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IAgStkGraphicsCentralBodyGraphics Interface


The graphical properties associated with a particular Central Body. Changing the Central Body Graphics will affect how the associated Central Body is rendered in a Scene. For instance, to show or hide the Central Body, use the Show property. Central Body Graphics also contains the Terrain and Imagery for the associated Central Body.

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeOffsetGets or sets the altitude that all Terrain and Imagery will be offset from the surface of the Central Body in the Scene.
Public Property BaseOverlayGets or sets the base GlobeImageOverlay associated with the Central Body in the Scene. The Base Overlay is always rendered before any other Imagery. By default, the Earth, Sun, and Moon Central Body will have a default Base Overlay image is loaded by STK Engine when the Scene is created.
Public Property ColorGets or sets the Color of the Central Body in the Scene.
Public Property ImageryGets the collection of imagery associated with the Central Body in the Scene.
Public Property KmlGets the KmlGraphics associated with the Central Body in the Scene.
Public Property NightOverlayGets or sets the night GlobeImageOverlay associated with the Central Body in the Scene. The Night Overlay is displayed only on parts of the Central Body that are not in sun light. The intensity of the Night Overlay for all scenes can be adjusted with the scene's Lighting.NightLightsIntensity property.
Public Property ShininessGets or sets the shininess of the Central Body in the Scene. The shininess affects the size and brightness of specular reflection associated with the Specular Overlay.
Public Property ShowGets or sets whether the Central Body is shown or hidden in the Scene. This only affects the Central Body itself, not the primitives that are associated with it.
Public Property ShowImageryGets or sets whether the Imagery for Central Body in the Scene is shown or hidden.
Public Property ShowLabelGets or sets whether a label with the name of the Central Body should be rendered in the Scene when the Camera is at certain distance away from the Central Body.
Public Property SpecularColorGets or sets the specular Color of the Central Body in the Scene. The specular color is associated with the Specular Overlay.
Public Property SpecularOverlayGets or sets the specular GlobeImageOverlay associated with the Central Body in the Scene. The Specular Overlay is displayed only in the specular highlight of the Central Body.
Public Property TerrainGets the collection of TerrainOverlay associated with the Central Body in the Scene.


Add Imagery and Terrain to the Scene
[Python - STK API]
# IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
# Retrieve the boundaries of the imported files
manager = scenario.SceneManager
# Add Terrain
terrainTile = manager.Scenes.Item(0).CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString(r'C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\samples\SRTM_Skopje.pdtt')
extentTerrain = terrainTile.Extent
print('Terrain boundaries: LatMin: %s LatMax: %s LonMin: %s LonMax: %s' % (str(extentTerrain[0]), str(extentTerrain[2]), str(extentTerrain[1]), str(extentTerrain[3])))
# Add Imagery
imageryTile = manager.Scenes.Item(0).CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.AddUriString(r'C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\imagery\NPS_OrganPipeCactus_Map.pdttx')
extentImagery = imageryTile.Extent
print('Imagery boundaries: LatMin: %s LatMax: %s LonMin: %s LonMax: %s' % (str(extentImagery[0]), str(extentImagery[2]), str(extentImagery[1]), str(extentImagery[3])))

Add Imagery and Terrain to the Scene
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
% Retrieve the boundaries of the imported files
manager = scenario.SceneManager;
% Add Terrain
terrainTile = manager.Scenes.Item(0).CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString('C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\samples\SRTM_Skopje.pdtt');
extentTerrain = terrainTile.Extent;
disp(['Terrain boundaries: LatMin: ' num2str(extentTerrain{1}) ' LatMax: ' num2str(extentTerrain{3}) ' LonMin: ' num2str(extentTerrain{2}) ' LonMax: ' num2str(extentTerrain{4})]);
% Add Imagery
imageryTile = manager.Scenes.Item(0).CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.AddUriString('C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Data\Resources\stktraining\imagery\NPS_OrganPipeCactus_Map.pdttx');
extentImagery = imageryTile.Extent;
disp(['Imagery boundaries: LatMin: ' num2str(extentImagery{1}) ' LatMax: ' num2str(extentImagery{3}) ' LonMin: ' num2str(extentImagery{2}) ' LonMax: ' num2str(extentImagery{4})]);

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