.5*density*velCBF^2*reflectanceVec. reflectanceVec = sum of surface contributions where each surface N is cd_N*area_N*unitDirection_N. |
SetReflectanceBodyCompPosPartials | Sets the partial derivatives in meters of the body components of reflectance wrt inertial position coordinates. |
SetReflectanceBodyCompVelPartials | Sets the partial derivatives in meter-seconds of the body components of reflectance wrt inertial velocity coordinates. |
SetReflectanceCompPosPartials | Sets the partial derivatives in meters of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt inertial position coordinates. |
SetReflectanceCompVelPartials | Sets the partial derivatives in meter-seconds of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt inertial velocity coordinates. |
SetReflectanceInBody | Sets reflectance (in m^2) in body components. Force = 0.5*density*velCBF^2*reflectanceVec. reflectanceVec = sum of surface contributions where each surface N is cd_N*area_N*unitDirection_N. |
SetReflectanceInBodyParamPartials | Sets the partial derivatives of the body components of reflectance wrt the registered parameter specified by Index. Uses internal units. |
SetReflectanceParamPartials | Sets the partial derivatives of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt the registered parameter specified by Index. Uses internal units. |
SunPosition | Position of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner. |
SunPositionInBody | Position of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the body frame, computed in the requested manner. |
SunPositionInBody_Array | Position of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the body frame, computed in the requested manner, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
SunPosition_Array | Position of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |
Trace | Set this interface to trace the next numCalls by outputting a message to the message viewer. |
TransformVector | Transforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame. |
TransformVectorFromBody | Transforms a vector from the body frame to the output frame. Uses internal units. |
TransformVectorFromBody_Array | Transforms a vector from the body frame to the output frame returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
TransformVectorToBody | Transforms a vector from the input frame to the body frame. Uses internal units. |
TransformVectorToBody_Array | Transforms a vector from the input frame to the body frame returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units. |
TransformVector_Array | Transforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. |