Extrapolate 1 step beyond last data point. If this option is selected, STK will calculate an additional ephemeris step beyond the last data point provided by the SP3 file(s) assigned to the satellite.
Read-write property
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Property Extrapolate1PastEnd() As Boolean |
[C#] |
public bool Extrapolate1PastEnd {get; set;} |
[Managed C++] |
public: __property bool get_Extrapolate1PastEnd(); |
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT get_Extrapolate1PastEnd( VARIANT_BOOL * pVal ); public: HRESULT put_Extrapolate1PastEnd( VARIANT_BOOL Extrapolate1PastEnd ); |
[Java] |
public bool getExtrapolate1PastEnd(); public void setExtrapolate1PastEnd( bool ); |