Searches for a an element with a given name. Returns false if the specified element does not exist.
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Function Contains( _
ByVal Name As String _
) As Boolean
[C#] |
public bool Contains(
string Name
[Managed C++] |
public: bool Contains(
String __gc ^ Name
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT Contains(
BSTR Name,
[Java] |
public bool contains(
String Name
[Python - STK API ] |
def Contains(self, Name:str) -> bool:
See Also
Check whether an event array with specified name already exists.
[C#] |
//Check if an event array with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.EventArrays.Contains("EventArrayName"))
Console.WriteLine("The event array \"{0}\" already exists!", "EventArrayName");
Check whether an event array with specified name already exists.
[Visual Basic .NET] |
'Check if an event array with the specified name already exists.
If provider.EventArrays.Contains("EventArrayName") Then
Console.WriteLine("The event array ""{0}"" already exists!", "EventArrayName")
End If