Description | Example | Return message | Group


Control the display of notes and note labels attached to an object


LabelNotes <ObjectPath> {Action} <Parameters>

Related commands


The LabelNotes command controls the way in which notes attached to objects are displayed. LabelNotes are displayed in both 2D and 3D Graphics windows.

Before defining the display of notes using this command, be sure that labels are set to display for that object, with the Graphics Label command.

{Action} can be:

Add<NoteNumber> "<NoteString>"Add a note to an object. This command will Nack if the <NoteNumber> already exists.
Modify<NoteNumber> "<NoteString>"Change the "<NoteString>" for an existing <NoteNumber>.
Delete{NoteID}Where {NoteID} can be <NoteNumber> or All.
Intervals<NoteNumber> {IntervalAction} ["<StartTime1>" "<StopTime1>" . . .]Where {IntervalAction} can be Clear or <NumIntervals>.

If Clear is entered then no other parameters should be entered and all intervals will be removed for that <NoteNumber>.

If <NumIntervals> is specified then the number of "<StartTime1>" "<StopTime1>" pairs must equal <NumIntervals>

LabelState{NoteID} {On | Off}Specify when the object's label is displayed. If set to Off, the object's label won't be displayed when the note specified displays. {NoteID} can be <NoteNumber> or All.
SetState{NoteID} {On | Off | Interval}Specify when the Note is displayed. {NoteID} can be <NoteNumber> or All. If Interval is specified then Notes will be displayed during intervals defined with the Intervals {Action}. The default state is Interval.


To add a note number 2 to the shuttle and set the label for the shuttle so that it doesn't display when the second note displays:

LabelNotes */Satellite/Shuttle Add 2 "Separation"
LabelNotes */Satellite/Shuttle LabelState 2 Off

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets

Facilities, Places & Targets


