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CameraVideoRecording.StartRecording Method (String, String, CameraVideoFormat, Int32, Int32)

Starts recording a video file at the specified bit and frame rate.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics (in AGI.Foundation.Graphics.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public void StartRecording(
	string fileDirectory,
	string filePrefix,
	CameraVideoFormat videoFormat,
	int videoBitRate,
	int videoFrameRate


Type: System.String
The directory in which the video will be saved.
Type: System.String
Used to create the filename of the video. This file prefix should not contain a file extension. The correct file extension will be added based on the specified videoFormat.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Graphics.Advanced.CameraVideoFormat
The file format for the video.
Type: System.Int32
A higher value will create larger files with better visual quality than a lower value that will create smaller files with poorer visual quality. A value of 5000 is a good starting point to judge the file size to visual quality trade-off.
Type: System.Int32
The frame rate of the video in frames per second. A value of 30 is typical.
See Also