2D Object Graphics

There are a number of commands that allow you to control the 2D Graphics properties of an object. For most commands used to control 2D object graphics, the actual command name is Graphics. The generic structure of most Graphics commands is:

Graphics <ObjectPath> {GraphicsOption} <Parameters>

The {GraphicsOption} indicates the action being executed by the command, and will change depending on the action you wish to take. Additional <Parameters> may be required depending on the {GraphicsOption} specified.

Additional Graphics commands are available if you have additional capabilities to STK such as Chains or Communications.

Command Format Description Version
AltitudeRef AltitudeRef <VehObjectPath> {AltRefOption} <Parameters> Set the altitude reference for a Great Arc vehicle. 6.0
DefaultTrack2d DefaultTrack2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} Defines default 2D Graphics of new tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.9
DisplayTimes DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of object graphics 12.10
GetMarkerList GetMarkerList <ScenarioPath> Returns a list of available marker types 4.2.1
Graphics (Chains & Constellations) Graphics <ObjectPath> {ChainGfxOption} [<Parameters>] Set the graphics properties for chains and constellations 12.9
Graphics (Comm) Graphics <CommObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> Set the graphics properties of a receiver, transmitter or antenna 11.4
Graphics (Coverage) Graphics <CovDefnObjectPath> {GfxType} {DisplayOption} Define the display of graphics for a coverage definition 10
Graphics (Figure of Merit) Graphics <FOMObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> Define the graphic properties for a figure of merit 10
Graphics (MTO) Graphics <MTOObjectPath> {GfxOptions} Defines the global 2D Graphics attributes for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 6.1
Graphics (Radar) Graphics <RdrObjectPath> {GfxType} {GfxOption} [{State}] [<Parameters>] Set the graphics properties of a radar 10.1
Graphics (Satellite Collection) Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options} Set the graphics properties for a satellite collection. 12.4
Graphics (Single Object Coverage) Graphics <ObjectPath> {Static | Animation} {On | Off} {GFXOptions} Set graphics options for single object coverage 10
Graphics AccessIntervals (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> AccessIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes during access 4.1.1
Graphics AzElMask Graphics <ObjectPath> AzElMask Type {Altitude | Range} [{AzElMaskOptions}] Control the display of azimuth-elevation mask graphics for a facility, place or target in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics Basic (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> Basic {AttributeOption} {Action} Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object 8.1
Graphics Boresight (Comm) Graphics <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] Control the display of boresight graphics in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics Boresight (Sensor) Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] Control the display of the sensor boresight in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics Boundary Graphics <ATObjectPath> Boundary {On | Off} Control the display of an area targets boundary 4.3
Graphics BoundaryPts Graphics <ATObjectPath> BoundaryPts {On | Off} Control the display of an area target's boundary 4.3
Graphics BoundingRectangle Graphics <ObjectPath> BoundingRectangle {On | Off} Toggle the display of the AreaTarget or LineTarget bounding rectangle. 6.1
Graphics Centroid Graphics <ATObjectPath> Centroid {On | Off} Display an area target's centroid 4.2.1
Graphics ContourSet Graphics <CommObjectPath> ContourSet {ContourOption} <Parameters> Control the antenna pattern resolution for contouring. 11.4
Graphics Contours (Comm & Radar) Graphics <ObjectPath> Contours {ContourType} {ShowGfxState} {RelMaxState} Set generic contour options for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna 11
Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> CustomIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes at specific time intervals during animation 12.10
Graphics ElevContours Graphics <ObjectPath> ElevContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] Set elevation angle contour levels for a vehicle 10
Graphics ExportBlockContours Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportBlockContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] Export the block contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. 10.1
Graphics ExportSmoothContours Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportSmoothContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] Export the smooth contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. 10.1
Graphics ExtEphemPoints Graphics <VehObjectPath> ExtEphemPoints {On | Off} Set the display of external ephemeris waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. 9.0
Graphics FOMContours Graphics <ObjectPath> FOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] Define the display of contour graphics for a figure of merit 11
Graphics Fill (AreaTarget) Graphics <ATObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} Control the display of the area covered by an area target 4.3
Graphics Fill (Sensor) Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} [{FillStyle}] Set the fill style for a sensor projecting to the Earth. 6.1
Graphics FillTranslucency Graphics <ObjectPath> FillTranslucency <Value> Set the percent translucency of the fill for a Sensor or AreaTarget. 10
Graphics GlobalAttributes Graphics <ScenarioPath> {AttributeOption} {On | Off | <Value>} Specify whether or not STK displays a given attribute in the 2D Graphics window. 12.8
Graphics GroundEllipse Graphics <VehObjectPath> GroundEllipse <SetName> {GraphicsOptions} Set the graphics properties for ground ellipses on vehicles. 6.1
Graphics GroundTrackCBs Graphics <SatObjectPath> GroundTrackCBs Show {On | Off} (CentralBody <CBName>)... Show a Satellite's ground track on other central bodies. 8.1
Graphics IntervalsHideShowAll Graphics <VehObjectPath> IntervalsHideShowAll {On | Off} Control the meaning of the show flag when using graphics intervals 4.2
Graphics Label Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} Control the display of object labels 9.0
Graphics Legend Graphics <ObjectPath> Legend {GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Display a figure of merit contours legend.* 6.0
Graphics Levels (Comm & Radar) Graphics <CommObjectPath> Levels {AddMethod} <Parameters> Set and modify the display of contour levels for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna 7.1
Graphics Lighting Graphics <ObjectPath> Lighting {LightCondition} {LightConditionOption1} <Value1> [{LightConditionOption1} <Value2>... ] Control the graphical display of lighting conditions for a vehicle 4.3
Graphics LineStyle Graphics <ObjectPath> LineStyle {LineStyle} Set the line style for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics LineWidth Graphics <ObjectPath> LineWidth <LineWidth> Set the line width for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics Marker Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics NewPointAttributes Graphics <LTObjectPath> NewPointAttributes ({AttributeOption})... Set the graphics attributes to be used for new points of a Line Target. 6.1
Graphics NewWaypointAttributes Graphics <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set 2D Graphics properties for new waypoints and external ephemeris points. 6.1.2
Graphics ObjectLine Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} FromObj <TruncObjectPath1> ToObj <TruncObjectPath2> [{LineOptions}] Display lines connecting objects in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectStateInWin Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. 7.0
Graphics Pass2D Graphics <ObjectPath> Pass2D ({LeadTrailOption} <Parameters>)... Set leading and trailing graphics for all types of vehicles 9.1
Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar) Graphics <CommObjectPath> Pattern <NumberOfPhiPoints> <MinPhi> <MaxPhi> <NumberOfThetaPoints> <MinTheta> <MaxTheta> Control the antenna grid size and resolution for contour graphics 4.1.1
Graphics Persist Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Persist {PersistOptions} Control the graphical display of the persistence of a sensor's footprint 10.0.2
Graphics PointAttributes Graphics <LTObjectPath> PointAttributes {PointSpecification} ({AttributeOption})... Set the graphics attributes for points of a Line Target. 6.1
Graphics Projection Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Projection {Option} Set various options that affect projection of sensor field of view 10
Graphics RadarCrossSection Graphics <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> Set and modify the display of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for a specified frequency. 11.5
Graphics RangeContours Graphics <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] Define and display ground range contours in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics RealTime Graphics <ObjectPath> RealTime Edit {StateOfData} {AttributeOption} {Action} Control the graphics attributes displayed when using the real-time propagator 4.1.1
Graphics SetAttrType (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAttrType {AttributeType} Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object 10
Graphics SetColor Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] Set the color of a label, marker, ground track, swath or polygon of an object 10
Graphics SetDynamicState Graphics <ObjectPath> SetDynamicState IsDynamic {On | Off} Allow faster rendering on 2d maps if a facility, place, target position or sensor orientation is changed frequently. 10.1
Graphics Show Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} To turn on or off the graphics display of an object. 10
Graphics SmoothFillParameters Graphics <ObjectPath> SmoothFillParameters {Option} Define the smooth fill parameters for figure of merit contour graphics. 10.0.1
Graphics TimeComponents (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes for specific time components during animation 10.1
Graphics TimeEvent Graphics <SatObjectPath> TimeEvent {Action} [{EventType}] <EventParameters> Mark specified points of time, along a satellite's ground track, on the 2D Window. 10
Graphics TurnMarker Graphics <VehObjectPath> TurnMarker {State} Controls the display of turn markers for an aircraft, ground vehicle or ship 4.1.1
Graphics WaypointAttributes Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set the 2D graphics properties for existing waypoints and external ephemeris points. 10
Graphics WaypointTurns Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointTurns {On | Off} Set the display of waypoint turn markers. 8.0
Graphics Waypoints Graphics <VehObjectPath> Waypoints {On | Off} Set the display of waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. 8.0
Graphics WindowState Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. 10
Graphics_R GetAttrType Graphics_R <VehObjectPath> GetAttrType Return the currently active attribute type 4.1.1
Graphics_R GetLabel Graphics_R <ObjectPath> GetLabel Return object graphics label 6.0
Graphics_R TimeComponents Graphics_R <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Option} Return information about vehicles using time components. 10.1
Track2d Track2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} Defines 2D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.9
UseSoftwareRendering UseSoftwareRendering This command is for systems that do not support the minimum requirement of OpenGL 4.5 or greater. It must be run before a scenario is created or loaded for the first time. 12.8
UseTerrain UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption} To enable or disable the consideration of terrain data for calculations 10