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IAgVePropagatorSP3 Interface


The SP3 propagator reads .sp3 files of type 'a' and 'c' and allows you to use multiple files in sequence. These files are used to provide precise GPS orbits from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).

Public Methods

Public Method PropagatePropagates the vehicle's path using the specified time interval

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableIdentifiersAn array of available satellite identifiers.
Public Property Extrapolate1PastEndExtrapolate 1 step beyond last data point. If this option is selected, STK will calculate an additional ephemeris step beyond the last data point provided by the SP3 file(s) assigned to the satellite.
Public Property FilesAccess and manipulate the collection of SP3 files. You can add multiple files to a single satellite object and - if there are no gaps between the files - the whole ephemeris will be propagated in sequence.
Public Property InterpolateAcrossBoundariesWhether to interpolate across file boundaries. If this option is set, STK will interpolate ephemeris steps according to the user-defined Step Size between the end of one SP3 file and the beginning of the next.
Public Property InterpolationMethodBy default, the SP3 propagator uses the standard Lagrange interpolation scheme, interpolating position and velocity separately. Some files may be configured to allow the Hermitian interpolation.
Public Property InterpolationOrderAn interpolation order of 1 specifies linear interpolation and is appropriate for closely spaced data or data with significant jitter. Higher interpolation orders yield more accurate interpolation when the data is smooth and continuous.
Public Property SatelliteIdentifierA selected satellite identifier.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVePropagatorSP3

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