VO DynDataText
Control the display of dynamic data text reports in the 3D window
VO <ObjectPath> DynDataText {DynDataTextOption} <Parameters> [{DisplayOption} <Value>] [WindowID <WinNumber>]
The VO DynDataText command enables you to turn on and off, and control the appearance of, a particular VO dynamic data text report.
WindowID <WinNumber> can be a 3D Graphics window number or All. If you do not specify WindowID <WinNumber>, Connect applies the command to all 3D Graphics windows. You can enter WindowID <WinNumber> two or more times on a command, to specify the windows where the data will be displayed.
If you use the WindowID <WinNumber> option to Show an annotation in specific windows, all window IDs that you don't specify will be set to the opposite Show state.
Prior to STK version 11.1.1, you could enter <WinNumber> without the WindowID keyword. This option has been deprecated, and you should now use WindowID <WinNumber>.
Valid values for {DynDataTextOption} are:
{DynDataTextOption} | <Parameters> | Description |
DataDisplay | "<ReportName>" | Displays the specified report. |
Remove | "<ReportName>" | Removes the display of the specified report. |
RemoveAll | N/A | Removes all dynamic displays. |
Access | "<ReportName>" <ToTruncObjectPath> [AttachObject <TruncObjectPath>] | Displays the specified access report. The optional AttachObject parameter enables you to specify the object to which the access display should be attach. The object specified, using <TruncObjectPath>, must be one of the two objects for which access is being computed. If you do not specify AttachObject, text is attached to a fixed location in the 3D Graphics window. If you use the AttachObject option, you must specify the AttachPos {DisplayOption} to move the text (see below). |
RemoveAccess | "<ReportName>" <ToTruncObjectPath> [AttachObject <TruncObjectPath>] | Removes the display of the specified access report. |
RemoveAllAccess | <ToTruncObjectPath> | Removes all access reports for the access computed between the <ObjectPath> and the <ToTruncObjectPath>. |
Valid values for {DisplayOption} and <Value> are:
You can enter any, all, or none of the following {DisplayOption} <Value> pairs.
{DisplayOption} <Value> | Description |
Show {On | Off} | Turns on or off the display of this dynamic data. |
Color {Color} | Sets the display color. For valid {Color} options, see Common Options. |
Pos {Origin} <XPos> <YPos> |
Valid values for {Origin} are BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight, CenterLeft, Center, CenterRight, TopLeft, TopCenter, and TopRight.
<XPos> and <YPos> are offsets from the specified origin. <XPos> and <YPos> are integers between 0 and 1000000. |
Position {Left | Right | Center} <XPos> {Top | Bottom | Center} <YPos> | {Left | Right | Center} indicate the origin for the X Position. {Top | Bottom | Center} indicate the origin for the Y Position. <XPos> and <YPos> are integers between 0 and 1000000.
This option is deprecated as of STK 10.1. Use the Pos option instead. |
Font {Small | Medium | Large} | Specifies the text font size. |
ShowName {Yes | No} | Turns on or off the object name in the title. |
ShowTitle {On | Off} | Turns on or off the display of the report title. |
Title "<Title>" | Specifies a custom title for the data display. |
Format {Horizontal | Vertical | NoLabels} | Specifies whether to display information horizontally, vertically, or with no labels. |
BGShow {On | Off} | Shows or hides the background for the data display. |
BGBorder {On | Off} | Turns on or off a border around the data display. |
BGBorderColor {Color} | Specifies the color of the background border. For valid {Color} options, see Common Options. |
BGTransparent {On | Off} | If you specify On, the background will be transparent. |
BGTranslucency <Value> | Specify the translucency of the background. Enter a value between 0.0 and 1.0. |
BGColor {Color} | Set the background color. For valid {Color} options, see Common Options. |
BGSize <Width> <Height> | Sets the size of the background area. |
BgAutoWidth {On | Off} | Turns on or off autosizing of the background width. |
BgAutoHeight {On | Off} | Turns on or off autosizing of the background height. |
BGImage {On | Off} | Turns on or off the display of a background image file (as specified by the BGImageFile option). |
BGImageFile <Filename> | Specifies a background image file.
"<Filename>" is the path to a file on your local drive. |
AttachPos {DataArea | Window | Object} | Sets the position to which the dynamic data display will be attached.
PreData "<AdditionalRptData>" | Some Report Styles require additional or predata, such as a comparison object for the RIC report for a Satellite. For these types of reports, you must include the keyword PreData and the "<AdditionalRptData>". Data entered for "<AdditionalRptData>" depends on the report style being used. For more information see PreData section of the ReportCreate command. Also, see the example below.
To change the PreData for a data display, you must remove the data display and then add it again with the desired PreData value. |
To dynamically display AER access data between the aosSat object and the aosFac object in yellow with no labels:
To dynamically display AER access data between the aosSat object and the aosFac object in red at the indicated left bottom portion of the second 3D window specified:
To dynamically display AER access data between the aosSat object and the aosFac object in all open 3D Graphics windows using a medium font:
To dynamically display an AER access report between the aosSat object and the aosFac on a 200 X 100 red transparent background:
To show the report "AER" as dynamic text displaying access between Satellite1 and Facility1 at the position of Satellite1:
To remove all access dynamic text between Satellite1 and Facility1:
To show the report "LLA Position" as dynamic text for Satellite1 at the position of Satellite1:
To remove the report "LLA Position" dynamic text for Satellite1:
To display an RIC report between Satellite1 and Satellite2:
To display a VectorChooseAxes report, with the Satellite2 Body Axes specified as the additional report data, display at the bottom left of the 3d window:
To display the LLA Position report in 3D Windows 1 and 3 (note: the report display will be set to off for any other windows in the scenario):
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):