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IAgScVO Interface


Scenario 3D Graphics Attributes.

Public Methods

Public Method AvailableMarkerTypesRetrieves the list of available MarkerTypes
Public Method HideObjectHides the object identified by its path in a specified 3D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to hide the object in all 3d windows.
Public Method HideObjectsHides multiple objects in a specified 3D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to hide objects in all 3d windows.
Public Method ShowObjectShows the object identified by its path in a specified 3D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to show the object in all 3d windows.
Public Method ShowObjectsShows multiple objects in a specified 3D window. Users can specify either a window identifier or a window title or 'all' to show the objects in all 3d windows.

Public Properties

Public Property ChunkImageCacheSizeChunk image cache size (MB). The texture cache temporarily stores chunk imagery for the globe. You may need to increase the size of the cache if all specified terrain cannot be loaded at the same time or the terrain is blurry.
Public Property ChunkTerrainCacheSizeChunk terrain cache size (MB).
Public Property DrawOnTerrainIf true, lines drawn on the globe such as those that define area and line targets, range rings, vehicle paths, map details, etc. will conform to the terrain on the globe. Otherwise, if terrain is present, the lines may go under or float over the terrain.
Public Property IsNegativeAltitudeAllowedSpecify whether to allow negative altitudes for great arc vehicles and for facilities, places and targets.
Public Property LargeFontRetrieves large font metrics.
Public Property MediumFontRetrieves medium font metrics.
Public Property SmallFontRetrieves small font metrics.
Public Property SurfaceReferenceOpt to display the globe's surface at the mean sea level (MSL) or at the central body's reference ellipsoid (WGS84).
Public Property TextAntialiasingEnabledTrue if the text anti-aliasing is turned on.
Public Property TextOutlineColorDefault text outline color
Public Property TextOutlineStyleDefault text outline style


Change scenario font
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
scenario = root.CurrentScenario
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Name = 'Arial'
scenario.VO.MediumFont.PtSize = 18
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Bold = True
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Italic = False

Change scenario font
% IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
scenario = root.CurrentScenario;
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Name = 'Arial';
scenario.VO.MediumFont.PtSize = 18;
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Bold = true;
scenario.VO.MediumFont.Italic = false;

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