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BeforeConditions Property (IAgVAStoppingCondition)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Before Conditions - a before stopping condition is used to define a stopping condition that depends on two events. When the MCS is run, Astrogator will ignore the normal stopping condition until the before stopping conditions defined for it are met. Astrogator will then interpolate backwards to the normal stopping condition just prior to the before stopping condition, and this will be defined as the point at which the normal stopping condition is satisfied. The backwards interpolation is subject to the Minimum Propagation Time, as defined by clicking the Advanced... button - meaning that the backwards interpolation will be performed for at least that specified amount of time before Astrogator will check for satisfaction of the condition.

Property type

Read-only property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property BeforeConditions() As IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection
public IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection BeforeConditions {get;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection ^ get_BeforeConditions();
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_BeforeConditions(
    IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection ** ppStoppingConditionCollection
public IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection getBeforeConditions();
[Python - STK API ]
def BeforeConditions(self) -> "IAgVAStoppingConditionCollection":

See Also

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