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IAgVAStoppingCondition Interface


Basic properties for a stopping condition.

Public Methods

Public Method CopyUserCalcObjectToClipboardCopies the user-defined stopping condition calc object to the clipboard.
Public Method PasteUserCalcObjectFromClipboardReplaces the user-defined stopping condition calc object with the calc object in the clipboard.

Public Properties

Public Property BeforeConditionsBefore Conditions - a before stopping condition is used to define a stopping condition that depends on two events. When the MCS is run, Astrogator will ignore the normal stopping condition until the before stopping conditions defined for it are met. Astrogator will then interpolate backwards to the normal stopping condition just prior to the before stopping condition, and this will be defined as the point at which the normal stopping condition is satisfied. The backwards interpolation is subject to the Minimum Propagation Time, as defined by clicking the Advanced... button - meaning that the backwards interpolation will be performed for at least that specified amount of time before Astrogator will check for satisfaction of the condition.
Public Property CentralBodyNameGets or sets the central body. The default central body of a stopping condition is the Earth.
Public Property ConstraintsFurther conditions that must be met in order for the stopping condition to be deemed satisfied.
Public Property CoordSystemGets or sets the coordinate system. The default coordinate system of a stopping condition is Earth Inertial.
Public Property CriterionSpecifies the direction from which the stopping condition value must be achieved.
Public Property DimensionGet the dimension of the stopping condition.
Public Property InheritedCondition Inherited by Automatic Sequences - if true, the stopping condition will be applied to any automatic sequences activated within the same segment. If the stopping condition is met while an automatic sequence is executing, and this option is not selected, then the stopping condition will be ignored.
Public Property MaxTripTimesGets or sets the maximum number of times that the stopping condition will be applied - and any resulting automatic sequences executed. Dimensionless.
Public Property ReferencePointGets or sets the reference point used for calculation.
Public Property RepeatCountGets or sets the number of times the condition must be satisfied before the propagation ends or moves on to the designated automatic sequence. Dimensionless.
Public Property SequenceGets or sets the automatic sequence to trigger if the highlighted stopping condition is satisfied.
Public Property ToleranceGets or sets the desired tolerance for achieving the stopping condition. Dimension depends on context.
Public Property TripGets or sets the desired value - the value at which the condition will be satisfied. Dimension depends on context.
Public Property UserCalcObjectA User Calculation Object for the highlighted stopping condition. For user-defined stopping conditions, use this field to specify what kind of value you want to stop on.
Public Property UserCalcObjectLinkEmbedControlGets the link / embed controller for managing the user calc. object.
Public Property UserCalcObjectNameUser Calc Object - a User Calculation Object for the highlighted stopping condition. For user-defined stopping conditions, use this field to specify what kind of value you want to stop on.


CoClasses that Implement IAgVAStoppingCondition

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