STK Graphics PrimitivesSend comments on this topic.
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive Interface


The model primitive loads and renders COLLADA (DAE) and AGI MDL (MDL) models.

Public Methods

Public Method LoadWithStringUriFor convenience. Loads a COLLADA (DAE) or AGI MDL (MDL) model using a file path.
Public Method LoadWithStringUriAndUpAxisFor convenience. Loads a COLLADA (DAE) or AGI MDL (MDL) model using a file path.
Public Method SetPositionCartographicFor convenience. Sets the Cartographic position of the model. This also sets Position.

Public Properties

Public Property ArticulationsGets the model's articulations. Articulations identify geometry and contain transformations for manipulating that geometry.
Public Property OrientationGets or sets the model's orientation. The quaternion is a rotation from the model's local axes to the axes of the model's Reference Frame.
Public Property PositionGets or sets the position of the model. The position is defined in the model's Reference Frame. The array contains the components of the position in the order x, y, z.
Public Property ScaleGets or sets the linear scale used to increase or decrease the size of the rendered model.
Public Property UriAsStringGets the URI of the file used to load the file.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive


Draw a model with moving articulations
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
// Create the model
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[3] { 36, -116.75, 25000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", ref position);

// Rotate the model to be oriented correctly
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Roll").CurrentValue = 4.084070562;
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Yaw").CurrentValue = -0.436332325;


internal void TimeChanged(double TimeEpSec)
    // Rotate the propellors every time the animation updates
    if (m_Model != null)
        double TwoPI = 2 * Math.PI;
        ((IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive)m_Model).Articulations.GetByName("props").GetByName("Spin").CurrentValue = TimeEpSec % TwoPI;
Draw a Collada or MDL model
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[] { 39.88, -75.25, 5000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2);

Draw a glTF model with PBR materials
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[] { 39.88, -75.25, 500000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2);

Draw a dynamically textured Collada model
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive) model).AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere = false;

Array position = new object[] { 49.88, -77.25, 5000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2);

IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphere customBounds = manager.Initializers.BoundingSphere.Initialize(model.Position, 10.0 * model.Scale);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).BoundingSphere = customBounds;


//  hellfireflame.anc
Orient a model
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).ReferenceFrame = referenceFrame;  // Model is oriented using east-north-up axes.  Use model.Orientation for addition rotation.
Array zero = new object[] { 0, 0, 0 }; // Origin of reference frame
model.Position = zero;        
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 1.5);

Draw a model with moving articulations
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
' Create the model
Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri( _

Dim position As Array = New Object() {36, -116.75, 25000.0}
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", position)

' Rotate the model to be oriented correctly
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Roll").CurrentValue = 4.08407
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Yaw").CurrentValue = -0.43633

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Friend Sub TimeChanged(TimeEpSec As Double)
	' Rotate the propellors every time the animation updates
	If m_Model IsNot Nothing Then
		Dim TwoPI As Double = 2 * Math.PI
		DirectCast(m_Model, IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive).Articulations.GetByName("props").GetByName("Spin").CurrentValue = TimeEpSec Mod TwoPI
	End If
End Sub
Draw a Collada or MDL model
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri( _

Dim position As Array = New Object() {39.88, -75.25, 5000.0}
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", position)
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2)

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))
Draw a dynamically textured Collada model
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri( _
DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere = False

Dim position As Array = New Object() {49.88, -77.25, 5000.0}
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", position)
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2)

Dim customBounds As IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphere = manager.Initializers.BoundingSphere.Initialize(model.Position, 10.0 * model.Scale)
DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).BoundingSphere = customBounds

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

'  hellfireflame.anc
Draw a glTF model with PBR materials
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri( _

Dim position As Array = New Object() {39.88, -75.25, 500000.0}
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth", position)
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 2)

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))
Orient a model
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager

Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri( _
DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).ReferenceFrame = referenceFrame
' Model is oriented using east-north-up axes.  Use model.Orientation for addition rotation.
Dim zero As Array = New Object() {0, 0, 0}
' Origin of reference frame
model.Position = zero
model.Scale = Math.Pow(10, 1.5)

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))
Draw a new Model Primitive
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
% Create a model primitive and sets properties
manager = scenario.SceneManager;
model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUriAndUpAxis('C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\VO\Models\Air\f-22a_raptor.mdl', 'eStkGraphicsModelUpAxisNegativeX');
model.SetPositionCartographic('Earth', {0; -3; 15});    % Lat, Lon, Alt
model.Scale = 10000;
model.Translucency = 0;

Draw a new Model Primitive in a Reference Frame
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
% Create a model primitive and sets properties
manager = scenario.SceneManager;
modelRefFrame = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUriAndUpAxis('C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\VO\Models\Space\cubesat.mdl', 'eStkGraphicsModelUpAxisNegativeX');
modelRefFrame.Position = {0;.005;0};
modelRefFrame.ReferenceFrame = satellite.Vgt.Systems.Item('Body');
modelRefFrame.Scale = 1;


See Also

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