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IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay Interface


A Globe Image Overlay that allows for a user defined image to be specified.

Public Methods

Public Method ClearCacheClears the image data cache associated with this instance. This is equivalent to deleting and re-adding the overlay.
Public Method ReadReads a tile from the specified extent, scales it to and stores the result in image.
Public Method ReloadReloads the image data associated with this instance. Preserves the current image data until new image data replaces it.
Public Method ShutDownInitiates shutdown when imagery is being removed from the globe.
Public Method StartUpInitiates start-up when imagery is being added to the globe.

Public Properties

Public Property IsTranslucentGets whether the overlay contains translucent imagery.
Public Property MaximumMetersPerPixelGets the maximum resolution of the inlay in meters per pixel.
Public Property ProjectionGets the map projection. Valid values are MapProjection.Mercator and MapProjection.EquidistantCylindrical.


CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay


Add custom imagery to the globe
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginProxy proxy =

IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay overlay = proxy.CustomImageGlobeOverlay;
Add custom imagery to the globe
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager

Dim activator As IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivator = manager.Initializers.CustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivator.Initialize()
Dim proxy As IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginProxy = activator.CreateFromDisplayName("OpenStreetMapPlugin.VBNET")

Dim overlay As IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay = proxy.CustomImageGlobeOverlay
scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.Add(DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay))
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