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IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult Interface


The result from extruded polyline triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list with top and bottom boundary positions. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundaries are commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.

Public Properties

Public Property BottomBoundaryPositionsGets the boundary positions along the bottom of the extrusion. Three array elements (in the order x, y, z) constitute one position.
Public Property BoundaryPositionsWindingOrderGets the winding order of Top Boundary Positions and Bottom Boundary Positions.
Public Property TopBoundaryPositionsGets the boundary positions along the top of the extrusion. Three array elements (in the order x, y, z) constitute one position.


CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult

See Also

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