VO TerrainAndImagery
Manipulate VO terrain and imagery.
VO <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery {Options} <Parameters>
Related commands
The VO TerrainAndImagery command enables you to set various terrain and imagery parameters, including: adding and removing terrain and imagery from the globe, defining which terrain and imagery sets are shown, and setting related cache sizes.
The following are valid values for {Options}: Data, Set, Add, Modify, and Remove. The following tables describe each option and its parameters.
VO TerrainAndImagery Data command
Data Options | Description |
ChunkImageCacheSize <Value> | Specify the size of the texture cache that temporarily stores chunk imagery for the globe. <Value> is an integer greater than 0, entered in megabytes. |
ChunkTerrainCacheSize <Value> | Specify the size of the terrain cache which temporarily stores PDTT file data for the globe. <Value> is an integer greater than 0, entered in megabytes. |
MSBingMapsServer <ServerName> | Specify a default server to be used if one isn't specified in the Add commands. |
The chunk imagery and terrain caches allow for an even distribution of memory among 3D Graphics windows. At times, this may cause one or more 3D Graphics windows to recalculate to mouse zooms/redraws in one window.
To set the image cache size to 128 megabytes:
To set the default Microsoft Bing™ Maps server to virtualearth.net:
To set the current visual terrain server:
VO TerrainAndImagery Set command
The TerrainAndImagery Set options enable you to add Image Sets to be used when displaying the globe in the 3D Graphics window. This command defines which Image Sets are associated with a view. Only Image Sets that have been defined for the current globe file will be displayed.
To define an Image Set, see the VO ImageSetDef command.
To add files to an Image Set for a globe file, see the VO TerrainAndImagery Add and Modify commands below.
Set Options | Description |
Add "<ImageSetName>" | Specify the Image Set to be displayed. |
Remove {All | "<ImageSetName>"} | Removes an Image Set from the globe. Specify All to remove all Image Sets. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specify the VO window. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the first VO window. |
Use {On | Off | Toggle} | Specify whether or not to display Image Sets on the globe.
This option is deprecated as of STK 9. Use the Add option to turn on a set and the Remove option to turn off a set. |
To add sets to be shown in the VO window if UseSet is on:
VO TerrainAndImagery Add and Modify commands
Use this command to Add or Modify files in a Globe File or an Image Set.
See below for options to Add or Modify Microsoft Bing Maps.
See below for options to Add or Modify Visual Terrain Tile Sets.
To define an Image Set see the VO ImageSetDef command.
These TerrainAndImagery Add and Modify options affect only PDTT, PDTTX, and JP2 files.
This table describes the options used for the file being added or modified.
Name Options | Description |
File "<FilePath>" | Specify the file to add or modify. This option is required.
"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive. |
SetName "<SetName>" | Specify an Image Set to add a file to, or the set name of an image being modified. Use the VO ImageSetDef command to create an Image Set. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specify the VO window. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the first VO Window. |
This table describes the Add and Modify options.
Add/Modify Options | Description |
ShowOn {Bottom | Top} | Sets the ordering of the image or terrain. If you enter Top, the image appears on top of all other images. If you enter Bottom, then the image appears beneath all other images. |
Transparency <Value> | Transparency value can be between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is completely transparent. This option applies to PDTTX files. |
TextureRole {Base | Night | Specular} | Specify the Texture to use. |
TransparentRGB <Red> <Green> <Blue> | Specify transparent RGB color values. Valid values for <Red> <Green> and <Blue> are 0-255. This option applies to the JP2 file type only. |
UseTransparentRGB {Yes | No} | Specify Yes to have STK use the value set for TransparentRGB. |
MinLat <Value> MinLon <Value> MaxLat <Value> MaxLon <Value> | Specify the extents of the image. You must enter each <Value> in degrees. This option applies to the JP2 file type only. However, this option is optional if STK can obtain the extents directly from the file or from a POS file. |
Visible {Yes | No} | Specify whether the image should be displayed. |
AltitudeScale <Value> | AltitudeScale value can be between 0.000001 and 1000.0. This option applies to PDTT files. |
AltitudeOffset <Value> | AltitudeOffset value can be between -1000000.0 and 1000000.0. This option applies to PDTT files. |
Add a PDTTX file:
Add a web PDTTX file to window 1 and an image set:
Add a PDTT file to several image sets:
Show a PDTTX on top of all other images and change its transparency to 30%:
Set the altitude scale and altitude offset for the PDTT file:
Add a night JP2 file; the current one being used if any, is removed:
VO TerrainAndImagery Add and Modify commands for Microsoft Bing Maps
Use the following options to Add or Modify Microsoft Bing Maps.
Add/Modify Options | Description |
MSBingMaps {Hybrid | Aerial | Road | Road Dark | Road Gray} | Specify the type of map to use. This option is required. |
TextureRole Base | Specify the Texture to use. |
Visible {Yes | No} | Specify whether the map should be displayed. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specify the VO window. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the first VO window. |
Add the Microsoft Bing Maps Hybrid map:
Modify the Microsoft Bing Maps Aerial map for window 2:
VO TerrainAndImagery Add, Modify, and Remove commands for Visual Terrain Tile Sets
Use these commands to Add, Modify, or Remove the visual terrain tile set on the globe.
Add/Modify/Remove Options | Description |
VisualTerrainTileSet | This option is required. |
Visible {Yes | No} | Specify whether the tile set should be displayed. The default value is Yes. This applies to Add and Modify only. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specify the VO Window. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the first VO Window. |
Add the VisualTerrain Tile Set:
Turn off the display of the VisualTerrain Tile Set for window 1:
Remove the VisualTerrain Tile Set:
VO TerrainAndImagery Remove command
The TerrainAndImagery Remove option removes PDTT and PDTTX files.
Remove Options | Description |
File "<FilePath>" | Specify the file to remove. |
SetName "<SetName>" | Specify the Image Set name to remove a file from. If you do not specify a set name, the file is deleted from all sets if it is in any sets, or just plain deleted. |
TextureRole {Base | Night | Specular} | Specify the texture to remove. |
WindowID <WinNumber> | Specify the VO window. If you do not enter this option, STK will use the first VO window. |
MSBingMaps {Hybrid | Aerial | Road | Road Dark | Road Gray} | Specify the type of map to remove. |
Remove a PDTTX file completely including any image sets:
Remove the Microsoft Bing Maps Hybrid map:
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):