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IAgAsDragModelResultEval Interface


DragModel plugin interface used to get/set settings during evaluation. Used to set reflectance vector (and optionally its partial derivs) used in computation of the drag/lift/side force. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.

Public Methods

Public Method BodyFixedVectorPosPartialsThe partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates. Uses internal units.
Public Method BodyFixedVectorPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method BodyFixedVectorVelPartialsThe partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates. Uses internal units.
Public Method BodyFixedVectorVelPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives of the given body-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method DateThis method is deprecated. Use DateElements instead. Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format.
Public Method DateElementsCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method DateElements_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as the array: Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method DateStringCurrent epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified.
Public Method Date_ArrayThis method is deprecated. Use DateElements instead. Current epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as an array representing year [yyyy], dayOfYear, month [0-11], hour [0-23], minute [0-59], seconds. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method DayCountCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format.
Public Method DayCount_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format returned as an array representing wholeDays, secsIntoDay. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method FrameFixedVectorPosPartialsThe partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates. Uses internal units.
Public Method FrameFixedVectorPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method FrameFixedVectorVelPartialsThe partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates. Uses internal units.
Public Method FrameFixedVectorVelPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives of the given frame-fixed vector wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method GetInputValueGets the value of an input to the plugin in internal units.
Public Method IncidentDirectionIncident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the requested frame.
Public Method IncidentDirectionBodyCompPosPartialsThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction body components wrt inertial position coordinates.
Public Method IncidentDirectionBodyCompPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction body components wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionBodyCompVelPartialsThe partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction body components wrt inertial velocity coordinates.
Public Method IncidentDirectionBodyCompVelPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction body components wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionCompPosPartialsThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial position coordinates.
Public Method IncidentDirectionCompPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial position coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionCompVelPartialsThe partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial velocity coordinates.
Public Method IncidentDirectionCompVelPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in seconds/meter of the incident direction components, expressed in the requested frame, wrt inertial velocity coordinates, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionInBodyIncident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the body frame.
Public Method IncidentDirectionInBody_ArrayIncident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the body frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionVecInBodyPosPartialsThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in body components.
Public Method IncidentDirectionVecInBodyPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in body components, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirectionVecPosPartialsThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in components of the requested frame.
Public Method IncidentDirectionVecPosPartials_ArrayThe partial derivatives in meters^-1 of the incident direction wrt inertial position coordinates, expressed in components of the requested frame, returned as an array representing the rows of the matrix. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentDirection_ArrayIncident particle direction (unitless) on the body, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentVectorIncident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the requested frame.
Public Method IncidentVectorInBodyIncident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the body frame.
Public Method IncidentVectorInBody_ArrayIncident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the body frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method IncidentVector_ArrayIncident particle vector on the body in meters/second, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method LatLonAltCurrent detic latitude (radians), detic longitude (radians), and altitude (meters).
Public Method LatLonAlt_ArrayCurrent detic latitude (radians), detic longitude (radians), and altitude(meters) returned as an array representing lat, lon, alt. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method ParameterValueParameter value for a registered parameter with indicated index. Uses internal units.
Public Method PosVelCurrent position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame.
Public Method PosVel_ArrayCurrent position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method SetParameterOutputValueSets the value of a parameter output of the plugin in internal units.
Public Method SetReflectanceSets reflectance (in m^2) in specified frame. Force = 0.5*density*velCBF^2*reflectanceVec. reflectanceVec = sum of surface contributions where each surface N is cd_N*area_N*unitDirection_N.
Public Method SetReflectanceBodyCompPosPartialsSets the partial derivatives in meters of the body components of reflectance wrt inertial position coordinates.
Public Method SetReflectanceBodyCompVelPartialsSets the partial derivatives in meter-seconds of the body components of reflectance wrt inertial velocity coordinates.
Public Method SetReflectanceCompPosPartialsSets the partial derivatives in meters of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt inertial position coordinates.
Public Method SetReflectanceCompVelPartialsSets the partial derivatives in meter-seconds of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt inertial velocity coordinates.
Public Method SetReflectanceInBodySets reflectance (in m^2) in body components. Force = 0.5*density*velCBF^2*reflectanceVec. reflectanceVec = sum of surface contributions where each surface N is cd_N*area_N*unitDirection_N.
Public Method SetReflectanceInBodyParamPartialsSets the partial derivatives of the body components of reflectance wrt the registered parameter specified by Index. Uses internal units.
Public Method SetReflectanceParamPartialsSets the partial derivatives of the components of reflectance (expressed in the specified frame) wrt the registered parameter specified by Index. Uses internal units.
Public Method SunPositionPosition of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner.
Public Method SunPositionInBodyPosition of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the body frame, computed in the requested manner.
Public Method SunPositionInBody_ArrayPosition of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the body frame, computed in the requested manner, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method SunPosition_ArrayPosition of the sun in meters wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TraceSet this interface to trace the next numCalls by outputting a message to the message viewer.
Public Method TransformVectorTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame.
Public Method TransformVectorFromBodyTransforms a vector from the body frame to the output frame. Uses internal units.
Public Method TransformVectorFromBody_ArrayTransforms a vector from the body frame to the output frame returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method TransformVectorToBodyTransforms a vector from the input frame to the body frame. Uses internal units.
Public Method TransformVectorToBody_ArrayTransforms a vector from the input frame to the body frame returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients. Uses internal units.
Public Method TransformVector_ArrayTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeCurrent altitude in meters.
Public Property AtmPressureCurrent atmospheric pressure in pascals (N/m^2). Available if supported by atm density model (MSIS).
Public Property AtmTemperatureCurrent atmospheric temperature in K. Available if supported by atm density model (MSIS).
Public Property CbNameName of the central body used as reference frame origin.
Public Property DensityCurrent atmospheric density in kg/meter^3.
Public Property DragAltitudeAltitude used for current atmospheric density computation in meters.
Public Property MeanMolecularMassMean molecular mass from current atmospheric density computation in kg/kmol. Available if supported by atm density model (MSIS).
Public Property MuGravitational constant in meters^3/second^2.
Public Property ParameterValue_ArrayParameter values for all registered parameters, returned in index order. Uses internal units.
Public Property TotalMassTotal Mass in kilograms.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAsDragModelResultEval

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