VO CameraControl
Set parameters for controlling a camera path.
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions}
Related commands
The VO CameraControl command enables you to define the path that the virtual camera takes during a technical animation.
The following table describes basic options to follow, stop following, hide or show the graphics of a camera path in a particular 3D Graphics window for a specific scenario.
Additional {CameraOptions} described below allow for detailed definitions of camera paths and keyframes. These options are CameraPath, KeyframeProps, 3DWindowProps, RenderProps and Keyframes.
{CameraOptions} | Description |
Follow {"<CameraPathName>" | Off} | Follows the camera path specified or, if set to Off, does not follow any camera path. |
SoftTransition {Yes | No} | Controls whether a soft view transition will be applied when moving the camera on or off the path. If SoftTransition is not specified, the scenario's current soft view transition setting will be applied. |
SetTime {Start | End | Closest | ClosestOrStart} |
This option will change the behavior of sending the "Follow" option when a viewpath is to be followed. The options will cause the following to occur:
ShowPath "<CameraPathName>" | Show the specified camera path in the 3D window. |
HidePath "<CameraPathName>" | Hide the specified camera path in the 3D window. |
SetAllPaths {On | Off} | Show or Hide all camera paths in the 3D window. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specifies the number of the 3D Graphics window to which the changes will be applied. If not specified then the changes will be applied to the first 3D Graphics window. |
To follow the "Path 4" camera path in the 3D Graphics window 2, without a soft transition:
To stop following any camera path in the 3D Graphics window 1:
To follow the "Path0" camera path in the 3D Graphics window, but don't show the graphics:
Use this option to manage camera paths.
The syntax for the commands to add, modify, delete and duplicate a CameraPath are listed here.
Syntax to Add or Modify a camera path, valid {AddModifyOptions} are described in the following table.:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath {Add | Modify} {AddModifyOptions}
Syntax to Delete a camera path, specify the name of the camera path to delete:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath Delete Name "<CameraPathName>"
Syntax to Duplicate a camera path. Specify the from and to camera path names:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl CameraPath Duplicate FromName "<CameraPathName>" ToName "<CameraPathName>"
{AddModifyOptions} | Description |
Name "<CameraPathName>" | Specify the name of the camera path to add or modify.
This option is required. |
CrdnSysInterp {View | CBI | CBF} | Specify how the camera path position is interpolated. |
OrientationInterp {Tethered | BSpline | Bezier} | Specify the orientation interpolation method. |
FOVInterp {Linear | Smooth} | Specify Smooth for a smoother interpolation or Linear for a more jagged interpolation. |
Color {Color} | Specify the color of camera path.
For valid {Color} options see Common Options. |
Show {On | Off} | If enabled the camera path will be displayed in the 3D Graphics window. |
ShowLine {On | Off} | If enabled the camera path line will be displayed in the 3D Graphics window. |
To add a camera path called Path2:
To modify the color of Path2:
To create a duplicate of Path2 named Path4:
Use this option to set keyframe properties.
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrameProps "<CameraPathName>" {KeyframeOptions}
Enter "<CameraPathName>" to specifiy the camera path being modified. The following table describes the {KeyframeOptions}.
{KeyframeOptions} | Description |
RippleTimes {On | Off} | If enabled modifying the time of a keyframe moves the time of all the following keyframes forward or backward by the same amount. |
AutoComputeTime {On | Off} | If enabled the keyframe times are automatically generated using the times of the first two keyframes and the keyframe locations. |
ReferenceAxes "<VGTAxes>" | Specify the reference Axes for the keyframes. |
To enable ripple times for Path2:
To set the reference axes for Path2:
Use this option to define camera control properties of a particular 3D graphics window.
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl 3DWindowProps {WindowOptions}
The following table describes the {WindowOptions}.
{WindowOptions} | Description |
3DWindow <WinNumber> | Specify the window for setting properties. |
ActivePath "<CameraPathName>" | Specify the active camera path name. |
FollowMode {On | Off} | If enabled uses the current camera path while animating. |
FreeEditMode {On | Off} | If enabled any of the keyframes or control points displayed in the 3D window can be moved. |
FixedEditMode {On | Off} | If enables only the selected keyframe or control point can be moved. |
OrientVecEditMode {On | Off} | Enables editing of the orientation vectors of any keyframe displayed in the 3D window. |
AutoUpdateViewVec {On | Off} | If enabled, when editing a keyframe, the view vector remains pointing at the To Object. |
SoftViewTransitions {On | Off} | If enabled creates a smooth transition in various situations. |
OptimizePathDuringEdit {On | Off} | If enabled automatically optimizes the path while dragging a keyframe in the 3D Graphics window. |
Follow mode cannot not be enabled while enabling an edit mode.
To esable follow mode:
To set the modes and active path:
Use this option to set properties for drawing camera paths in the 3D windows.
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl RenderProps {RenderOptions}
The following table describes the {RenderOptions}.
{RenderOptions} | Description |
ShowKeyframePts {On | Off} | If enabled keyframe points are displayed. |
KeyframePtColor {Color} | Specify the color of keyframe points. |
KeyframePtSize <Size> | Specify the size of keyframe points. Enter an integer between 1 and 100 |
ShowOrientationVectors {On | Off} | If enabled orientation vectors are displayed. |
OrientationVectorsSize <Size> | Specify the size of orientation vectors. Enter an integer between 1 and 500 |
ShowControlPts {On | Off} | If enabled control points are displayed. |
ControlPtColor {Color} | Specify the color of control points. |
ControlPtSize <Size> | Specify the size of control points. Enter an integer between 1 and 100 |
UseLighting {On | Off} | If enabled applies lighting properties to the camera path. |
ShowCameraObject {On | Off} | If enabled displays the position of the camera object for the current animation time as a turquoise point on the camera path. |
For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
To turn off the display of keyframe points:
To set the color of control points:
The syntax for the commands to add, delete or modify a keyframe are listed here. In each command you must specify the "<CameraPathName>" where the keyframe can be found.
Syntax to Add a keyframe, note you can optionally include the 3D window ID:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Add [WindowID <WinNumber>]
Syntax to Delete a keyframe, also include the keyframe number or enter All to delete all keyframes:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Delete {<KeyframeNum> | "All"}
Syntax to Modify a keyframe. Specify the <KeyframeNum> and {ModifyOptions}. Valid {ModifyOptions} are described in the following table:
VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl KeyFrames "<CameraPathName>" Modify <KeyframeNum> {ModifyOptions}
{ModifyOptions} | Description |
Position <X> <Y> <Z> | Specify the position. <X> <Y> <Z> are entered in Connect distance units. |
OrientationYPR <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> | Specify the orientation. <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> are entered in degrees. |
FieldOfView <Value> | Specify the field of view. <Value> is entered in degrees, between 0.0 and 100.0. |
Time {TimeValue} | Specify the time. For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options. |
To add a keyframe to Path2:
To modify the position of keyframe 1 in Path2:
Return message
Connect returns an acknowledgement message.Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):