Properties for the Thrust Vector attitude control for an Impulsive Maneuver.
AssignCartesian | Assign all three Cartesian components of the DeltaV vector (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
AssignSpherical | Assign all three spherical components of the DeltaV vector (order Az, El, Mag; dimensions: Angle, Angle, SmallDistance/Time). |
QueryCartesian | Get all three Cartesian components of the DeltaV vector as an array (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
QuerySpherical | Get all three spherical components of the DeltaV vector as an array (order Az, El, Mag; dimensions: Angle, Angle, SmallDistance/Time). |
AllowNegativeSphericalMagnitude | True if the spherical magnitude should be allowed to be less than zero. |
Azimuth | Gets or sets the spherical Azimuth angle of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: Angle). |
BodyConstraintVector | Defines a constraint vector in spacecraft body coordinates to complete the attitude definition. |
CoordType | Gets or sets the coordinate representation for the DeltaV. |
Elevation | Gets or sets the spherical Elevation angle of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: Angle). |
Magnitude | Gets or sets the spherical Magnitude of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
ThrustAxesName | Gets or sets the thrust axes. |
X | Gets or sets the Cartesian X component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
Y | Gets or sets the Cartesian Y component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
Z | Gets or sets the Cartesian Z component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time). |
Implemented Interface |
IAgVAAttitudeControl |
IAgVAAttitudeControlImpulsive |