Data Provider Elements

Radar Geometry

Computes the positions, velocities, and attitudes of the radar and target objects. It also computes the geometric relationships between the radar transmitter and the target, and between the target and the radar receiver. All geometric computations account for the light speed delay of the signal propagation.

Available for these objects: Access

Restrictions: Access - Applies when one object is a Radar.

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Elements

Access NumberUnitlessIntegerThe number of the current access interval from the list of access intervals.
TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
Range SumDistanceReal NumberSum of the range for the radar.
ClosureDopplerVelocityReal NumberAverage of the radar transmitter-to-target range-rate and the target-to-receiver range-rate. Closure is positive for a target moving towards the radar and negative for a target moving away from the radar.
MLC VelocityDopplerVelocityReal NumberMain Lobe Clutter (MLC) Velocity is the component of the relative velocity of the target along the radar receiver cone angle.
Rcvr RangeDistanceReal NumberRange of the radar receiver from the target
Rcvr Prop TimeSmallTimeReal NumberSignal propagation time from the target to the radar receiver
Rcvr Range RateDopplerVelocityReal NumberRange of the radar receiver from the target
Rcvr Angle RateAngleRateReal NumberThe rate of change of the angle of a cone carved by the radar receiver to the target relative position vector and the radar receiver velocity vector.
Rcvr Cone AngleAngleReal Number or TextThe angle of a cone carved by the radar receiver to the target relative position vector and the radar receiver velocity vector.
Xmtr RangeDistanceReal NumberRange from the radar transmitter to the target
Xmtr Prop TimeSmallTimeReal NumberSignal propagation time from the radar transmitter to the target
Xmtr Range RateDopplerVelocityReal NumberRate of change for the Range from the radar transmitter to the target
Xmtr Angle RateAngleRateReal NumberRadar transmitter angle rate from the target to the transmitter
Xmtr Cone AngleAngleReal Number or TextAngle between the radar transmitter to the target relative position vector and the radar transmitter velocity vector
Tgt Incident Az BFLongitudeReal Number or TextSignal incident direction Azimuth angle in target's body frame
Tgt Incident El BFAngleReal Number or TextSignal incident direction Elevation angle in target's body frame
Tgt Reflected Az BFLongitudeReal Number or TextSignal reflected direction Azimuth angle in target's body frame
Tgt Reflected El BFAngleReal Number or TextSignal reflected direction Elevation angle in target's body frame
Bistatic AngleAngleReal Number or TextAngle between the incident vector (from radar transmitter) to the target and the reflected vector from the target (to the radar receiver).