3D Visualization Window
The following connect commands enable you to configure and operate the 3D visualization window. There is a separate listing of commands that control 3D Graphics in cases involving 3D properties of an object or those in which it is used in connection with another capability
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AllowAnimationUpdate | AllowAnimationUpdate <ScenarioPath> {On | Off | Toggle} | Controls whether the 2D Graphics and 3D Graphics windows refresh | 6.1 |
Animate | Animate <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> | Direct animation of a scenario | 10.1 |
Async3DKeyboard | Async3DKeyboard <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} | Return a string indicating which keys on the keyboard are pressed | 4.3 |
Async3DPick | Async3DPick <ScenarioPath> {State} [<Parameter>] | Return the instance path or position of the central body or object double-clicked with the left mouse button in a 3D window | 6.1.2 |
Author | Author <ScenarioPath> {Option} | Used to create the VDF files. | 11.4 |
BatchGraphics | BatchGraphics <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} [Optimize] | Set performance response of the 2D and 3D Graphics windows | 4.2 |
Graphics (Satellite Collection) | Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options} | Set the graphics properties for a satellite collection. | 12.4 |
RecordMovie3D | RecordMovie3D <ScenarioPath> {MovieOptions} | Control movie recording features for a 3D window | 11.5 |
SetAnimation | SetAnimation <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> | Set values to control animation. | 10 |
VO 3DTiles | VO <ScenarioPath> 3DTiles {AddTileset | RemoveTileset} {Options} | Add, remove, or modify a 3DTiles tileset for display in the 3D Graphics window. | 12.8 |
VO AccessText | VO <ScenarioPath> AccessText {AccTextOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Define the display of access text in the 3D Graphics window | 6.1 |
VO Annotation | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation {AnnotationAction} <Parameters> | Control the display of annotations in the 3D window. | 12.10 |
VO Annotation DataDisplayArea | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation DataDisplayArea {AnnotationOption} | Set up the data display area on a 3d window. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation Declutter | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Declutter {On | Off} | Declutter text annotations in 3D windows | 9.2.2 |
VO Annotation Frame | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Frame {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | Display the currently selected viewer reference frame in a 3D window | 6.2 |
VO Annotation Selection | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Selection {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | Enable display of an object label or information about any point in the 3D Graphics window by double-clicking on it with the mouse. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation Time | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Time {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | Display the time in a 3D window | 5.0 |
VO Annotation ViewerPos | VO * Annotation ViewerPos {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | Control the display properties of the viewer position annotation | 6.2 |
VO Attributes (Scenario) | VO <ScenarioPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> [<WinNumber>] | Set the attributes of a 3D Graphics window | 12.10 |
VO CameraControl | VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} | Set parameters for controlling a camera path. | 10 |
VO Celestial | VO <ScenarioPath> Celestial {Sun | Moon | Stars} {Options} | Define the graphical display of the sun, moon, and celestial sphere in the 3D Graphics window. | 12.10 |
VO CentralBody | VO <ScenarioPath> CentralBody <CBName> [<WinNumber>] | Set the central body displayed in a 3d window. | 6.0 |
VO Clipping | VO <ScenarioPath> Clipping {ClipType} <Distance> <WinNumber> | Set the clipping planes for the view in the 3D window | 4.1.1 |
VO Compass | VO * Compass ({CompassOption} <value>)... | Add a 3D Compass. | 9.1 |
VO Declutter | VO <ScenarioPath> Declutter {DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue> [{DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue>...] | Reposition the labels on objects that are close together so they don't obstruct one another. | 7.0 |
VO DeleteStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> DeleteStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | Delete the specified stored view from the selected 3D window. | 6.2 |
VO DisableViewErrMsgs | VO <ScenarioPath> DisableViewErrMsgs {Yes | No} | Turn on or off the 3D Graphics View error messages. | 11.3 |
VO DynDataText | VO <ObjectPath> DynDataText {DynDataTextOption} <Parameters> [{DisplayOption} <Value>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Control the display of dynamic data text reports in the 3D window | 12.10 |
VO EarthShapeModel | VO <ScenarioPath> EarthShapeModel {WGS84 | MSL} | Show the globe in VO as the MSL surface or WGS84. | 7.0 |
VO Fonts | VO <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions} | Set the font styles to be used on the 3D Graphics window | 9.1 |
VO Globe | VO <ScenarioPath> Globe {GlobeOption} <Value> | Control the appearance of the central body in a 3D Graphics window | 11.2 |
VO GlobeDetails | VO <ScenarioPath> GlobeDetails {DetailOption} <DetailParams> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Add details to the globe in the VO window | 6.2 |
VO Grids | VO <ScenarioPath> Grids {GridType} {DisplayOption} <Value> | Control the display of celestial and space grids in the 3D window | 6.0 |
VO ImageSetDef | VO <ScenarioPath> ImageSetDef {Action} {ImageSetOptions} | Define an image set. | 10 |
VO KML | VO <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Manipulate KML files in the 3D Window. | 9.2 |
VO LevelOfDetail | VO <ScenarioPath> LevelOfDetail {Terrain | GlobeTexture} {Increase | Decrease} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Control the level of terrain and globe texture detail in the 3D graphics window. | 8.0 |
VO LightSource | VO <ScenarioPath> LightSource {Add | Delete | Modify | DeleteAll} [{LightOption} <Parameter>]... | Add a new light source | 9.0 |
VO Lighting | VO <ScenarioPath> Lighting {LightOption} [<Parameter>] | Control the lighting level in a 3D window | 11.7 |
VO ObjectLine | VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} {FromObj <TruncObjectPath1>} {ToObj <TruncObjectPath2>} [{LineOptions}] | Display lines connecting objects in the 3D Graphics window | 12.10 |
VO OpenGLInitParms | VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters> | Provide support for advanced 3D viewing options | 11.5 |
VO Overlay | VO <ScenarioPath> Overlay {Action} "<FilePath>" [{OverlayOption} <Value>] | Control the display and placement of overlay images in a 3D Graphics window. | 12.10 |
VO PixelAspectRatio | VO <ScenarioPath> PixelAspectRatio Value <Value> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Use to control the pixel aspect ratio while recording frames. | 6.1 |
VO Primitive | VO <ScenarioPath> Primitive {Add | Modify | Delete | Import | Export} {PrimitiveID} [Type {PrimitiveType}] ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... | Defines and modifies programmable graphics primitives. | 12.10 |
VO PruneArtic | VO <ObjectPath> PruneArtic {PruneOption} | Control the amount of data stored for an articulation (data thinning) | 10 |
VO SaveStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> SaveStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | Save the current view in the selected 3D window | 6.2 |
VO SetDefaultCameraPos | VO <ScenarioPath> SetDefaultCameraPos <ObjectClass> <Azimuth> <Elevation> | Specify customized camera positions to be used when zooming. | 10 |
VO SnapFrame | VO <ScenarioPath> SnapFrame {SnapOption} [<Parameters>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Take a picture of the current 3D window and save it | 11.4 |
VO SolarPanel | VO <ObjectPath> SolarPanel {CommandOption} | To model the exposure of solar panels over a given time interval | 10 |
VO StopAtMinAlt | VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtMinAlt {On | Off} [MinimumAltitude <MinAlt>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Define how the central body will be treated when it obstructs the path of the viewer while zooming or rotating with the View Pilot Tool. | 6.1 |
VO StopAtObject | VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtObject {On | Off} [<WinNumber>] | Define how objects will be treated when they obstruct the path of the viewer while zooming | 5.0 |
VO SurfaceLines | VO <ScenarioPath> SurfaceLines {LineOptions} | Set lines in a 3D Grapphics window to be drawn on terrain. | 11.0 |
VO TerrainAndImagery | VO <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery {Options} <Parameters> | Manipulate VO terrain and imagery. | 12.10 |
VO UseSmoothTransition | VO <ScenarioPath> UseSmoothTransition {On | Off} | Enable or disable smooth transitions between stored views | 10 |
VO UseStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | Set the current view in a 3D window to a previously stored view | 4.1.1 |
VO UseStoredViewImageSets | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewImageSets {On | Off} | Enable or disable option for stored views to use image set states. | 10 |
VO UseStoredViewTime | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewTime {On | Off} | Use or ignore the stored time when displaying a stored view | 4.1.1 |
VO VPF | VO <ScenarioPath> VPF {Add | Modify | Delete} {VPFIdentification} ({VPFOption} <Value>)... | Load and display Vector Product Format data in the 3D window. | 6.1.2 |
VO View | VO <ScenarioPath> View {Options} | Set parameters for the view in a 3D window | 11 |
VO ViewAlongDirection | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewAlongDirection {From | To} "<ObjectSpec>" Direction "<DirSpec>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Create a view along a Vector. | 9.2 |
VO ViewFromTo | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewFromTo {ViewOptions} <Parameters> | Set parameters for the view in a 3D window (simplified form). | 9.2 |
VO ViewPath | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewPath "<ViewPathName>" {ViewPathOption} [{State}] <WinNumber> | Set the display characteristics of a view path | 6.2 |
VO ViewerPosition | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewerPosition <Declination> <RightAscension> <Range> [<WinNumber>] | Control the viewer position. | 6.1 |
VO VolumetricGfx | VO <VolumetricPath> VolumetricGfx {{GfxOptions} | {Legend Options}} | Define the 3d graphics properties of a volumetric object. | 11 |
VO_R 3DView | VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DView [<WinNumber>] | Return information about the current view | 9.2 |
VO_R 3DViewCmd | VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DViewCmd [<WinNumber>] | Return a connect command that can be used to recreate the current view | 9.2 |
VO_R AvailableVrDevices | VO_R <ScenarioPath> AvailableVrDevices | Returns list of available VR devices. | 11.3 |
VO_R CameraControl | VO_R <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} | Return information about camera paths in a scenario. | 9.2.1 |
VO_R GetReferenceFrame | VO_R <ScenarioPath> GetReferenceFrame [<WinNumber>] | Return the reference frame for the selected 3D window. | 9.2.1 |
VO_R MapID | VO_R <ScenarioPath> MapID [{Type} | Count [{Type}]] | Return information about the open 3D windows. | 10.1 |
VO_R Overlays | VO_R <ScenarioPath> Overlays [<WinNumber>] | Return list of overlays for the current view | 9.0 |
VO_R Primitive | VO_R <ScenarioPath> Primitive Add ID Auto Type {PrimitiveType} ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... | Create a Primitive and return the ID of that primitive. | 8.0 |
VO_R RecordMovie3D | VO <ScenarioPath> RecordMovie3D {Options} | Return information about movie recording settings. | 11.5 |
VO_R StoredViewNames | VO_R <ScenarioPath> StoredViewNames [<WinNumber> | All] | Returns the names of any stored views | 9.0 |
VO_R ViewPoint | VO_R <ScenarioPath> ViewPoint [<WinNumber>] | Return the coordinates of the current view in a given 3D window | 4.1.1 |
VO_R VisualTerrainCurrentServer | VO_R <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainCurrentServer | Returns current visual terrain server. (Deprecated Command) | 11 |
VO_RM Annotation | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> Annotation {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Return information about text annotations on a 3D window. | 10.1 |
VO_RM KML | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} [{Parameters}] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Return information about KML documents in a 3D window | 9.2 |
VO_RM TerrainAndImagery | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery [Visibility] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Return the current terrain and imagery in a 3D window | 9.2 |
VO_RM VisualTerrainServers | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainServers | Returns list of visual terrain servers (Deprecated Command). | 11 |
VO_RM VisualTerrainTilesets | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainTilesets [Server <ServerName>] | Returns list of visual terrain tile sets. (Deprecated Command) | 11 |
Window3D | Window3D <ScenarioPath> {Window3dOptions} | Create or remove a 3D Graphics window, enable zooming, edit objects, set render methods, set 3D pick modes, or drill-down to hidden objects in the 3D Graphics window * | 11.3 |
Window3D_R | Window3D_R <ScenarioPath> {WindowOption} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Return information about a 3D Graphics window | 9.0 |