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IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom Interface


Vehicle 2D graphics display based on custom intervals.

Public Methods

Public Method DeconflictMethod to deconflict the custom intervals.

Public Properties

Public Property DefaultGet the default attributes.
Public Property IntervalsGet the custom intervals.
Public Property PreemptiveIntervalsOpt whether the hiding of graphics for a given interval affects that interval alone or causes the entire path display for that vehicle to disappear when you animate through the selected interval.


CoClasses that Implement IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom


Set a vehicle's graphics to custom intervals
if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesCustom))
    // Set graphics to custom

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom customAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom;

    // adjust the custom intervals graphics
Configure custom intervals graphics
IAgVeGfxIntervalsCollection customIntervals = customAttributes.Intervals;

// Add intervals
customIntervals.Add("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000");
customIntervals.Add("2 Jan 2012 01:00:00.000", "2 Jan 2012 02:00:00.000");

// Deconflict intervals if necessary
Set a vehicle's graphics to custom intervals
[Visual Basic .NET]
If graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesCustom) Then
	' Set graphics to custom

	' Get IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom interface

		' adjust the custom intervals graphics
	Dim customAttributes As IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom = TryCast(graphics.Attributes, IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom)
End If
Configure custom intervals graphics
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim customIntervals As IAgVeGfxIntervalsCollection = customAttributes.Intervals

' Add intervals
customIntervals.Add("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000", "1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000")
customIntervals.Add("2 Jan 2012 01:00:00.000", "2 Jan 2012 02:00:00.000")

' Deconflict intervals if necessary
Set 2D Display times to Custom and add intervals
[Python - STK API]
# IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
graphics = satellite.Graphics
graphics.Attributes.Default.IsVisible = False

interval1 = graphics.Attributes.Intervals.Add(0, 3600)
interval1.GfxAttributes.IsVisible = True
interval1.GfxAttributes.Inherit = False
interval1.GfxAttributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e2
interval1.GfxAttributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eLongDash
interval1.GfxAttributes.Color = Colors.Fuchsia
interval1.GfxAttributes.MarkerStyle = 'X'

interval2 = satellite.Graphics.Attributes.Intervals.Add(7200, 86400)
interval2.GfxAttributes.IsVisible = True
interval2.GfxAttributes.Inherit = False
interval2.GfxAttributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e2
interval2.GfxAttributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eDashed
interval2.GfxAttributes.Color = Colors.Lime
interval2.GfxAttributes.MarkerStyle = 'Point'

Set 2D Display times to Custom and add intervals
% IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
graphics = satellite.Graphics;
graphics.Attributes.Default.IsVisible = false;

interval1 = graphics.Attributes.Intervals.Add(0, 3600);
interval1.GfxAttributes.IsVisible = true;
interval1.GfxAttributes.Inherit = false;
interval1.GfxAttributes.Line.Width = 1;
interval1.GfxAttributes.Line.Style = 'eLongDash';
interval1.GfxAttributes.Color = 16711935;
interval1.GfxAttributes.MarkerStyle = 'X';

interval2 = satellite.Graphics.Attributes.Intervals.Add(7200, 86400);
interval2.GfxAttributes.IsVisible = true;
interval2.GfxAttributes.Inherit = false;
interval2.GfxAttributes.Line.Width = 1;
interval2.GfxAttributes.Line.Style = 'eDashed';
interval2.GfxAttributes.Color = 65280;
interval2.GfxAttributes.MarkerStyle = 'Point';

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