Description | Example | Return message | Group


Enables you to interact with a Minerva server.


Minerva <appPath> {option} [<parameters>]

Related commands


Use this command to designate a Minerva server and to load and save scenarios, objects, and files from and to Minerva.


Here are the options available:

UpdateServer Name <name> URL <url>Updates the server name and URL used for connecting to Minerva. Name is the alias for the Minerva server. URL is the web path to the Minerva server.
Load MinervaPath <minervaPath> [Revision <revnum>] [Branch <branchname>] [<authparameters>]Loads a scenario from Minerva.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

Revision is the scenario's revision number you want to load. If you do not specify it, the command loads the latest revision.

Branch is the current Minerva branch your revision is in.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

LoadObject ParentObject <parentPath> MinervaPath <minervaPath> [Revision <revnum>] [Branch <branchname>] [<authparameters>]Loads an object from Minerva into a scenario.

ParentObject is the STK path of the object that will be the parent for the loaded object.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

Revision is the scenario's revision number you want to load. If you do not specify it, the command loads the latest revision.

Branch is the current Minerva branch your revision is in.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

Download MinervaPath <minervaPath> FilePath <fileSystemPath> [<authparameters>]Downloads a file from Minerva.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

FilePath is the full path to the folder to put the downloaded file in.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

Save MinervaPath <minervaPath> [SaveAsVDF <Yes (Default) | No>] [<authparameters>]Saves the current scenario to Minerva.

When saving objects to Minerva, you cannot save into existing folders or directories. If you do, this will cause errors when loading the scenario.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

SaveAsVDF saves the scenario as a VDF in Minerva. The default is Yes.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

SaveObject Object <objectPath> MinervaPath <minervaPath> [<authparameters>]Saves the current scenario to Minerva.

Object is the STK path of the object that will be saved.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

Upload FilePath <fileSystemPath> MinervaPath <minervaPath> [<authparameters>]Saves the current scenario to Minerva.

FilePath is the full path to the file to upload.

MinervaPath is a full path to a file to download from Minerva.

See the following table for a description of <authparameters>.

SignOutSigns out of Minerva.

The following table describes the <authparameters> for the options. These are credentials to sign in to Minerva. They are optional if you have already used them once and have not issued the SignOut command.

Username <username>Specify the username for the person signing in.
Password <password>Specify the password for the person signing in.
[DB <username>]DB is the Minerva database to use. If you specify username and password but not DB, then DB defaults to MinervaDB.

Options names are case insensitive.

Parameter names are case insensitive.

You can specify parameters in any order.


Updating to a new Minerva server:

Minerva / UpdateServer Name "Minerva" URL ""

Loading a scenario from Minerva:

Minerva / Load MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" Revision 13 Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Loading an object from Minerva into a scenario:

Minerva / LoadObject "*/Satellite/Sat1" MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" Revision 13 Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Downloading a file from Minerva:

Minerva / Download MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" FilePath C:\Users\username\MinervaFiles Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Saving a scenario to Minerva:

Minerva / Save MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Saving an object to Minerva:

Minerva / SaveObject Object "*/Satellite/Sat1" MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Uploading a file to Minerva:

Minerva / Upload FilePath C:\Users\username\MinervaFiles MinervaPath "/Data/Dir1/Dir2/MyScenario.vdf" Username "JDoe" Password "Key123" DB "MinervaScenarios"

Signing out of Minerva:

Minerva / SignOut

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

