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AGI.Foundation.Time Namespace

Contains types for quantifying and converting between various date, time, and time standard representations.
Public classCode exampleLeapSecondFile
Contains static methods to read and write leap second data in a standard format.
Public classLeapSecondsFacet
Manages Leap Seconds.
Public classTimeConstants
Contains time-related constants.
Public classTimeGenerator

Generates JulianDate instances according to several algorithms.

Note that this will return values of JulianDate represented in the arithmetically safeTimeStandard corresponding to the standards on the provided input values. For instance, if the values are provided in UTC the output values will be expressed in InternationalAtomicTime. This is done to account for the performance impact of having to convert each time to the arithmetically safe standard rather than simply converting the start and stop times.

Public classTimeInterval
An interval defined by a start date and a stop date. The end points are optionally included in the interval.
Public classTimeIntervalT
An interval defined by a start date and a stop date. The end points are optionally included in the interval.
Public classTimeIntervalCollection
A collection of time intervals. The intervals are sorted by their start date and no two intervals in the list overlap each other.
Public classTimeIntervalCollectionT
A collection of time intervals with data. The intervals are sorted by their start date and no two intervals in the list overlap each other.
Public classTimeStandard
Provides a means for measuring time by specifying the rate at which time passes and/or points in time. Note that for many operations, the system will need to convert times to an arithmetically safe standard in order to correctly compare times. In many cases, it may be more efficient to work directly in the corresponding ArithmeticSafeStandard.
Public classTimeStandardConverter
Converts a JulianDate between different time standards.
Public structureDuration
Represents a span of time. This is different from the .NET TimeSpan class in that it offers the same precision as the JulianDate type. It stores a number of days as an Int32 and a number of seconds as a Double.
Public structureGlobalPositioningSystemDate
A date and time format consisting of a week number and a time of week and utilizing the GlobalPositioningSystemTime time standard.
Public structureGregorianDate
Represents a calendar date in the Gregorian calendar. A GregorianDate does not include a TimeStandard as JulianDate does. However, without explicitly specifying a TimeStandard for the date, the GregorianDate is assumed to be represented in CoordinatedUniversalTime. GregorianDate is also capable of representing leap seconds, which are represented as the second measured from 60 to 61. In this case, the GregorianDate is assumed to be the CoordinatedUniversalTime represented in InternationalAtomicTime which can represent leap seconds exactly.
Public structureJulianDate
An astronomical Julian Date, which is the number of days since noon on January 1, -4712 (4713 BC). For increased precision, this class stores the whole number part of the date as an Int32 and the seconds into the day as a Double.
Public structureLeapSecond
Describes a single leap second.
Public structureYearMonthDay
Represents a calendar year, month, and day.
Public interfaceIAvailability
An interface used to determine at what times an object is able to provide information.
Public delegateMergeTimeIntervalDataCallbackT
A callback defining how two data elements on any two intervals should be combined when creating a new interval.
Public enumerationIso8601Format
Defines the representation of the ISO8601 date string generated by ToIso8601String(Iso8601Format).