Description | Example | Return message | Group


Define a track in a Multi-Track Object (MTO).


Track <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption}

Related commands


Use the Track command to add, modify, and remove individual tracks from a Multi-Track Object (MTO).

"<Filepath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

Add <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The number of iterations of {PointDefinition} must equal the value of <NumberOfPoints>. The <TrackNumber> must be larger then all other track numbers existing for the MTO.
Extend <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The number of iterations of {PointDefinition} must equal the value of <NumberOfPoints>.
AddWithMSL <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The point's altitude is calculated from mean sea level at the specified latitude and longitude.
ExtendWithMSL <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The point's altitude is calculated from mean sea level at the specified latitude and longitude for an existing track.
AddWithTerrain <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Creates a new track with the specified track number and points. The point's altitude is added to the terrain altitude value at the specified latitude and longitude.
ExtendWithTerrain <TrackNumber> <NumberOfPoints> [{PointType}] {PointDefinition}...Appends additional points onto the specified track number. The point's altitude is added to the terrain altitude value at the specified latitude and longitude for an existing track.
Remove <TrackNumber>Removes the specified track number.
File "<FilePath>" Create or modify the object using the commands in the file. The file may contain Add, Extend, AddWithMSL, ExtendWithMSL, AddWithTerrain, ExtendWithTerrain, Remove or Name commands, without the "Track <MTOObjectPath>" at the beginning of the command. This allows for faster loading.

Include MaxBufferSize <Value> at the beginning of the file to specify the length of the longest command line in the file. The default value is 1024.

LoadEphemFile <TrackNumber> "<FilePath>"Creates a new track with the specified track number and defines the points using the specified ephemeris file. "<FilePath>" identifies the ephemeris file from which to populate the track points.
TLEFile Filename "<TLEFilePath>" [{Options}]Creates a new track for each element in the "<ElementFilePath>". STK will name each track using the TLE's SSC number.

You may use any file containing GP element data, including TLE files and files containing CCSDS OMM content in XML, KVN, and CSV formats. You can add the following {Options} can be added to the command:

  • StartTime "<StartTime>" - Enter this in Connect Date units only. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the scenario analysis start time.
  • StopTime "<StopTime>" - Enter this in Connect Date units only. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the scenario analysis stop time.
  • TimeStep <StartTime> - Enter this in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
Name <TrackNumber> "<Name>"Defines a name for the specified track.
Routine {SGP4 | Default | <Name>}Specify the implementation of the SGP4 propagator to be used, where SGP4 is the internal SGP4 routine implemented by STK, Default is the propagator selected in the Edit Preferences panel, and <Name> is an installed SGP4 plugin routine, e.g. ASTROSTDS_SGP4_V9.

Astro Standards routines may be available as an option if you properly configured STK to support it. It is only available if you have obtained the official SGP4 DLL (and related files) from USSF (US Space Force) and performed a minor install procedure. STK provides an interface to the USSF SGP4 routines; contact customer support for more information.

Interpolate <TrackNumber> {On | Off}Indicates if the position between the track points will be interpolated or if only the track points will be used.
BlockSize <Value>Indicates the size of the block to be allocated when adding new points to a track. <Value> must be an integer greater than 0. The default value is 10.
ComputeTrackID <TrackID>Set the ID of the track to be referenced for working with other tools.
SaveTracks {On | Off}Enable or disable the saving of track data for the MTO.
PruneByMaxNumPts <Value>Specify the maximum number of points for the MTO to keep as new data. <Value> is an integer greater than BlockSize.

To turn off pruning set the <Value> to 0.

SetAttitudeAxes "<Axes>"Specifies the Axes component to use for attitude for all tracks within the MTO.

For details on the format of an "<Axes>" component see Component Specification.

UseAttitudeAxes {On | Off}Enter Off to use the default attitude, or enter On to use the axes set by the SetAttitudeAxes option.

You must set the axes first or this command will nack.

InputDataVGTSystem "<System>"Specify the VGT System that will be the frame used when entering input data.

For details on the format of a "<System>" component, see Component Specification.

The following table describes the {PointType} options and the {PointDefinition} for each type.

N/A"{TimeValue}" <Lat> <Lon> <Alt>If no point type is entered, then enter the time, latitude, longitude, and altitude of each point.
TLLA"{TimeValue}" <Lat> <Lon> <Alt>Enter the time, latitude, longitude, and altitude of each point.
TCBF"{TimeValue}" <X> <Y> <Z>Enter time and x, y, and z coordinates of each point.
TUTM"{TimeValue}" <ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing>Enter time and UTM parameters of each point.
TUTMALT"{TimeValue}" <ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing> <Alt>Enter time, UTM parameters, and Altitude of each point.

For valid {TimeValue} values, see Time Options.

<Lat> and <Lon> are entered in Connect Latitude and Longitude units (default is degrees).

<Alt>, <X>, <Y> and <Z> are entered in meters.

Valid values for <ZoneStr> are A, B, Y, Z, or ddc, where 00>dd>61 and c is C-X.

Enter <Easting> and <Northing> in Connect distance units.


The following command adds the point's altitude to the mean sea level at latitude 10 and longitude 0 for the MTO1 track.

TRACK */MTO/MTO1 AddWithMSL 1 2 TLLA "1 Jun 2004 14:00:00" 10 10 0 "1 Jun 2004 15:00:00" 20 20 0

The following command adds a track to the "mt1" object with the Id number of "1", and inserts 3 points for the track.

Track */MTO/mt1 add 1 3 "1 Jun 2002 12:00" 10 10 10000 "1 Jun 2002 14:00" 11 10 10000 "1 Jun 2002 16:00" 11 11 10000

The following command adds an additional point to track 1 of the "mt1" object.

Track */MTO/mt1 extend 1 1 "1 Jun 2002 06:30" 12 11 10000

The following command removes track 1 from the "mt1" object.

Track */MTO/mt1 remove 1

The following command executes the file "H:\mti\add.txt".

Track */MTO/mt1 file "H:\mti\add.txt"

The following command populates track number 1 of the "mt1" object with the contents of the ephemeris file "E:\ephems\Aircraft1.e".

Track */MTO/mt1 loadephemfile 1 "E:\ephems\Aircraft1.e"

Set the block size for mt1 to 100:

Track */MTO/mt1 BlockSize 100

Set an Axes for the MTO attitude, and then use the Axes:

Track */MTO/MTO_Aircraft1 SetAttitudeAxes "Aircraft/Aircraft1 Body Axes"
Track */MTO/MTO_Aircraft1 UseAttitudeAxes On

To create MTO Tracks from a TLEFile:

Track */MTO/MTO1 TleFile Filename "C:\ProgramData\AGI\STK 12\Databases\Satellite\stkAllComm.tce" TimeStep 120

The end of this command uses the preinstalled STK SGP4 routine. There's no way to check to see if this works. You need to delete all the tracks before each command you send.

Track */MTO/MTO1 TLEFile Filename "C:\Users\<User>\smallSet_unsorted_alpha5.tce" StartTime "07 May 2010 16:00:00" StopTime "09 May 2010 16:00:00" TimeStep 30.0 Routine sgp4

Return message

Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


