2D Object Graphics
There are a number of commands that allow you to control the 2D Graphics properties of an object. For most commands used to control 2D object graphics, the actual command name is Graphics
. The generic structure of most Graphics commands is:
Graphics <ObjectPath> {GraphicsOption} <Parameters>
The {GraphicsOption}
indicates the action being executed by the command, and will change depending on the action you wish to take. Additional <Parameters>
may be required depending on the {GraphicsOption}
Additional Graphics commands are available if you have additional capabilities to STK such as Chains or Communications.
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AltitudeRef | AltitudeRef <VehObjectPath> {AltRefOption} <Parameters> | Set the altitude reference for a Great Arc vehicle. | 6.0 |
DefaultTrack2d | DefaultTrack2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} | Defines default 2D Graphics of new tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). | 12.9 |
DisplayTimes | DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>] | Control the display of object graphics | 12.10 |
GetMarkerList | GetMarkerList <ScenarioPath> | Returns a list of available marker types | 4.2.1 |
Graphics (Chains & Constellations) | Graphics <ObjectPath> {ChainGfxOption} [<Parameters>] | Set the graphics properties for chains and constellations | 12.9 |
Graphics (Comm) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> | Set the graphics properties of a receiver, transmitter or antenna | 11.4 |
Graphics (Coverage) | Graphics <CovDefnObjectPath> {GfxType} {DisplayOption} | Define the display of graphics for a coverage definition | 10 |
Graphics (Figure of Merit) | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> | Define the graphic properties for a figure of merit | 10 |
Graphics (MTO) | Graphics <MTOObjectPath> {GfxOptions} | Defines the global 2D Graphics attributes for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). | 6.1 |
Graphics (Radar) | Graphics <RdrObjectPath> {GfxType} {GfxOption} [{State}] [<Parameters>] | Set the graphics properties of a radar | 10.1 |
Graphics (Satellite Collection) | Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options} | Set the graphics properties for a satellite collection. | 12.4 |
Graphics (Single Object Coverage) | Graphics <ObjectPath> {Static | Animation} {On | Off} {GFXOptions} | Set graphics options for single object coverage | 10 |
Graphics AccessIntervals (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> AccessIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] | Control the display of different graphics attributes during access | 4.1.1 |
Graphics AzElMask | Graphics <ObjectPath> AzElMask Type {Altitude | Range} [{AzElMaskOptions}] | Control the display of azimuth-elevation mask graphics for a facility, place or target in the 2D Graphics window | 10 |
Graphics Basic (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Basic {AttributeOption} {Action} | Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object | 8.1 |
Graphics Boresight (Comm) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] | Control the display of boresight graphics in the 2D Graphics window | 12.10 |
Graphics Boresight (Sensor) | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] | Control the display of the sensor boresight in the 2D Graphics window | 12.10 |
Graphics Boundary | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Boundary {On | Off} | Control the display of an area targets boundary | 4.3 |
Graphics BoundaryPts | Graphics <ATObjectPath> BoundaryPts {On | Off} | Control the display of an area target's boundary | 4.3 |
Graphics BoundingRectangle | Graphics <ObjectPath> BoundingRectangle {On | Off} | Toggle the display of the AreaTarget or LineTarget bounding rectangle. | 6.1 |
Graphics Centroid | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Centroid {On | Off} | Display an area target's centroid | 4.2.1 |
Graphics ContourSet | Graphics <CommObjectPath> ContourSet {ContourOption} <Parameters> | Control the antenna pattern resolution for contouring. | 11.4 |
Graphics Contours (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Contours {ContourType} {ShowGfxState} {RelMaxState} | Set generic contour options for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna | 11 |
Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> CustomIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] | Control the display of different graphics attributes at specific time intervals during animation | 12.10 |
Graphics ElevContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> ElevContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] | Set elevation angle contour levels for a vehicle | 10 |
Graphics ExportBlockContours | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportBlockContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] | Export the block contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. | 10.1 |
Graphics ExportSmoothContours | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportSmoothContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] | Export the smooth contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. | 10.1 |
Graphics ExtEphemPoints | Graphics <VehObjectPath> ExtEphemPoints {On | Off} | Set the display of external ephemeris waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. | 9.0 |
Graphics FOMContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> FOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] | Define the display of contour graphics for a figure of merit | 11 |
Graphics Fill (AreaTarget) | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} | Control the display of the area covered by an area target | 4.3 |
Graphics Fill (Sensor) | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} [{FillStyle}] | Set the fill style for a sensor projecting to the Earth. | 6.1 |
Graphics FillTranslucency | Graphics <ObjectPath> FillTranslucency <Value> | Set the percent translucency of the fill for a Sensor or AreaTarget. | 10 |
Graphics GlobalAttributes | Graphics <ScenarioPath> {AttributeOption} {On | Off | <Value>} | Specify whether or not STK displays a given attribute in the 2D Graphics window. | 12.8 |
Graphics GroundEllipse | Graphics <VehObjectPath> GroundEllipse <SetName> {GraphicsOptions} | Set the graphics properties for ground ellipses on vehicles. | 6.1 |
Graphics GroundTrackCBs | Graphics <SatObjectPath> GroundTrackCBs Show {On | Off} (CentralBody <CBName>)... | Show a Satellite's ground track on other central bodies. | 8.1 |
Graphics IntervalsHideShowAll | Graphics <VehObjectPath> IntervalsHideShowAll {On | Off} | Control the meaning of the show flag when using graphics intervals | 4.2 |
Graphics Label | Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} | Control the display of object labels | 9.0 |
Graphics Legend | Graphics <ObjectPath> Legend {GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | Display a figure of merit contours legend.* | 6.0 |
Graphics Levels (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> Levels {AddMethod} <Parameters> | Set and modify the display of contour levels for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna | 7.1 |
Graphics Lighting | Graphics <ObjectPath> Lighting {LightCondition} {LightConditionOption1} <Value1> [{LightConditionOption1} <Value2>... ] | Control the graphical display of lighting conditions for a vehicle | 4.3 |
Graphics LineStyle | Graphics <ObjectPath> LineStyle {LineStyle} | Set the line style for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. | 6.2 |
Graphics LineWidth | Graphics <ObjectPath> LineWidth <LineWidth> | Set the line width for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. | 6.2 |
Graphics Marker | Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] | Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window | 12.10 |
Graphics NewPointAttributes | Graphics <LTObjectPath> NewPointAttributes ({AttributeOption})... | Set the graphics attributes to be used for new points of a Line Target. | 6.1 |
Graphics NewWaypointAttributes | Graphics <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | Set 2D Graphics properties for new waypoints and external ephemeris points. | 6.1.2 |
Graphics ObjectLine | Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} FromObj <TruncObjectPath1> ToObj <TruncObjectPath2> [{LineOptions}] | Display lines connecting objects in the 2D Graphics window | 12.10 |
Graphics ObjectStateInWin | Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} | Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. | 7.0 |
Graphics Pass2D | Graphics <ObjectPath> Pass2D ({LeadTrailOption} <Parameters>)... | Set leading and trailing graphics for all types of vehicles | 9.1 |
Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> Pattern <NumberOfPhiPoints> <MinPhi> <MaxPhi> <NumberOfThetaPoints> <MinTheta> <MaxTheta> | Control the antenna grid size and resolution for contour graphics | 4.1.1 |
Graphics Persist | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Persist {PersistOptions} | Control the graphical display of the persistence of a sensor's footprint | 10.0.2 |
Graphics PointAttributes | Graphics <LTObjectPath> PointAttributes {PointSpecification} ({AttributeOption})... | Set the graphics attributes for points of a Line Target. | 6.1 |
Graphics Projection | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Projection {Option} | Set various options that affect projection of sensor field of view | 10 |
Graphics RadarCrossSection | Graphics <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> | Set and modify the display of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for a specified frequency. | 11.5 |
Graphics RangeContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] | Define and display ground range contours in the 2D Graphics window | 10 |
Graphics RealTime | Graphics <ObjectPath> RealTime Edit {StateOfData} {AttributeOption} {Action} | Control the graphics attributes displayed when using the real-time propagator | 4.1.1 |
Graphics SetAttrType (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAttrType {AttributeType} | Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object | 10 |
Graphics SetColor | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] | Set the color of a label, marker, ground track, swath or polygon of an object | 10 |
Graphics SetDynamicState | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetDynamicState IsDynamic {On | Off} | Allow faster rendering on 2d maps if a facility, place, target position or sensor orientation is changed frequently. | 10.1 |
Graphics Show | Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} | To turn on or off the graphics display of an object. | 10 |
Graphics SmoothFillParameters | Graphics <ObjectPath> SmoothFillParameters {Option} | Define the smooth fill parameters for figure of merit contour graphics. | 10.0.1 |
Graphics TimeComponents (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Action} [<Parameters>] | Control the display of different graphics attributes for specific time components during animation | 10.1 |
Graphics TimeEvent | Graphics <SatObjectPath> TimeEvent {Action} [{EventType}] <EventParameters> | Mark specified points of time, along a satellite's ground track, on the 2D Window. | 10 |
Graphics TurnMarker | Graphics <VehObjectPath> TurnMarker {State} | Controls the display of turn markers for an aircraft, ground vehicle or ship | 4.1.1 |
Graphics WaypointAttributes | Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | Set the 2D graphics properties for existing waypoints and external ephemeris points. | 10 |
Graphics WaypointTurns | Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointTurns {On | Off} | Set the display of waypoint turn markers. | 8.0 |
Graphics Waypoints | Graphics <VehObjectPath> Waypoints {On | Off} | Set the display of waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. | 8.0 |
Graphics WindowState | Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} | Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. | 10 |
Graphics_R GetAttrType | Graphics_R <VehObjectPath> GetAttrType | Return the currently active attribute type | 4.1.1 |
Graphics_R GetLabel | Graphics_R <ObjectPath> GetLabel | Return object graphics label | 6.0 |
Graphics_R TimeComponents | Graphics_R <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Option} | Return information about vehicles using time components. | 10.1 |
Track2d | Track2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} | Defines 2D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). | 12.9 |
UseSoftwareRendering | UseSoftwareRendering | This command is for systems that do not support the minimum requirement of OpenGL 4.5 or greater. It must be run before a scenario is created or loaded for the first time. | 12.8 |
UseTerrain | UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption} | To enable or disable the consideration of terrain data for calculations | 10 |