STK AstrogatorSend comments on this topic.
IAgVAMCSOptions Interface


Properties for the MCS Options.

Public Properties

Public Property ClearAdditionalBPlanePointsIf true, Astrogator will clear all additional B-Plane points from any previous run - in all graphics windows - before the current run.
Public Property ClearDWCGraphicsBeforeEachRunIf true, Astrogator will automatically clear all target iteration graphics of the previous run - in all graphics windows - before the current run draws new calculations. If selected, this process will be performed whether or not there are any open graphics windows, which may result in a delay before the new run is begun that has no apparent cause.
Public Property DrawTrajectoryIn2DIf true, Astrogator will draw the trajectory in the 2D Graphics windows as the ephemeris is calculated during the current run. If selected, this process will be performed whether or not there are any open graphics windows, which may result in a delay before the new run is begun that has no apparent cause.
Public Property DrawTrajectoryIn3DIf true, Astrogator will draw the trajectory in the 3D Graphics windows as the ephemeris is calculated during the current run. If selected, this process will be performed whether or not there are any open graphics windows, which may result in a delay before the new run is begun that has no apparent cause.
Public Property EnableLoggingIf true, target sequences can be set to produce 'run history' log files for differential corrector profiles. By default, a target sequence does not produce a log file.
Public Property EnableSegmentControlsIf true, Astrogator will automatically add independent variables to differential correctors.
Public Property EnableSegmentResultsIf true, Astrogator will automatically add dependent variables to differential correctors.
Public Property EnableTrajectorySegmentColorsIf true, trajectory segments are displayed in the 2D Graphics window in the colors selected for the respective segments; the 2D Graphics Attributes page will be configured for Custom Intervals and each segment will be assigned an interval. If this option is not selected, then the color of the trajectory is defined by the 2D Graphics Attributes page.
Public Property GenerateEphemerisIf true, Astrogator will generate ephemeris.
Public Property GraphicsUpdateRateGets or sets the rate (between 0 and 1) at which to update graphics. Dimensionless.
Public Property MinEphemStepGets or sets the minimum step size for saving ephemeris. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property PromoteControlsIf true, a target sequence will be able to affect controls and results within a nested target sequence in addition to its own; otherwise, nested controls and results will be unavailable to the parent target sequence - with the exception of parameters defined for a Scripting Tool profile (which exist at the same logical level as the target sequence itself).
Public Property PropagateOnApplyIf true, Astrogator will propagate trajectories whenever you click OK or Apply on the Orbit page. If you want to close the Properties Browser for the satellite without running the MCS, make certain this option is disabled.
Public Property SaveNumbersInRawFormatIf true, Astrogator will store satellite information in binary format - to preserve the maximum amount of precision.
Public Property SmartRunModeControls whether the run will attempt to only run changed segments.
Public Property StoppingConditionTimeToleranceThe time tolerance, which will be applied with respect to desired trip values throughout the MCS. Astrogator will not refine its search for a desired trip value to a time step smaller than the time tolerance - even if the value range over the time step is in excess of the trip value tolerance. NOTE: If this value is set to zero, time tolerance will not be applied. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property UpdateAnimationTimeForAllObjectsIf true, all other objects will be animated so that they appear at the proper position for the time being computed as the trajectory is calculated.
Public Property UseNominalSettingsIf true, components or segments that are modified by a target sequence will be restored to their nominal values as soon as the target sequence completes its run; otherwise, modified items will not be restored to nominal values until the entire MCS completes its run.
Public Property UserVariablesInterface used to add/remove user variables.
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