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BottomBoundaryPositions Property (IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Gets the boundary positions along the bottom of the extrusion. Three array elements (in the order x, y, z) constitute one position.

Property type

Read-only property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property BottomBoundaryPositions() As System.Array
public System.Array BottomBoundaryPositions {get;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property System::Array get_BottomBoundaryPositions();
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_BottomBoundaryPositions(
    SAFEARRAY * * ppRetVal
public AgSafeArray getBottomBoundaryPositions();
[Python - STK API ]
def BottomBoundaryPositions(self) -> list:

See Also

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