Description | Example | Return message | Group


Defines 3D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO).


Track3d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption}

Related commands


Use the Track3d command to set 3D Graphics attributes for specific tracks within a Multi-Track Object (MTO).

The following table describes the graphics option values for {TrackOption}. Following this are descriptions of the Track3D EphemDropLines, PosDropLine, RangeContours, BorderWall, and Articulation {TrackOption}.

Show <TrackNum> {On | Off}Set this to On to have STK display a track. TrackNum refers to a specific ID of a track within the MTO object. Set TrackNum to an asterisk (*) to represent all tracks within an MTO object; use * to apply a setting globally rather than to one individual track.
Marker <TrackNum> {Options}Refer to the VO Marker command.
UseLabelOffset <TrackNum> {On | Off}Set this to On to specify the location of the track label relative to the track.
LabelOffsetInPixels <TrackNum> {On | Off}Set this to On to define the offset by pixel values instead of the default (Cartesian).
LabelOffset <TrackNum> <X> <Y> [<Z>]Defines the position of the track label relative to the track. If the label offset is defined by Cartesian values, then <Z> is required. Specify <X>, <Y>, and <Z> values in meters.
ZAxisTowardsNadir <TrackNum> {On | Off}Set this to On to orient the model as an aircraft. Set this to Off to orient the model as a surface vehicle.
DefaultAzimuth <TrackNum> [Angle <Angle>] [UseOnLast {On | Off}]Specify the initial bearing of the model, relative to north.

Angle <Angle> - Specify the angle in degrees from -360 to 360.

UseOnLast {On | Off} - Sets the model to use the default azimuth when it is at the last waypoint.

Model <TrackNum> ({Option} <Value>)...Specifies a model. Valid values for {Option} <Value> are:
  • Show <On | Off>. Indicates if a model will be used or not.
  • Filename "<FilePath>". Indicates the model file to use for the track.
  • "<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

  • Color {Normal | DefaultFromMarker}. Indicates the default color of the model. The Normal value is the default setting, and it sets the default color to white. If you set this option to DefaultFromMarker, then the default color is the same as the marker color.

    This option will only affect colorless models.

ScaleModel <TrackNum> <ScaleFactor>Defines the absolute scale factor.
ScaleLog <TrackNum> <ScaleFactor>Defines the model scale exponentially.
SwapDistance <TrackNum> ({Option} <Value>)... Valid values for {Option} <Value> are:
  • Use {On | Off}. Enables the use of Swap Distances in the 3D Graphics window.
  • MarkerOn <Value>. Indicates the nearest distance at which the marker is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • MarkerOff <Value>. Indicates the farthest distance at which the marker is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • LabelOn <Value>. Indicates the nearest distance at which the Label is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • LabelOff <Value>. Indicates the farthest distance at which the Label is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • ModelOn <Value>. Indicates the nearest distance at which the Model is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • ModelOff <Value>. Indicates the farthest distance at which the Model is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • PointOn <Value>. Indicates the nearest distance at which the Point is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • PointOff <Value>. Indicates the farthest distance at which the Point is visible in the 3D Graphics window.
  • Assert ModelShowing. Restricts the setting of values to objects that are set to display models.
Enter <Value> in Connect Distance units. You can enter two or more {Option} <Value> pairs in one command.
Point <TrackNum> {Options}Set Point attributes. Valid values for {Options} are:
  • Show {On | Off}
  • Size <Value>

The Show option defaults to Off. The Size option sets the diameter in pixels. Value must be greater than 0.0. The default is 5.0.

ObjectLineAttachPt <TrackNum> {Options}Use the ObjectLineAttachPt option to set an ObjectLine to be attached to a specific point on the MTO track's model. Use the VO ObjectLine command to define object lines. Valid values for {Options} are:
  • UseAttachPoint {On | Off}
  • AttachPoint "<Name>"
TranslucentTrackTrail <TrackNum> {On | Off}Set this to On to have the trailing track fade out behind an MTO track.

Track3D EphemDropLines

This command enables you to display and set attributes for the ephemeris drop lines for the track specified. The format for this command is:

Track3d <MTOObjectPath> EphemDropLines <TrackNum> Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {EphemOptions} <Parameters>

  • If Type is MSL, the line will drop from the vehicle to mean sea level.
  • If Type is Terrain, the line will drop from the vehicle to terrain.
  • If Type is WGS84, the line will drop from the vehicle to the central body's reference ellipsoid.

A line may drop "up" if the track has negative altitude.

The following table describes the {EphemOptions} <Parameters> available for the Track3D EphemDropLines command.

{EphemOptions} <Parameters>Description
Show {On | Off}Hides or shows the ephemeris drop lines.
Color {{Color} | Default}Sets the color of the drop lines. If you specify Default, then STK uses the object color. For valid {Color} options, see Common Options.
LineWidth <LineWidth>Indicates a pixel width value between 1.0 and 10.0.
LineStyle {LineStyle}Sets the line style for the line. {LineStyle} can be a name such as Solid, Dashed, Dotted, etc. or a number (0, 1, 2, etc.). For all valid {LineStyle} options, see Common Options.
Interval <Value>Indicates a time between drop lines. Value should be greater than 0, in seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.

Track3D PosDropLine

This command enables you to display and set attributes for the position drop line for the track specified. The format for this command is:

Track3d <MTOObjectPath> PosDropLine <TrackNum> Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {PosOptions} <Parameters>

  • If Type is MSL, the line will drop from the vehicle to mean sea level.
  • If Type is Terrain, the line will drop from the vehicle to terrain.
  • If Type is WGS84, the line will drop from the vehicle to the central body's reference ellipsoid.

A line may drop "up" if the vehicle has negative altitude.

The following table describes the {PosOptions} <Parameters> available for the Track3D PosDropLine command.

{PosOptions} <Parameters>Description
Show {On | Off}Hides or shows the position drop lines.
Color {{Color} | Default}Sets the color of the drop lines. If you specify Default, then STK uses the object color. For valid {Color} options, see Common Options.
LineWidth <LineWidth>Indicate a pixel width value between 1.0 and 10.0.
LineStyle {LineStyle}Set the line style for the line. {LineStyle} can be a name such as Solid, Dashed, Dotted, etc. or a number (0, 1, 2, etc.). For all valid {LineStyle} options, see Common Options.

Track3D RangeContours

This command enables you to modify range contours for the track specified. The format for this command is:

Track3d <MTOObjectPath> RangeContours <TrackNum> {RangeOptions} <Parameters>

The following table describes the {RangeOptions} <Parameters> available for the Track3D RangeContours command.

{RangeOptions} <Parameters>Description
Show {On | Off}Hides or shows the range contours.
TranslucentLines {On | Off}Turns on or off line translucency for the range contours.
Translucency <Value>Sets the line translucency for range contours. <Value> is between 0.0 and 100.0

Track3D BorderWall

This command enables you to define a border wall for range contour rings of the track specified. The format for this command is:

Track3d <MTOObjectPath> BorderWall <TrackNum> {WallOptions} <Parameters>

The following table describes the {WallOptions} <Parameters> available for the Track3D BorderWall command.

{BorderWallOption} <Value>Description
Show {On | Off}Displays or hides the boundary for the range contour as a wall that extends from the lower edge altitude to the upper edge altitude.
UseTranslucency {On | Off}Turns on or off translucency for the BorderWall.
Translucency <Value>Translucency sets the amount of light to pass through an object but diffusing it so that objects aren't clearly visible. <Value> ranges from 0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent). The default value is 70.
UseLineTranslucency {On | Off}Turns on or off line translucency for the BorderWall.
LineTranslucency <Value>LineTranslucency sets the amount of light to pass through lines. <Value> ranges from 0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent). The default value is 70.
TopAltRef {RefOption}

If Central Body is Earth, then the valid values for {RefOption} are: Terrain, MSL, WGS84, Object.

If Central Body is not Earth, then the valid values for {RefOption} are: Terrain, Ellipsoid, Object.

  • Terrain - Reference the upper edge limit of the boundary wall at the altitude of the terrain.
  • MSL - Reference the upper edge limit of the boundary wall at mean sea level.
  • WGS84 or Ellipsoid - Reference the upper edge limit of the boundary wall at the altitude of the central body's reference ellipsoid. This is the default value.
  • Object - Reference the upper edge limit to the object's altitude.
TopAltRefValue <Value>Specify the altitude of the upper edge limit of the boundary wall. Valid values are -10000000.0 (-1e+007) through 10000000000.0 (1e+010). The default value is 0.
BottomAltRef {RefOption}

If Central Body is Earth, then the valid values for {RefOption} are: Terrain, MSL, WGS84, Object.

If Central Body is not Earth, then the valid values for {RefOption} are: Terrain, Ellipsoid, Object.

  • Terrain - Reference the lower-edge limit of the boundary wall at the altitude of the terrain.
  • MSL - Reference the lower-edge limit of the boundary wall at mean sea level.
  • WGS84 or Ellipsoid - Reference the lower-edge limit of the boundary wall at the altitude of the central body's reference ellipsoid. This is the default value.
  • Object - Reference the lower-edge limit to the object's altitude.
BottomAltRefValue <Value>Specify the altitude of the lower-edge limit of the boundary wall. Valid values are -10000000.0 (-1e+007) through 10000000000.0 (1e+010). The default value is 0.
SampleRate <Value>This value must be greater than 0.0. The default value is 2.

Track3D Articulations

This command enables you to define articulations for a model that the track is using. The track must have a model defined to use this command. The format for this command is:

Track3d <MTOObjectPath> {ArticulationKeyword} {<TrackNum> | *} {ArticulateOptions}

After the {ArticulationKeyword}, enter the track number or enter * to indicate all tracks.

Since MTOs are meant to be dynamic, by default, the articulation files for the tracks will not be saved or loaded. There is a performance hit trying to load them by default. See the SaveArticFileOnSave and ReadArticFileOnLoad keywords below for save and load options.

The following table describes the {ArticulationKeywords} available and the {ArticulateOptions} for each keyword.

AddArticulationDefine the movement for movable parts on the selected model. The articulations perform dynamic transformations on the primitives in a model. For {ArticulateOptions} values, see the VO AddArticulation command.
PruneArticControl the amount of data being kept by the system for an articulation when receiving it via Connect. The following {ArticulateOptions} are available:
Before {TimeValue}Removes all articulation data for the track before the specified time. For valid {TimeValue} values, see Time Options.
AllRemoves all articulation data for the object.
ArticulationFileEnter "<Filepath>" that specifies the absolute path of an articulation file to use for loading 3D model articulations, for the specified track.
ReloadArticFileReload the appropriate articulation file for an object's model. The model articulation file contains a time-ordered list of data about each articulation that can be applied to the associated object. For MTO, a valid articulation file name has the format <MTOName>_<TrackNum>.mtoma, for example MTO1_2.mtoma
SaveArticFileOnSaveEnter On or Off to set the MTO to save or not save articulation files when the MTO is saved.
ReadArticFileOnLoadEnter On or Off to set the MTO to read or not read the articulation file on load of the MTO object.


The following command enables swap distances for track number one of the "mt1" object and sets the viewable range for the marker to be between 0 and 2000 km.

Track3d */MTO/mt1 SwapDistance 1 Use On markeron 0 markeroff 2000

Fade out the trailing track behind MTO track 1:

Track3d */MTO/MTO1 TranslucentTrackTrail 1 On

The following command sets the label offset for track number two of the "mt1" object using the default (Cartesian) value set.

Track3d */MTO/mt1 Labeloffset 2 0 20 20

Show Points for track 3 of mt1, at a size of 7 pixels:

Track3d */MTO/mt1 Point 3 Show On Size 7

Show position drop line for the first track of the MTO:

Track3d */MTO/MTO1 PosDropLine 1 Type WGS84 Show On Color Default LineWidth 4

Show ephemeris drop lines for track 1:

Track3d */MTO/MTO1 EphemDropLines 1 Type MSL Show On Color Cyan Interval 30 Linewidth 2

Change attributes for ephemeris drop lines for track 1:

Track3d */MTO/MTO1 EphemDropLines 1 Type MSL Color Yellow Interval 130 Linewidth 1

Define a border wall on the second track of an MTO:

Track3D */MTO/MTO1 BorderWall 2 Show On TopAltRef WGS84 TopAltRefValue 200000 BottomAltRef WGS84 BottomAltRefValue 0 UseTranslucency Off

Add a Model to track 1 of an MTO, and set an articulation for the track:

Track3D */MTO/MTO1 Model 1 Show On File "C:\Users\stkUser\mtoArticsSave\scaling_sphere.mdl"
Track3D */MTO/MTO1 AddArticulation 1 ArticulationName SphereScale TransformationName ScaleX StartTime 60 Duration 600 StartValue 1.0 EndValue 10.0

Set the MTO to read the articulation files for all tracks on load:

Track3D */MTO/MTO1 ReadArticFileOnLoad * On

Set Satellite1.sama as the articulation file for track 2 of MTO1:

Track3D */MTO/MTO1 ArticulationFile 2 "C:\MyScenario\Satellite1.sama"

Return message

Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


