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JplSpkFileGetTargetPoint Method (IProvideNaifIdCode, IProvideNaifIdCode)

Gets a point describing the position of a target location with respect to a center location.

This overload requires that the centerPointProvider is a CentralBody, PlanetarySystemBarycenter, or SolarSystemBarycenter. The currently configured center of mass point of the centerPointProvider will then be used to locate the output point.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Spice
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 24.2.419.0 (24.2.419.0)
public Point GetTargetPoint(
	IProvideNaifIdCode targetPointProvider,
	IProvideNaifIdCode centerPointProvider


Type: AGI.Foundation.SpiceIProvideNaifIdCode
An interface that provides the NAIF ID number of the location of the target point.
Type: AGI.Foundation.SpiceIProvideNaifIdCode
An interface that provides the NAIF ID number of the location of the central point.

Return Value

Type: Point
A point describing the position of a target location with respect to a center location.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThrown when the centerPointProvider is not a CentralBody, PlanetarySystemBarycenter, or SolarSystemBarycenter. Also, thrown when the *.bsp file does not contain direct information about the target point with respect to the center point.
ArgumentNullExceptionThrown when the targetPointProvider or centerPointProvider are .
UnsupportedCaseExceptionThrown when the *.bsp file uses an unsupported coordinate frame. Currently, only frames 1, 17, and 1900017 are supported. Also, thrown when the *.bsp file uses an unsupported SPK ephemeris type. Currently, only ephemeris types 1, 2, 3, 5, and 21 are supported.
See Also