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AddUriString Method (IAgStkGraphicsImageCollection)
See Also
The String that represents the Uri of the Globe Overlay. The Globe Overlay must be of a recognized format.

Windows & Linux


Creates a Globe Overlay from the uri, which represents a Uri, and adds it to the collection.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function AddUriString( _
    ByVal Uri As String _
) As IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay
public IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay AddUriString(
    string Uri
[Managed C++]
public: IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay^ AddUriString(
    String __gc ^ Uri
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT AddUriString(
    BSTR Uri,
    IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay ** ppRetVal
public IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay addUriString(
    String Uri
[Python - STK API ]
def AddUriString(self, Uri:str) -> "IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay":


The String that represents the Uri of the Globe Overlay. The Globe Overlay must be of a recognized format.

See Also

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