Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO CameraControl

Set parameters for controlling a camera path.


VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions}

Related commands


The VO CameraControl command enables you to define the path that the virtual camera takes during a technical animation.

The following table describes basic options to follow, stop following, hide or show the graphics of a camera path in a particular 3D Graphics window for a specific scenario.

Additional {CameraOptions} described below allow for detailed definitions of camera paths and keyframes. These options are CameraPath, KeyframeProps, 3DWindowProps, RenderProps and Keyframes.

Follow {"<CameraPathName>" | Off}Follows the camera path specified or, if set to Off, does not follow any camera path.
SoftTransition {Yes | No}Controls whether a soft view transition will be applied when moving the camera on or off the path. If SoftTransition is not specified, the scenario's current soft view transition setting will be applied.
SetTime {Start | End | Closest | ClosestOrStart} This option will change the behavior of sending the "Follow" option when a viewpath is to be followed. The options will cause the following to occur:
  • Start: Set the animation time to the start time of the path to be followed
  • End: Set the animation time to the endtime of the path to be followed
  • Closest: Set the animation time to the closest time in the path to be followed. If the animation time is after the last time of the viewpath, the time is set to the end. If it is before the first time of the viewpath, it is set to the start. If the animation time is in the span of the viewpath, it remains unchanged.
  • ClosestOrStart: Same as closest, but if the time is after the last time of the viewpath, the animation time is set to the start of the viewpath.
ShowPath "<CameraPathName>"Show the specified camera path in the 3D window.
HidePath "<CameraPathName>"Hide the specified camera path in the 3D window.
SetAllPaths {On | Off}Show or Hide all camera paths in the 3D window.
WindowID <WinNumber> Specifies the number of the 3D Graphics window to which the changes will be applied. If not specified then the changes will be applied to the first 3D Graphics window.


To follow the "Path 4" camera path in the 3D Graphics window 2, without a soft transition:

VO * CameraControl Follow "Path 4" SoftTransition No WindowID 2

To stop following any camera path in the 3D Graphics window 1:

VO * CameraControl Follow Off WindowID 1

To follow the "Path0" camera path in the 3D Graphics window, but don't show the graphics:

VO * CameraControl Follow "Path0" HidePath "Path0"


Use this option to manage camera paths.

The syntax for the commands to add, modify, delete and duplicate a CameraPath are listed here.

Syntax to Add or Modify a camera path, valid {AddModifyOptions} are described in the following table.:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath {Add | Modify} {AddModifyOptions}

Syntax to Delete a camera path, specify the name of the camera path to delete:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath Delete Name "<CameraPathName>"

Syntax to Duplicate a camera path. Specify the from and to camera path names:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath Duplicate FromName "<CameraPathName>" ToName "<CameraPathName>"
Name "<CameraPathName>"Specify the name of the camera path to add or modify.

This option is required.

CrdnSysInterp {View | CBI | CBF}Specify how the camera path position is interpolated.
OrientationInterp {Tethered | BSpline | Bezier}Specify the orientation interpolation method.
FOVInterp {Linear | Smooth}Specify Smooth for a smoother interpolation or Linear for a more jagged interpolation.
Color {Color}Specify the color of camera path.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

Show {On | Off}If enabled the camera path will be displayed in the 3D Graphics window.
ShowLine {On | Off}If enabled the camera path line will be displayed in the 3D Graphics window.


To add a camera path called Path2:

VO * CameraControl CameraPath Add Name "Path2"

To modify the color of Path2:

VO * CameraControl CameraPath Modify Name "Path2" color #ff00ff

To create a duplicate of Path2 named Path4:

VO * CameraControl CameraPath Duplicate FromName "Path2" ToName "Path4"


Use this option to set keyframe properties.

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrameProps "<CameraPathName>" {KeyframeOptions}

Enter "<CameraPathName>" to specifiy the camera path being modified. The following table describes the {KeyframeOptions}.

RippleTimes {On | Off}If enabled modifying the time of a keyframe moves the time of all the following keyframes forward or backward by the same amount.
AutoComputeTime {On | Off}If enabled the keyframe times are automatically generated using the times of the first two keyframes and the keyframe locations.
ReferenceAxes "<VGTAxes>"Specify the reference Axes for the keyframes.


To enable ripple times for Path2:

VO * CameraControl KeyframeProps "Path2" RippleTimes On

To set the reference axes for Path2:

VO * CameraControl KeyframeProps "Path2" ReferenceAxes "CentralBody/Earth B1950 Axes"


Use this option to define camera control properties of a particular 3D graphics window.

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl 3DWindowProps {WindowOptions}

The following table describes the {WindowOptions}.

3DWindow <WinNumber>Specify the window for setting properties.
ActivePath "<CameraPathName>"Specify the active camera path name.
FollowMode {On | Off}If enabled uses the current camera path while animating.
FreeEditMode {On | Off}If enabled any of the keyframes or control points displayed in the 3D window can be moved.
FixedEditMode {On | Off}If enables only the selected keyframe or control point can be moved.
OrientVecEditMode {On | Off}Enables editing of the orientation vectors of any keyframe displayed in the 3D window.
AutoUpdateViewVec {On | Off}If enabled, when editing a keyframe, the view vector remains pointing at the To Object.
SoftViewTransitions {On | Off}If enabled creates a smooth transition in various situations.
OptimizePathDuringEdit {On | Off}If enabled automatically optimizes the path while dragging a keyframe in the 3D Graphics window.

Follow mode cannot not be enabled while enabling an edit mode.


To esable follow mode:

VO * CameraControl 3DWindowProps FollowMode On

To set the modes and active path:

VO * CameraControl 3DWindowProps FreeEditMode On FollowMode off OrientVecEditMode on FixedEditMode on ActivePath "Path2"


Use this option to set properties for drawing camera paths in the 3D windows.

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl RenderProps {RenderOptions}

The following table describes the {RenderOptions}.

ShowKeyframePts {On | Off}If enabled keyframe points are displayed.
KeyframePtColor {Color}Specify the color of keyframe points.
KeyframePtSize <Size>Specify the size of keyframe points. Enter an integer between 1 and 100
ShowOrientationVectors {On | Off}If enabled orientation vectors are displayed.
OrientationVectorsSize <Size>Specify the size of orientation vectors. Enter an integer between 1 and 500
ShowControlPts {On | Off}If enabled control points are displayed.
ControlPtColor {Color}Specify the color of control points.
ControlPtSize <Size>Specify the size of control points. Enter an integer between 1 and 100
UseLighting {On | Off}If enabled applies lighting properties to the camera path.
ShowCameraObject {On | Off}If enabled displays the position of the camera object for the current animation time as a turquoise point on the camera path.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To turn off the display of keyframe points:

VO * CameraControl RenderProps ShowKeyframePts Off

To set the color of control points:

VO * CameraControl RenderProps ControlPtColor green


The syntax for the commands to add, delete or modify a keyframe are listed here. In each command you must specify the "<CameraPathName>" where the keyframe can be found.

Syntax to Add a keyframe, note you can optionally include the 3D window ID:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Add [WindowID <WinNumber>]

Syntax to Delete a keyframe, also include the keyframe number or enter All to delete all keyframes:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Delete {<KeyframeNum> | "All"}

Syntax to Modify a keyframe. Specify the <KeyframeNum> and {ModifyOptions}. Valid {ModifyOptions} are described in the following table:

VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Modify <KeyframeNum> {ModifyOptions}
Position <X> <Y> <Z>Specify the position. <X> <Y> <Z> are entered in Connect distance units.
OrientationYPR <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll>Specify the orientation. <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> are entered in degrees.
FieldOfView <Value>Specify the field of view. <Value> is entered in degrees, between 0.0 and 100.0.
Time {TimeValue}Specify the time. For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.


To add a keyframe to Path2:

VO * CameraControl Keyframes "Path2" Add

To modify the position of keyframe 1 in Path2:

VO * CameraControl Keyframes "Path2" Modify 1 Position 1760.563917 89.909729 70.324841

Return message

Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


VO Window
