Data Provider Elements

Comm VOACAP Files

Provides the user with the ability to display or save off a VOACAP formatted circuit definition input file, transmit antenna definition input file, receiver antenna definition input file, and/or the VOACAP output file. The Pre-Data Dialog will prompt the user with the ability to display the files for a particular moment in time as well as provide the user with the option to have these files saved off. If the user selects the option to save the files, they will be saved off in corresponding sub-folders within the scenario directory.

Available for these objects: Access

Type: Fixed data.

Availability: Reports

Pre-data required: Time '<DateTimeValue>' SaveFilesToScenario {true | false}. '<DateTimeValue>' is either in Object Model Date Units (when using Object Model) or Scenario Date units, and is enclosed in single quotes.

Data Provider Elements

Input FileUnitlessTextThe effective set of circuit input parameters and values in the VOACAP input file format for the moment in time specified by the user in the Pre-Data Dialog.
Output FileUnitlessTextThe effective VOACAP output file of results for the moment in time specified by the user in the Pre-Data Dialog.
Transmit Antenna FileUnitlessTextThe effective transmit antenna gain slice for the circuit in the VOACAP antenna type 11 file format.
Receive Antenna FileUnitlessTextThe effective receive antenna gain slice for the circuit in the VOACAP antenna type 11 file format.