Description | Example | Return message | Group


Configure STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers.


SEDS <ApplicationPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The SEDS Connect command sets configuration parameters for the STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers in STK.

AddServer <Parameters>Add the specified server. See the table below for a description of the <Parameters>
UpdateServer <Parameters>Update the specified server. See the table below for a description of the <Parameters>
RemoveServer ServerName <ServerName>Remove the specified server.
RemoveAllServersRemove all servers.

The following table describes the <Parameters> for the AddServer and UpdateServer options.

ServerName "<ServerName>"Specify the name of the server.

This <Parameter> is required for AddServer and UpdateServer.

NewServerName "<NewServerName>"Specify a new name for the server.

This <Parameter> is valid for UpdateServer only.

URL "<URL>"Specify the url location of the server.

This <Parameters> is required for AddServer.

Description "<Description>"Specify a description for the server.
UsingGCS {Yes | No} Indicate whether this server is using Geospatial Content Server. The default value is Yes.


To add a new server and make it the active server:

SEDS / AddServer ServerName "AGI SEDS" URL "" UsingGCS Yes

To update a server name and description:

SEDS / UpdateServer ServerName "AGI SEDS" NewServerName "AGI Data Services" Description "Updated the server name."

To remove the "AGI SEDS" server:

SEDS / RemoveServer ServerName "AGI SEDS"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

