Application Options

There are several Connect commands available to control application options.

A forward slash (/) is used to represent the <ApplicationPath>.

Command Format Description Version
AnalysisWorkbench AnalysisWorkbench <ApplicationPath> {Options} Set global default values for Analysis Workbench. 10
Application Application <ApplicationPath> {AppCmdOption} [<Value>] Modify the STK Application window. 6.2
AsyncAllowed_R AsyncAllowed_R <ApplicationPath> Determine if asynchronous operations are allowed in the current STK session 7.1
AutoSave AutoSave <ApplicationPath> {AutoSaveOptions} Set the auto save options for the current STK session 7.0
CentralBody_R CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Returns the name of the central body of any object 10.0.2
CheckIsAppBusy CheckIsAppBusy <ApplicationPath> Determine the busy state of the STK application. 9.0
ConControl ConControl <ApplicationPath> {ConControlOption} Control connection between STK and an application using Connect 9.0
ConFile ConFile <ApplicationPath> "<FilePath>" Get commands from a file 4.0.4
ConnectLog ConnectLog <ApplicationPath> {State} ["<FilePath>"] Control the state of logging commands to a file 4.2
Copy Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] Copy and paste an object. 8.0
DataSource DataSource <ApplicationPath> {DataSourceOption} <Parameters> Set Data Services preferences. 12.10
ExportConfig ExportConfig <ApplicationPath> {ExportOption} [<Parameters>] Set options for STK to use when exporting reports. 6.2
ExportConfig_R ExportConfig_R <ApplicationPath> [{Connection | App}] Return information on the report export configuration settings. 6.2
GetConVersion GetConVersion <ApplicationPath> Return the Connect version number for the current Connect session 4.0.2
GetDirectory GetDirectory <ApplicationPath> {DirOption} Return the path of the selected directory. 9.2.1
GetLicenses GetLicenses <ApplicationPath> This command returns information about your licenses. 4.2.1
GetSTKVersion GetSTKVersion <ApplicationPath> [Details | Platform] Identify the version of STK being used during the current Connect session 10
HideBrowser HideBrowser <ApplicationPath> Hide the Object Browser in STK. 9.0
Load Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" Open an existing scenario or insert an object into the current scenario 8.0
Message Message <ApplicationPath> {MessageOptions} Display text messages in the STK Message Viewer window 7.0
MessageWindow MessageWindow <ApplicationPath> {MsgWinOption} [<Parameters>] Control the display of the STK Message Viewer window 6.2
Minerva Minerva <appPath> {option} [<parameters>] Enables you to interact with a Minerva server. 12.8
Minerva_RM Minerva_RM <appPath> {option} Returns information about the active Minerva server. 12.8
ObjectBrowser ObjectBrowser <ApplicationPath> {Options} Change how the STK Object Browser window is displayed. 11
OnLineOperations OnlineOperations <ApplicationPath> {Options} Set the values for online operations 10
OpenHtmlOnLoad OpenHtmlOnLoad <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} Set the default for loading HTML files when loading scenarios into STK 5.0
OpenHtmlViewer OpenHtmlViewer <ApplicationPath> ["<HtmlPage>"] Open the HTML Viewer in STK 9.0
Parallel Parallel <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} Configure parallel processing. 12
Parallel_RM Parallel_RM <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} Return information related to parallel processing. 12
PersonalAccessToken PersonalAccessToken / {Authenticate|Request} {Options} Authorize STK Desktop or custom engine applications to access resources stored in the Geospatial Content Server (GCS) 12.10
PythonAccessConstraintPlugins PythonAccessConstraintPlugins <ApplicationPath> {PythonAccessConsraintPluginsOption} Add or remove Python files for Access Constraint plugins. 12.4
SEDS SEDS <ApplicationPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Configure STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. 12.10
SEDS_RM SEDS_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} Return information about STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. 12.10
SavePreferences SavePreferences <ApplicationPath> {SaveOption} <Parameters> Set the preferences for saving object data 9.0
SetAsDefault SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] Save the indicated object as the default 4.2
SetConVersion SetConVersion <ApplicationPath> <VersionNumber> Set the version of Connect to be used when sending and receiving commands for the current Connect session 4.0.2
SetInterplanetaryMode SetInterplanetaryMode <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} Control the ability to use planetary options. 9.0
SetPreferences SetPreferences <ApplicationPath> {Type} {Options} Set your STK preferences. 12.10
SetPropagatorDefaults SetPropagatorDefaults <ApplicationPath> {Propagator} {PropOptions} Set default values for SGP4 and GPS propagators. 9.0
ShowBrowser ShowBrowser <ApplicationPath> Show the Object Browser in STK. 9.0
Spice Spice <ScenarioPath> {Action} [<Parameters>] Loads, removes, or reorders Spice ephemeris files. 12.4
Spice_RM Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters> Returns information about Spice files. 12.4
StopWatch StopWatch <ApplicationPath> {Start | Reset} Start or reset a counter to time commands 4.0.5
StopWatchGet StopWatchGet <ApplicationPath> {Stop | Split} [{TimeUnits}] Stop the StopWatch counter and return the time or return split times without stopping the counter 4.0.5
Units_SetConnect Units_SetConnect <AppOrScenPath> {Default | Internal | {Dimension} {Unit}... } Set units of measure for Connect. 10.1
VO OpenGLInitParms VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters> Provide support for advanced 3D viewing options 11.5