Facilities, Places & Targets

There are a number of commands designed to help you to control the definition and graphical display of facilities, places and targets that can be executed through Connect.

Command Format Description Version
CalculationTool CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
CalculationTool Condition CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition" | "ConditionTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition components and templates. 11.2
CalculationTool Condition Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition Set" | "Condition SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition Set components and templates. 11.5
CalculationTool Parameter Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Parameter Set" | "Parameter SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ParameterSetType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Parameter Set components and templates. 10
CalculationTool Scalar Calculation CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Scalar Calculation" | "Scalar CalculationTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ScalarCalculationType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Scalar Calculation components and templates. 12.10
CalculationTool_R CalculationTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 11
CalculationTool_RM CalculationTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 10.1
CentralBody_R CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Returns the name of the central body of any object 10.0.2
Chain Processing Delay ChainProcessingDelay <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Set the processing delay for an object. 12.8
ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded <FacObjectPath> {On | Off} Set flag to partially compute az-el masks for facilities and places. 10
Copy Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] Copy and paste an object. 8.0
DisplayTimes DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of object graphics 12.10
ExportDataFile ExportDataFile <ObjectPath> {FileType} "<FilePath>" [{Options}] Create an external ephemeris or attitude file for a vehicle, or create an Az-El Mask file for a Facility, Place, or Target. 12.10
ExternalData ExternalData <ObjectPath> {DataOption} [<Parameters>] Allow for the association and management of time ordered data computed outside of STK with STK objects. 10
GetDescription GetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} Return the description of an object 4.0.6
GetDspTimes GetDspTimes <ObjectPath> {DataOption} Return the display time data for an object 11.5
GetNumNotes GetNumNotes <ObjectPath> Return the number of notes currently registered for an object 4.0
Graphics AzElMask Graphics <ObjectPath> AzElMask Type {Altitude | Range} [{AzElMaskOptions}] Control the display of azimuth-elevation mask graphics for a facility, place or target in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics Label Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} Control the display of object labels 9.0
Graphics Marker Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectStateInWin Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. 7.0
Graphics RangeContours Graphics <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] Define and display ground range contours in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics SetColor Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] Set the color of a label, marker, ground track, swath or polygon of an object 10
Graphics SetDynamicState Graphics <ObjectPath> SetDynamicState IsDynamic {On | Off} Allow faster rendering on 2d maps if a facility, place, target position or sensor orientation is changed frequently. 10.1
Graphics Show Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} To turn on or off the graphics display of an object. 10
Graphics WindowState Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. 10
Graphics_R GetLabel Graphics_R <ObjectPath> GetLabel Return object graphics label 6.0
HeightAboveGround_R HeightAboveGround_R <ObjectPath> Return the height above ground of a facility, place or target. 10
LabelNotes LabelNotes <ObjectPath> {Action} <Parameters> Control the display of notes and note labels attached to an object 4.1.1
LightingMaxStep_R LightingMaxStep_R <ObjectPath> Returns the maximum step taken when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target). 12
Load Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" Open an existing scenario or insert an object into the current scenario 8.0
New New <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> <NewObjectName> {NewOptions} Create a new scenario or add a new object to the current scenario 8.1
NewMulti NewMulti <ApplicationPath> <ClassPathOfObjectToCreate> <NumToCreate> <NewName1> [<NewName2>...] [NoDefault] [Ignore] Create multiple instances of new objects 4.2
Position (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) Position <ObjectPath> [{Type}] [{TimeValue}] Locate the position of a facility, place or target or the centroid of an area target 10
RCS RCS <ObjectPath> {Options} <Parameters> Set and modify RCS values for an object 10.1
RCS_R RCS_R <ObjectPath> <Frequency> [<IncidentAz> <IncidentEl> <ReflectedAz> <ReflectedEl>] Return the RCS value for an object 8.0
RCS_RM RCS_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about radar cross section properties. 10.1
RFI RFI <ObjectPath> {RFIOption} <Parameters> Set radio frequency interference options for facilities, ships, aircraft, and ground vehicles. 12.10
Rename Rename <ObjectPath> <NewName> Rename an object 4.0
Save Save <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> ["<SaveInDirectory>"] Save a scenario or object within a scenario 4.0
SaveAs SaveAs <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<FilePath>" Save a scenario or object within a scenario with a different name 4.2
SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary <FacObjectPath> {Yes | No} Define if the AzElMask is saved in binary. 11.6
SetAsDefault SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] Save the indicated object as the default 4.2
SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target) SetAzElMask <ObjectPath> {UseOption} ["<Parameter>"] Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a facility, place, or target 12.10
SetConstraint (Facility, Place & Target) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a constraint for a facility, place, or target 12.9
SetConstraint (Radar) SetConstraint <RdrObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set constraints for a radar system 12.9
SetConstraintOptions SetConstraintOptions <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Options} Set constraint options for an object's active constraints. 12.9
SetDescription SetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} [{Option}] "<Description>" Set the long or short description of a scenario or object 6.2
SetHeightAboveGround SetHeightAboveGround <ObjectPath> <Height> Set the height above ground of a facility, place or target. 10
SetLightingMaxStep Facility/Place/Target SetLightingMaxStep <ObjectPath> <Duration>Vehicles SetLightingMaxStep <ObjPath> [CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize> {[CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize>} For Facilities, Places, and Targets the commmand sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target).For Vehicles the command sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times. Vehicles allow a maximum stepsize to be set separately for each lighting model: central body shape (CbShape) and terrain. In the case of Facility/Place/Target, the maximum stepsize setting is used when using terrain or an AzElMask as the lighting model. 12.7
SetPosition (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) SetPosition <ObjectPath> [{Type}] {CoordType} <Parameters> Set the position of a facility, place, target or area target 10
SetTerrainNormal SetTerrainNormal <ObjectPath> {SurfaceNormal | Manual {Option} <Parameters>} Set the direction perpendicular to the local terrain for a facility, place or target. 10
SpatialTool SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define volumes and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
SpatialTool Spatial Calculation SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Calculation | Spatial CalculationTemplate} <Spatial CalculationName> [{Spatial CalculationType} <Spatial CalculationTypeParams>] Define and modify Spatial Calculation components and templates. 12.10
SpatialTool Spatial Condition SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Condition | Spatial ConditionTemplate} <Spatial ConditionName> [{Spatial ConditionType} <Spatial ConditionTypeParams>] Define and modify Spatial Condition components and templates. 11.2
SpatialTool Volume Grid SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Volume Grid | Volume GridTemplate} <Volume GridName> [{Volume GridType} <Volume GridTypeParams>] Define and modify Volume Grid components and templates. 11
SpatialTool_R SpatialTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about Spatial components. 11
SpatialTool_RM SpatialTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about SpatialTool components. 11
SubObjUnload SubObjUnload <ObjectPath> Unload all subobjects of a scenario or object 4.0
TimeTool TimeTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define components defining instances or intervals of time. 12.10
TimeTool Collection of Interval Lists TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Collection of Interval Lists" | "Collection of Interval ListsTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{CollectionOfIntervalListsType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Collection of Interval Lists components and templates. 10.1
TimeTool Interval TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval" | "IntervalTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Interval List TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval List" | "Interval ListTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval List components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Time Array TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Array" | "Time ArrayTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Array components and templates. 11.7.1
TimeTool Time Instant TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Instant" | "Time InstantTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeInstantType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Instant components and templates. 10
TimeTool_R TimeTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10
TimeTool_RM TimeTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10.1
Unload Unload <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> [RemAssignedObjs] Remove an object or scenario 4.0
UnloadMulti UnloadMulti <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Remove an object and all of its subobjects from the current scenario 9.1
UseTerrain UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption} To enable or disable the consideration of terrain data for calculations 10
VO AddArticulation VO <ObjectPath> AddArticulation {ArticulateOptions} Adds an articulation to the given model. 10
VO Area VO <ObjectPath> Area {AreaOption} <Parameters> Calculate the area of a model 10
VO Articulate VO <ObjectPath> Articulate "<StartTime>" <Duration> <ArticName> <TransformationName> <BeginningArticValue> <EndArticValue> Articulate the appendages of a 3D model while an animation is in progress 4.1.1
VO ArticulationFile VO <ObjectPath> ArticulationFile <Options> Controls the articulation file used for 3D model articulations. 12.10
VO AttitudeView VO <ObjectPath> AttitudeView {AttitudeViewOption} <Parameters> Define and display an attitude sphere for a vehicle, facility, place, target or sensor. 10
VO AzElMask VO <ObjectPath> AzElMask [Type {Altitude | Range}] {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Define the display of an objects azimuth elevation mask in the 3D Graphics window 8.0
VO BearingBox VO <ObjectPath> BearingBox {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define a volume, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object. 10.1
VO BearingEllipse VO <ObjectPath> BearingEllipse {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define an ellipse, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object. 10.1
VO BorderWall VO <ObjectPath> BorderWall {BorderWallOption} <Value> [{BorderWallOption} <Value>...] Define the boundary wall of an area target, or the border wall of range rings of a facility, place, target or vehicle. 10
VO CreateMarker VO <ObjectPath> CreateMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName "<KeyName>" [{MarkerOptions}] {TypeSpecificOptions} Create a textured marker from multiple images or create a marker from multiple fonts. 8.0
VO DestroyMarker VO <ObjectPath> DestroyMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName <KeyName> Delete a textured marker or multi-font marker created using the VO CreateMarker command. 6.1
VO InitializeSolarPanelsToSun VO <ObjectPath> InitializeSolarPanelsToSun Enable {Yes | No} Change the default setting for solar panel pointing. 6.2
VO LabelOffsetInPixels VO <ObjectPath> LabelOffsetInPixels {On | Off} Offset an object label in pixel coordinates 5.0.4
VO LabelXYZ VO <ObjectPath> LabelXYZ <XValue> <YValue> <ZValue> Specify the position of an object label offset 5.0.4
VO LineOfBearing VO <ObjectPath> LineOfBearing {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define an Line of Bearing which is drawn from an origin in the direction of a bearing. 10.1
VO Marker VO <ObjectPath> Marker ({MarkerOption} <value>)... Define the display of markers representing objects in the 3D Graphics window. 12.10
VO Model VO <ObjectPath> Model {Option1} <Value1> [{Option2} <Value2>]... Assign a model to a facility, place, target, or vehicle (any type). 12.1012.1
VO ModelDetail VO <ObjectPath> ModelDetail {On | Off | Set} [{LevelOption} <value>]... Assign a level of detail to a model 6.1.2
VO ModelList VO <ObjectPath> ModelList {ModelOption} [<Parameters>] Set up a model list to be used during animation 12.10
VO ModelOffset VO <ObjectPath> ModelOffset {OffsetOption} {On | Off} [<X> <Y> <Z>] Assign a position offset to a model 4.2
VO ModelPointing VO <ObjectPath> ModelPointing "<AttachPoint>" {ModelPointOption} <Value> Point parts of a model representing a facility, place, target or vehicle toward another object 12.10
VO ObjectLineAttachPt VO <ObjectPath> ObjectLineAttachPt {Options} Set ObjectLine attach points. 7.1
VO ObjectStateInWin VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 7.0
VO Point VO <ObjectPath> Point {PointOptions} Set Point attributes for Vehicles and Facilities. 6.1.2
VO RangeContours VO <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} <Parameters> Display ground range contours in the 3D Graphics window 8.0
VO RefreshArticState VO <ObjectPath> RefreshArticState Refresh the articulation state for facilities, places, targets and vehicles (any type) 10.1
VO ReloadArticFile VO <ObjectPath> ReloadArticFile Reload an external articulation file for facilities, places, targets and vehicles (any type) 10
VO SaveArticStateAsDef VO <ObjectPath> SaveArticStateAsDef {On | Off} Specify whether to save articulation values as default. 10
VO ScaleLog VO <ObjectPath> ScaleLog <Value> Set the scale of the object's model as displayed in the 3D window 4.1.1
VO ScaleModel VO <ObjectPath> ScaleModel <ScaleFactor> Set the absolute scale factor for a facility, place, target or vehicle (any type) as displayed in a 3D window 10
VO SetModelColorToObjColor VO <ObjectPath> SetModelColorToObjColor {On | Off} Specify whether a 3D model should track the color of the object. 10
VO SetVectorGeometry VO <ObjectPath> SetVectorGeometry {Option} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Define the display of geometric components in the 3D Graphics window 12.10
VO UseLabelOffset VO <ObjectPath> UseLabelOffset {On | Off} Enable the ability to offset the position of an object label 5.0.4
VO VaporTrail VO <ObjectPath> VaporTrail {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define a vapor trail to be displayed around a vehicle, facility, place, or target. 12.10
VO WindowState VO <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 10
VectorTool VectorTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
VectorTool Angle VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Angle | AngleTemplate} <AngleName> [{AngleType} <AngleTypeParams>] Define and modify Angle geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Axes VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Axes | AxesTemplate} <AxesName> [{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>] Define and modify Axes geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool Plane VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Plane | PlaneTemplate} <PlaneName> [{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>] Define and modify Plane geometry components and templates. 11.2
VectorTool Point VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Point | PointTemplate} <PointName> [{PointType} <PointTypeParams>] Define and modify Point geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool System VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {System | SystemTemplate} <SystemName> [{SystemType} <SystemTypeParams>] Define and modify System geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Vector VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Vector | VectorTemplate} <VectorName> [{VectorType} <VectorTypeParams>] Define and modify Vector geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool_R VectorTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1
VectorTool_RM VectorTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1