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ScalarAtmosphericDensity Constructor

Overload List
Protected methodScalarAtmosphericDensity

Initializes a Scalar representing atmospheric density.

TargetPoint and SolarGeophysicalData must be set before an evaluator is created.

Protected methodScalarAtmosphericDensity(Point, SolarGeophysicalData)
Initializes a Scalar representing atmospheric density using the target point and solar-geophysical data.
Protected methodScalarAtmosphericDensity(ScalarAtmosphericDensity, CopyContext)
Initializes a new instance as a copy of an existing instance.
Protected methodScalarAtmosphericDensity(Point, SolarGeophysicalData, CentralBody, Vector)
Initializes a Scalar representing atmospheric density using the target point and solar-geophysical data.
See Also