SpatialTool Spatial Calculation
Define and modify Spatial Calculation components and templates.
SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Calculation | Spatial CalculationTemplate} <Spatial CalculationName> [{Spatial CalculationType} <Spatial CalculationTypeParams>]
Related commands
Use the SpatialTool Spatial Calculation command to add, modify, and delete Spatial Calculation components and templates.
For a component object, the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.
For a template, the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and you must enter the Spatial CalculationTemplate keyword.
The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:
{Action} | Parameters | Description |
Create | {Spatial CalculationType} [<Spatial CalculationTypeParams>] | <Spatial CalculationTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If you do not specify any <Spatial CalculationTypeParams>, then STK uses default values. |
Modify | {Spatial CalculationType} <Spatial CalculationTypeParams> | The values <Spatial CalculationName> {Spatial CalculationType} must define an existing Spatial Calculation component or template. You cannot modify the {Spatial CalculationType}. <Spatial CalculationTypeParams> are required. |
Delete | N/A | This deletes the component or template identified by <Spatial CalculationName>. |
The following table describes each Spatial Calculation type and its parameters.
{Spatial CalculationType} | <Spatial CalculationTypeParams> |
"Altitude At Location" | You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:
Only Earth can have ShapeModel set to MSL. |
"Angle To Location" | You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:
The following list indicates which parameters are valid for the Angle types:
"Atmospheric Density At Location" |
Valid "<Model>" values include the Atmospheric Density models in your installation of STK. This may include: "1976 Standard", "Jacchia 1970", "CIRA 1972", and others. A valid value for <DailyF10.7> is an integer between 40 and 10000. A valid value for <AverageF10.7> is an integer between 40 and 10000. A valid value for <Kp> is a real number between 0 and 10. The Atmospheric Density Spatial Calculation is valid only for Central Bodies. |
"Distance To Location" | You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:
The following list indicates which parameters are valid for the Distance types:
"File" |
"<Filepath>" is a file in HDF5 format (*.h5). "<Filepath>" is the path to a file on your local drive. The Filename "<Filepath>" parameter is required when Creating the "File" Spatial Calculation. The Reload parameter is valid for a Modify command only, and should be the only parameter on the command. |
"Propagation Delay To Location" | You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:
The following list indicates which parameters are valid for the Range types:
"Scalar At Location" |
The Scalar at Location Spatial Calculation is not valid for Central Bodies. The Scalar parameter is required when Creating the "Scalar At Location" Spatial Calculation. |
"Solar Intensity" |
You must include the EclipsingBody {CentralBodyName} parameter when UseParentBodies is No. You can enter this parameter two or more times on the command, and the CentralBodies named will replace the current Eclipsing Body list. |
"Spatial Condition Satisfaction Metrics" | You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:
The DurationType option is not valid if Metric is NumberOfGaps or NumberOfIntervals. The MaxNumIntervals option is valid only if Filter is FirstIntervals or LastIntervals. The UseMinimum and UseMaximum options are valid only if Filter is GapDuration or IntervalDuration. The MaxNumIntervals <Value> is an integer between 1 and 575. Enter <MinValue> and <MaxValue> in Connect time units, greater than or equal to 0 seconds. |
For details on the format of a reference component (e.g., "<SpatialCondition>", "<Vector>", etc.), see Component Specification.
The following table describes Spatial Calculation types that are valid for Satellite, Missile, and Launch Vehicle objects.
{Spatial CalculationType} | <Spatial CalculationTypeParams> |
"SEET Electron/Proton Radiation At Location" |
Enter the ParticleEnergy <Value> in MeV. |
"SEET Impact Flux At Location" |
"SEET Magnetic Field At Location" | Parameter "<Name>" Valid values for "<Name>" are:
"SEET SAA Flux At Location" | ProtonChannel {23 | 38 | 66 | 94} |
To create and modify a new Altitude At Location type Spatial Calculation:
To create and modify a Spatial Condition Satisfaction Metrics Spatial Calculation:
To create, modify and then delete a Distance To Location Spatial Calculation Template:
To create and modify a new SEET SAA Flux At Location type Spatial Calculation:
To create a new Solar Intensity Spatial Calculation witht he specified eclipsing bodies:
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):