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Shininess Property (IAgStkGraphicsCentralBodyGraphics)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Gets or sets the shininess of the Central Body in the Scene. The shininess affects the size and brightness of specular reflection associated with the Specular Overlay.

Property type

Read-write property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property Shininess() As Double
public double Shininess {get; set;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property double get_Shininess();
public: __property void set_Shininess( double );
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_Shininess(
    double * pRetVal
public: HRESULT put_Shininess(
    double Shininess
public double getShininess();
public void setShininess(
[Python - STK API ]
def Shininess(self) -> float:

def Shininess(self, Shininess:float) -> None:

See Also

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