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IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay Interface


The base class of all Terrain Overlay and Globe Image Overlay objects.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyGets the Central Body that the Globe Overlay is displayed on. It will return null if the Globe Overlay hasn't been added to a Central Body.
Public Property DisplayConditionGets or sets the Display Condition that controls whether or not the Globe Overlay is displayed.
Public Property ExtentGets the Cartographic Extent that represents the area covered by the Globe Overlay. The array elements are arranged in the order west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude.
Public Property IsValidGets whether or not the overlay is valid. It can be invalid because of a missing file, corrupt file, unlicensed file, or a file on the incorrect Central Body.
Public Property RoleGets the Globe Overlay Role of the Globe Overlay.
Public Property UriAsStringGets the absolute URI specifying the location of the Globe Overlay.

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay

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