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IAgVAAttitudeControlImpulsiveThrustVector Interface


Properties for the Thrust Vector attitude control for an Impulsive Maneuver.

Public Methods

Public Method AssignCartesianAssign all three Cartesian components of the DeltaV vector (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).
Public Method AssignSphericalAssign all three spherical components of the DeltaV vector (order Az, El, Mag; dimensions: Angle, Angle, SmallDistance/Time).
Public Method QueryCartesianGet all three Cartesian components of the DeltaV vector as an array (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).
Public Method QuerySphericalGet all three spherical components of the DeltaV vector as an array (order Az, El, Mag; dimensions: Angle, Angle, SmallDistance/Time).

Public Properties

Public Property AllowNegativeSphericalMagnitudeTrue if the spherical magnitude should be allowed to be less than zero.
Public Property AzimuthGets or sets the spherical Azimuth angle of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: Angle).
Public Property BodyConstraintVectorDefines a constraint vector in spacecraft body coordinates to complete the attitude definition.
Public Property CoordTypeGets or sets the coordinate representation for the DeltaV.
Public Property ElevationGets or sets the spherical Elevation angle of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: Angle).
Public Property MagnitudeGets or sets the spherical Magnitude of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).
Public Property ThrustAxesNameGets or sets the thrust axes.
Public Property XGets or sets the Cartesian X component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).
Public Property YGets or sets the Cartesian Y component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).
Public Property ZGets or sets the Cartesian Z component of the impulsive DeltaV (dimension: SmallDistance/Time).


CoClasses that Implement IAgVAAttitudeControlImpulsiveThrustVector

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