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Extent Property (IAgStkGraphicsPluginCustomImageGlobeOverlayContext)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Gets the cartographic extent that represents the area covered by the GlobeOverlay. The array elements are arranged in the order west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude.

Property type

Read-write property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property Extent() As System.Array
public System.Array Extent {get; set;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property System::Array get_Extent();
public: __property void set_Extent( System::Array );
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_Extent(
    SAFEARRAY * * ppRetVal
public: HRESULT put_Extent(
    SAFEARRAY * Extent
public AgSafeArray getExtent();
public void setExtent(

See Also

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