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AgEStkGraphicsRasterFormat Enumeration
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Common Raster Band layouts that may be contained within a Raster dataset. Each pixel of the raster will contain the bands defined by the layout in the specified order. A typical color raster image will have an RGB Raster Format.


eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRed0The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of red values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatGreen1The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of green values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBlue2The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of blue values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatAlpha3The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRgb4The format of the Raster is three bands consisting of red, green, and blue values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBgr5The format of the Raster is three bands consisting of blue, green, and red values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRgba6The format of the Raster is four bands consisting of red, green, blue, and alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBgra7The format of the Raster is four bands consisting of blue, green, red, and alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatLuminance8The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of luminance values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatLuminanceAlpha9The format of the Raster is two bands consisting of luminance and alpha values.

See Also

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