STK Graphics PrimitivesSend comments on this topic.
IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive Interface


Primitives represent objects rendered in the 3D scene.

Public Properties

Public Property AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphereGets or sets if the primitive's Bounding Sphere is automatically computed.
Public Property BoundingSphereGets or sets the bounding sphere that encompasses the primitive. The center is defined in the primitive's Reference Frame.
Public Property ColorGets or sets the primitive's color.
Public Property DisplayGets or sets if the primitive should be rendered. Both this and Display Condition must evaluate to true for the primitive to be rendered.
Public Property DisplayConditionGets or sets the display condition that determines if the primitive should be rendered. Both this and Display must evaluate to true for the primitive to be rendered.
Public Property ReferenceFrameGets or sets the reference frame this primitive is defined and rendered in.
Public Property TagGets or sets custom value associated with this primitive.
Public Property TranslucencyGets or sets the primitive's translucency. Translucency is between 0 and 1, where 0 is opaque and 1 is transparent.

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive

See Also

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