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IAgCrdnEventArrayGroup Interface


Access or create VGT event arrays associated with an object.

Public Methods

Public Method ContainsSearches for a an element with a given name. Returns false if the specified element does not exist.
Public Method GetItemByIndexRetrieves an event array from the collection by index.
Public Method GetItemByNameRetrieves an event array from the collection by name.
Public Method RemoveRemoves a specified element.

Public Properties

Public Property ContextReturns a context object. The context can be used to find out which central body or STK object this instance is associated with.
Public Property CountReturns a number of elements in the group.
Public Property FactoryReturns a Factory object used to create event arrays.
Public Property ItemReturns an element by name or at a specified position.


Enumerate the existing event arrays.
// Enumerate the existing EventArrays using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray in provider.EventArrays)
    // All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event array instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = eventArray as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type);
Iterate through existing event arrays.
// Iterate through the the group of existing event arrays associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.EventArrays.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays[i];
    // All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event array's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.EventArrays[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event array's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type);
Enumerate the existing event arrays.
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Enumerate the existing EventArrays using specified CrdnProvider.
For Each eventArray As IAgCrdnEventArray In provider.EventArrays
	' All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
	' information about the event array instance and its type.
	Dim crdn As IAgCrdn = TryCast(eventArray, IAgCrdn)
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type)
Iterate through existing event arrays.
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Iterate through the the group of existing event arrays associated
' with the specified CrdnProvider.
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < provider.EventArrays.Count
	Dim eventArray As IAgCrdnEventArray = provider.EventArrays(i)
	' All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
	' information about the event array's instance and its type.
	Dim crdn As IAgCrdn = TryCast(provider.EventArrays(i), IAgCrdn)
	' Print the event array's name and type to the standard output.
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type)
	System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i),i - 1)
End While
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