Description | Example | Return message | Group

SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target)

Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a facility, place, or target


SetAzElMask <ObjectPath> {UseOption} ["<Parameter>"]


Use the SetAzElMask command to control the azimuth-elevation mask data for a facility, place, or target. Valid values for {Option} are None, MaxRangeToConsider, Terrain, and MaskFile.

NoneSpecify None as the {Option} to disable the use of any mask information.
MaxRangeToConsiderSpecify MaxRangeToConsider as the {Option} to set the maximum range that will be considered when computing an AzEl Mask from terrain data, where <Parameter> is the required range value (specified in Connect Distance units).
TerrainSpecify Terrain as the {Option} to have the mask information computed from terrain data. Terrain data will be sampled up to a distance specified by the maximum range to consider.
MaskFileSpecify MaskFile as the {Option} to use an AzEl Mask file, where <Parameter> is the required "<FilePath>" to the file. "<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.


To set the azimuth-elevation mask for the Santiago facility using an external mask file:

SetAzElMask */Facility/Santiago MaskFile "C:\stk\User\Coverage\SantiagoMask.aem"

To turn off the az el mask:

SetAzElMask */Facility/Santiago None

To use terrain to define the AzEl mask:

SetAzElMask */Facility/Santiago Terrain

To use MaxRangeToConsider to define the AzEl mask:

SetAzElMask */Place/Boise MaxRangeToConsider 987437.123

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets

