Description | Example | Return message | Group


Control the display of object graphics


DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


You can control the display of object graphics based on times, access intervals, or time components using the DisplayTimes command. The DisplayTimes command enables you to control whether and when object graphics appear in the 2D and 3D Graphics window(s).

This command is deprecated for vehicles; use the Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) and Graphics AccessIntervals (Vehicles) commands to modify display intervals for vehicles.

{DisplayOption} and {Action} can be:

StateIntervalN/AUses the time intervals set with Intervals, Access, or TimeComponent {DisplayOption} to control the display of object graphics.

{DisplayOption} is automatically changed to Intervals if {State} is set to Interval.

AlwaysOnN/AUse this to make sure object graphics are always on, regardless of the display intervals set.
AlwaysOffN/AUse this to make sure object graphics are always off, regardless of the display intervals set.
AccessN/AUse this to have object graphics appear only during access to another object specified.
IntervalsClearN/ARemoves all intervals from the list of display times so that the object appears according to the {State}.
Add<NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...]{State} will be set to Interval. Object graphics only appear during the intervals set. The number of "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" value pairs to be entered depends upon the number interval pairs specified.
Delete<NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...]Specify the intervals to be deleted. The number of "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" value pairs to be deleted depends upon the <NumIntervalPairs> specified. The command will Nack if no intervals are deleted. If {State} is set to Access, it will be changed to Interval.
Replace<NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" ["<IntervalStart2>" "<IntervalStop2>"...]Removes all existing intervals and adds those entered using this command.
File{Load | Add} "<FilePath>"Read in an interval file to use for display times. If you enter Load, the intervals from the file will replace any existing intervals. If you enter Add, then STK will add the intervals in the file to the existing interval list. The intervals within the file must be within the object's time period or they will not be loaded. STK will not add duplicate intervals.

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

ReplaceLastTime"<NewEndTime>"Replaces the end time of the last interval with the time specified. The object must have intervals defined, and the "<NewEndTime>" must be after the start time of the last interval.
AccessClearN/ARemoves all display intervals based on access times from the display times list.
<ToAccessObjectPath>N/A{State} is set to Intervals. Sets display intervals based on access to the <ToAccessObjectPath> specified so that object graphics appear only during access between these two objects.
TimeComponent"<TimeComponent>"N/ASpecify an Interval or Interval List time component for the display times. Any existing display times will be replaced with the times from the Interval or Interval List component.

For the specification of "<TimeComponent>", see Component Specification.


To add a display interval for AreaTarget1 in the current scenario so that it appears at 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. to 5 a.m.:

DisplayTimes */AreaTarget/AreaTarget1 Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2000 01:00:00.0" "1 Jan 2000 02:00:00.0" "1 Jan 2000 04:00:00.0" "1 Jan 2000 05:00:00.0"

To set the display of object label and marker so that they display at all times:

DisplayTimes */LineTarget/Lt1 State AlwaysOn

Replace the existing interval list for Facility1 with the intervals in

DisplayTimes */Facility/Facility1 Intervals File Load "C:\stk50DB\"

Delete the interval specified for Sensor1:

DisplayTimes */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Intervals Delete 1 "1 Jul 2005 20:44:05.396" "1 Jul 2005 22:54:24.00"

Replace the end time of the last interval with the specified time:

DisplayTimes */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Intervals ReplaceLastTime "2 Jul 2007 11:28:00.00"

Set the display times for the Sensor to the times in the Interval List component:

DisplayTimes */Satellite/ScenTestSat/Sensor/ScenSatSn TimeComponent "Facility/ScenTestFac LightingIntervals.Sunlight Interval List"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

2D Object Graphics

Line Targets


