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IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlayContext Interface


Configure a custom image globe overlay. Set the extent, tiler, projection, etc.

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeBasedTranslucencyLowerAltitudeGets the lower altitude bound used to calculate translucency for the image.
Public Property AltitudeBasedTranslucencyLowerTranslucencyGets the lower translucency value for the image.
Public Property AltitudeBasedTranslucencyUpperAltitudeGets the upper altitude bound used to calculate translucency for the image.
Public Property AltitudeBasedTranslucencyUpperTranslucencyGets the upper translucency value for the image.
Public Property ExtentGets the cartographic extent that represents the area covered by the GlobeOverlay. The array elements are arranged in the order west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude.
Public Property IsTranslucentGets whether the overlay contains translucent imagery.
Public Property MaximumMetersPerPixelGets the maximum resolution of the inlay in meters per pixel.
Public Property ProjectionGets the map projection. Valid values are mercator and equidistant cylindrical.
Public Property RasterAsBitmapGet an interface to set a raster from a bitmap.
Public Property RasterAsBitsGet an interface to set a raster from an array.
Public Property RasterAsOleAutoGet an interface to set a raster from a safe array.
Public Property TilerGets a custom tiler, if the plugin requires it. The tiler is used to control which extents are requested during a call to Read.
Public Property TranslucencyGets the translucency value for the image. The translucency is between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully opaque and 1 is invisible.
Public Property UseAltitudeBasedTranslucencyGets whether to use altitude to determine the translucency value for the image or not.
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