AGI.Foundation.Celestial Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ArielCentralBody |
The Uranian moon Ariel. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
AtmosphericDragForce |
A simple model of atmospheric drag on a body according to its coefficient of drag and reference cross-sectional area.
This model does not account for aerodynamic lift and is generally used for orbiting bodies which are perturbed by the atmosphere.
The details of the model are specified by choosing which density model
to use for the atmosphere.
| |
AtmosphericRefractionModel |
Defines a refraction model.
| |
CallistoCentralBody |
The Jovian moon Callisto. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
CentralBodiesFacet |
A CalculationContextFacet that holds and provides information about
central bodies such as planets, moons, the sun, etc.
| |
CentralBody |
A central body, such as a planet, star, asteroid, libration point, etc.
| |
CentralBodyInertialAxes |
This class provides the Axes based on the STK definition of a CentralBody's Inertial Axes.
The Inertial Z axis aligns with the IauOrientationAxes Z axis of the CentralBody,
and the Inertial X axis aligns with the vector that is the cross product of the InternationalCelestialReferenceFrame
Z axis and the IAU Z axis, evaluated at the J2000 epoch.
| |
CentralBodyIntersection |
A utility for checking for orbit intersection with a planet given two-body dynamics.
| |
CeresCentralBody |
The dwarf planet Ceres. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
CharonCentralBody |
The Plutonian moon Charon. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
ClassicalEquationOfEquinoxes | Represents the classical equation of the equinox as defined in the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac. This equation has been in use for many decades. For the updated equation of equinoxes defined by the IERS in 1996, see IersTechnicalNote21. To apply this equation of equinoxes, replace the existing EquationOfEquinoxes with an instance of this class. This class uses the existing NutationModel and PrecessionModel. | |
ConstantForce |
Represents a constant force.
| |
ConstantSolarGeophysicalData |
Represents the solar radiation and geomagnetic flux indices as constant values.
| |
ConstantTorque |
Represents a constant torque.
| |
ConstantWindModel |
Represents a constant wind speed and direction.
| |
ContinuousThrustForceModel |
Represents a force generated by continuous thrust.
| |
CssiSolarGeophysicalData |
Represents the solar radiation and geomagnetic flux indices as they vary over time.
For more details, or to obtain updated data files, see:
CSSI Space Weather Data.
| |
DawnCeresVestaOrientation |
This is a collection of the orientation information available for Ceres and Vesta.
The data comes from results of the Dawn mission to Ceres and Vesta.
| |
DeimosCentralBody |
The Martian moon Deimos. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
DioneCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Dione. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
DragBodyPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's body that has a surface area, unit normal direction,
and a drag coefficient.
| |
DragOneDofSolarPanelPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's solar panels that points
toward the Sun as much as it can while being constrained by a single rotational
degree of freedom about a specified rotation axis.
| |
DragPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft that has a surface area, unit normal direction,
and a drag coefficient.
| |
DragTwoDofSolarPanelPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's solar panels that always points toward the Sun.
| |
EarthCentralBody |
The planet Earth. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from the CentralBodiesFacet
instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
EarthGravitationalModel1996 |
Provides the semimajor axis, gravitational parameter, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th zonal harmonic coefficients
for the Earth Gravitational Model of 1996 (EGM96) according to NASA Technical Publication 1998-206861.
| |
EarthGravitationalModel2008 |
Provides the semimajor axis, gravitational parameter, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th zonal harmonic coefficients
for the Earth Gravitational Model of 2008 (EGM2008) according to the Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 117, Issue B4, April 2012.
| |
EarthMoonBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Earth-Moon system. Used when the Earth-Moon system
is modeled as a single third body in interplanetary trajectories.
| |
EarthOrientationParameters |
Specifies Earth polar motion coordinates and the difference between UT1 and UTC.
| |
EarthOrientationParametersData |
Specifies Earth Orientation Parameters at a specific instant.
| |
EarthOrientationParametersFile |
Contains static methods to read EOP data in the Celestrak EOP data file format which is documented at
| |
EarthOrientationParametersReadOptions |
Specifies options for reading an EarthOrientationParametersFile.
| |
EffectiveRadiusAtmosphericRefractionModel |
The effective radius model approximates the effects of refraction by assuming that the refractive index decreases linearly with altitude. This is only valid for objects at low altitude, typically less than 8-10 km.
This approximation leads to a very simple formula for the refracted elevation angle that is akin to computing the elevation angle relative to a scaled Earth surface. The Earth's radius is scaled by the effective radius factor,
typically a value between 0.3 and 2 -- the most common value is 4/3. Note that the model does not provide a manner for computing the effect of refraction on the signal path length.
| |
EnceladusCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Enceladus. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
EquationOfEquinoxes | Represents the equation of the equinox (also called the "nutation in right ascension" according to the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac) which defines the right ascension of the mean equinox with respect to the true equator and equinox. The two primary theories of the equation of the equinoxes are the ClassicalEquationOfEquinoxes and the UpdatedEquationOfEquinoxes. To apply a particular theory to calculations involving the Earth, obtain an instance of the EarthCentralBody from the CentralBodiesFacet and replace the existing EquationOfEquinoxes with a new instance. | |
EuropaCentralBody |
The Jovian moon Europa. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
ForceEvaluator |
Base class for evaluators created by a ForceModel to compute the force.
| |
ForceModel |
Represents a Newtonian force which can be used to specify the equations
of motion for a mass body located by a PropagationNewtonianPoint.
| |
GanymedeCentralBody |
The Jovian moon Ganymede. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
GravityGradientTorque |
Represents the gravity-gradient torque effects on a satellite parameterized by
a PropagationNewtonianPoint and a PropagationEulerianAxes.
| |
HyperionCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Hyperion. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
IapetusCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Iapetus. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
Iau1976Precession |
Provides Earth precession information according to the IAU 1976 model
| |
Iau1980Nutation |
Provides Earth Nutation information according to the IAU 1980 model
| |
Iau2000Orientation |
This is a collection of the orientation information available for central bodies.
The data comes from the Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic
Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2000.
| |
Iau2006Orientation |
This is a collection of the orientation information available for central bodies.
The data comes from the Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic
Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2006.
| |
Iau2006XysData |
A table of IAU2006 XYS data that is used to evaluate the transformation between the International Celestial
Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). It is usually preferable to use
the ReferenceFrame instances on EarthCentralBody rather than using this table directly.
| |
Iau2009Orientation |
This is a collection of the orientation information available for central bodies.
The data comes from the Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic
Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2009.
| |
Iau2015Orientation |
This is a collection of the orientation information available for central bodies.
The data comes from the Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic
Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015.
| |
IauOrientationAxes |
The Axes representing the orientation of a CentralBody as represented by the data
from the IAU/IAG Working Group reports on rotational elements expressed in the
InertialAxes of the SolarSystemBarycenter.
See Iau2009Orientation for more details.
| |
IauOrientationParameters |
A structure containing the orientation data computed at a particular time. The data
represent the direction of the pole of rotation and the rotation about that pole.
| |
Iers2003SolidTideModel |
A high-fidelity, time-varying Earth solid tide model that is based on the IERS Conventions (2003) technical report 32.
| |
IersTechnicalNote21 |
Provides Earth orientation parameters according to the IERS Technical Note 21.
| |
IersTechnicalNote36RelativisticCorrectionForce |
A NewtonianSpecificForce that models the first order correction to the acceleration of a space object about a CentralBody.
The mathematical details for this model may be found in chapter 10 of "IERS Conventions (2010)".
The model was primarily designed for artificial satellites about Earth, but may be used with any space object and any CentralBody in the solar system.
The force always returns the primary contributor to the correction, the Schwarzchild field of the central body.
By default, corrections for frame-dragging and precession of the geodesic are also included, but may be turned off if so desired.
| |
IndividualPlateModel |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft that has a surface area, unit normal direction,
and drag or reflectivity coefficients.
| |
InternationalGeomagneticReferenceFieldVector |
Represents the magnetic field vector at a point due to
the Earth's magnetic field, as modeled by an IGRF model.
| |
IoCentralBody |
The Jovian moon Io. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
ItuRP834Version4AtmosphericRefractionModel |
ITU-R P.834-4 is the ITU recommendation concerning "Effects of tropospheric refraction on radio wave propagation."
The recommendation provides an analytical formula for the refracted elevation at the ground. The higher platform is assumed to be a satellite.
More information is available at ITU Radiocommunication Sector. Note that the model does not provide a manner for computing the effect of refraction on the signal path length.
| |
JovianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of some of the Jovian moons computed using a
J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the
comments file
for the jup365 ephemeris file.
| |
JplDE |
The common base for classes for loading and accessing JPL DE files.
| |
JplDE200 |
Represents JPL DE200 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDE403 |
Represents JPL DE403 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDE405 |
Represents JPL DE405 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDE421 |
Represents JPL DE421 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDE430 |
Represents JPL DE430 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDE440 |
Represents JPL DE440 ephemeris data.
| |
JplDEFile |
Provides raw access to a JPL DE file.
| |
JplDEFileEvaluator |
The class returned by GetEvaluator(JplDEDataIndex, EvaluatorGroup) to allow calculation of
time-varying information in the JPL DE file.
| |
JupiterCentralBody |
The planet Jupiter. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
JupiterSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Jupiter system. Used to define the orbits of Jupiter's satellites.
| |
LibrationModel |
A model of the libration of a central body.
| |
LinkRefracted |
A link between a Transmitter and Receiver that travels a refracted path. The refracted link relies on an underlying ExtensibleObject
link instance as well as a AtmosphericRefractionModel refraction model as the basis for computing the refracted link. In this way,
a refracted link which also accounts for light travel time can be achieved by configuring the refracted link with a LinkSpeedOfLight
instance as the underlying link. Or if light travel time is not important to the analysis, the LinkInstantaneous can be used as the basis for refraction.
| |
MagneticCoilTorque |
Represents the torque effects of a magnetic field vector on a magnetic torquer coil
implemented on a spacecraft parameterized by a
| |
MagneticFieldVector |
Represents the magnetic field vector at a point due to
a planetary magnetic field.
| |
MarsCentralBody |
The planet Mars. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
MarsSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Mars system. Used to define the orbits of Phobos and Deimos.
| |
MartianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of the Martian moons computed using a
J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the
comments file
for the mar097 ephemeris file.
| |
MercuryCentralBody |
The planet Mercury. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
MimasCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Mimas. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
MoonCentralBody |
The moon of the Earth. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
NeptuneCentralBody |
The planet Neptune. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
NeptuneSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Neptune system. Used to define the orbits of Neptune's satellites.
| |
NeptunianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of one of the Neptunian moons computed using a
J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the
comments file
for the nep097 ephemeris file.
| |
NPlateAtmosphericDragForce | A medium-fidelity force model for atmospheric drag on a spacecraft. The model requires that a spacecraft's attitude be specified by its body axes, the spacecraft's body and solar panels be modeled by an N-Plate model that contains a model for each outward facing surface of the spacecraft, and the atmospheric density is modeled by a density model. This model does not take into account the effect of plates physically blocking other plates from experiencing drag if the blocked plates are behind them but pointing in the same direction. | |
NPlateModel |
A collection that models the spacecraft's body as a collection of individual plates
with surface areas, body-fixed directions, and drag or reflectivity coefficients.
| |
NPlateSolarRadiationForce | A medium-fidelity force model for solar radiation pressure on a spacecraft. The model requires that a spacecraft's attitude be specified by its body axes and that the spacecraft's body and solar panels be modeled by an N-Plate model that contains a model for each outward facing surface of the spacecraft. This model does not take into account the effect of plates physically blocking other plates from experiencing pressure if the blocked plates are behind them but pointing in the same direction. (This effect is sometimes called self-shadowing). | |
Nutation |
Holds nutation angles in longitude and in obliquity.
| |
NutationModel |
A model of the nutation of a central body.
| |
OffAxisTorque |
Represents the torque effects of a thruster that is not aligned with the center of mass of a
a vehicle parameterized by a PropagationEulerianAxes.
| |
PermanentSolidTideModel |
A constant solid tide model that can add permanent tides to a tide-free model to form a zero-tide model.
| |
PhobosCentralBody |
The Martian moon Phobos. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
PhoebeCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Phoebe. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
PlanetarySystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of a planetary system. Used to define the orbits of planetary satellites.
| |
PlutoCentralBody |
The dwarf planet Pluto. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
PlutonianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of one of the Plutonian moons computed using a
TwoBodyPropagator with gravitational parameter provided by the
comments file
of the plu043 ephemeris file.
| |
PlutoSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Pluto system. Used to define the orbits of Pluto's satellites.
| |
Precession |
Holds precession angles.
| |
PrecessionModel |
A model of the precession of a central body.
| |
ReactionWheelTorque |
Represents the torque effects of a reaction wheel implemented on
a spacecraft parameterized by a PropagationEulerianAxes.
| |
ResultantForceBuilder |
A tool used by ForceModel objects to add their Principal and
Perturbation forces to a list of forces in a resultant force.
| |
ResultantTorqueBuilder |
A tool used by TorqueModel objects to add to a list of torques in a resultant torque.
| |
RheaCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Rhea. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
SaturnCentralBody |
The planet Saturn. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of some of the Saturnian moons computed using a
J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the
comments file
of the sat441 ephemeris file.
| |
SaturnSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Saturn system. Used to define the orbits of Saturn's satellites.
| |
ScalarAtmosphericDensity |
Abstract base class for all atmospheric models used to calculate density.
| |
ScalarDensityJacchia1970 |
Calculates atmospheric density according to the Jacchia 1970 model.
The Jacchia models depend on the VectorToSun
to determine the shape of the atmosphere based on incident solar radiation.
| |
ScalarDensityJacchiaRoberts |
Calculates atmospheric density according to the Jacchia-Roberts model.
The Jacchia models depend on the VectorToSun
to determine the shape of the atmosphere based on incident solar radiation.
| |
ScalarDensityMsis2000 | Calculates atmospheric density according to the NRLMSISE 2000 model. MSIS 2000 is applicable from 0 km to 1000 km in altitude, and is meant for applications that reach across several atmospheric boundaries. It is not recommended for specialized tropospheric work, and if you are interested only in the thermosphere (120 km+) MSIS-86 is recommended instead. MSIS 2000 was developed by the US Naval Research Laboratory. More information and documentation is available at Unlike other density models, this type does not make use of the VectorToSun and instead determines the shape of the atmosphere purely based on the time of day. If available, the MSIS models will make use of the time varying daily averages for the geomagnetic flux defined by the SolarGeophysicalData instance. | |
ScalarDensityMsis86 | Calculates atmospheric density according to the MSIS 1986 model. The Mass-Spectrometer-Incoherent-Scatter-1986 (MSIS-86) neutral atmosphere model describes the neutral temperature and the densities of He, O, N2, O2, Ar, H, and N. The MSIS model is based on the extensive data compilation and analysis work of A. E. Hedin and his collaborators [A. E. Hedin et al., J. Geophys. Res. 82, 2139-2156, 1977; A. E. Hedin, J. Geophys. Res. 88, 10170- 10188, 1983; A. E. Hedin, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 4649, 1987]. MSIS-86 constitutes the upper part of the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-86). Unlike other density models, this type does not make use of the VectorToSun and instead determines the shape of the atmosphere purely based on the time of day. If available, the MSIS models will make use of the time varying daily averages for the geomagnetic flux defined by the SolarGeophysicalData instance. | |
ScalarDensityMsis90 | Calculates atmospheric density according to the MSIS 1990 model. This method is built off of the Fortran code written by Hedin et al. It is valid over the entire atmosphere. Above 72.5 km it is basically an updated MSIS 1986 density model, below 72.5 km it is based on the MAP Handbook (Labitzke et al., 1985), supplemented by other data. Unlike other density models, this type does not make use of the VectorToSun and instead determines the shape of the atmosphere purely based on the time of day. If available, the MSIS models will make use of the time varying daily averages for the geomagnetic flux defined by the SolarGeophysicalData instance. | |
ScalarOccultation | A class that provides evaluators for percentage of occultation/eclipse at a position, as well as EclipseType. The percentage runs from 0.0 (completely lit) to 1.0 (total eclipse). | |
ScalarOccultationCylindrical | Provides evaluators for percentage of occultation/eclipse at a position, as well as EclipseType using the cylindrical shadow model. The percentage runs from 0.0 (completely lit) to 1.0 (total eclipse). This occultation model is not nearly as accurate as ScalarOccultationDualCone, which should generally be used instead. However, this cylindrical model is included for completeness. | |
ScalarOccultationDualCone | Provides evaluators for percentage of occultation/eclipse at a position, as well as EclipseType using the dual cone shadow model. The percentage runs from 0.0 (completely lit) to 1.0 (total eclipse). This occultation model is much more accurate than ScalarOccultationCylindrical and is the one which should be used in most cases. | |
ScalarOccultationNoShadow | This is a ScalarOccultation for use with SimpleSolarRadiationForce. This type models a lack of any shadow conditions, and is primarily intended for interplanetary missions. The same effect can be attained by using another ScalarOccultation without any bodies added to the OccludingBodies property, however this type has also been added for convenience. | |
ScalarOccultationRegulatedDualCone | Provides evaluators for percentage of occultation/eclipse at a position, as well as EclipseType using the dual cone shadow model. The percentage runs from 0.0 (completely lit) to 1.0 (total eclipse). This shadow model should only be used in a SimpleSolarRadiationForce in conjunction with SolarRadiationBoundaryMitigation. It performs differently than the normal ScalarOccultationDualCone in that it treats the penumbra shadow condition as umbra, and does not allow the occultation factor to change during a propagation step. This functionality is required for correct results from the boundary mitigator, but in all other circumstances the normal dual cone occultation model should be used. | |
ScalarVariableArea |
A Scalar that enables interpolation of spacecraft area data from .dat files to use
as a reference area for AtmosphericDragForce and SimpleSolarRadiationForce.
| |
ScalarVariableAreaArgumentLatitude |
A Scalar that enables interpolation of spacecraft area data to use
as a reference area for AtmosphericDragForce and SimpleSolarRadiationForce.
| |
ScalarVariableAreaJulianDate |
A Scalar that enables interpolation of spacecraft area data to use
as a reference area for AtmosphericDragForce and SimpleSolarRadiationForce.
| |
Simon1994PlanetaryPositions |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of the planets computed using the
equations described in
Simon J.L., Bretagnon P., Chapront J., Chapront-Touze M., Francou G., Laskar J.,
1994, A&A 282, 663-683.
| |
SimpleSolarRadiationForce |
Represents the acceleration from solar radiation pressure exerted on the given reflective area at the target position.
| |
SimpleSolidTideModel |
A simplified, time-varying solid tide model.
| |
SmallSolarSystemBodyAnalyticEphemeris | Provides Point instances representing the positions of a selection of dwarf planets and other small solar system bodies based on the osculating orbital elements defined at reference epochs by the Small-Body Database maintained by the Solar System Dynamics group of JPL. | |
SolarGeophysicalData |
This class holds information on the F10.7 solar flux and the kp and ap geomagnetic flux.
| |
SolarRadiationBodyPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's body that has a surface area, unit normal direction,
a specular reflectivity coefficient, and a diffuse reflectivity coefficient.
| |
SolarRadiationBoundaryMitigation |
Corrects for eclipse crossings during satellite propagation.
| |
SolarRadiationOneDofSolarPanelPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's solar panels that points
toward the Sun as much as it can while being constrained by a single rotational
degree of freedom about a specified rotation axis.
| |
SolarRadiationPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft that has a surface area, unit normal direction,
a specular reflectivity coefficient, and a diffuse reflectivity coefficient.
| |
SolarRadiationTwoDofSolarPanelPlate |
A model of a discrete surface element of a spacecraft's solar panels that always points toward the Sun.
| |
SolarSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of a solar system.
| |
SolidTideModel |
A solid tide model that could be permanent or time-varying.
| |
SpaceControlFacilityAtmosphericRefractionModel |
The Satellite Control Facility (SCF) refraction model is based upon the paper "Refraction Correction, 'RC, Refraction Addition, 'RA, Milestone 4, Model 15.3A" by A. M. Smith, Aug 1978.
The 'RC model (pronounced tick-R-C) provides analytical formulas for computing the refraction angle and the refracted range (i.e., the effect of refraction on the signal path) of an observer
on the ground to a satellite target. The formulas depend on the surface refractivity at the ground site.
| |
SphericalHarmonicCoefficients |
Contains the coefficient data for a spherical harmonic model.
| |
SphericalHarmonicGravity |
Represents the acceleration (force for a given unit mass) at a particular point
from the gravitational effects of the distribution of the Earth's mass.
| |
SphericalHarmonicGravityField |
The immutable class that describes the chosen subset and configuration
of spherical harmonic gravitational model.
| |
SphericalHarmonicGravityModel |
Contains the coefficient data for a gravity model, either specified upon construction or
read in from a file. This type is passed to a SphericalHarmonicGravityField
which down selects to the desired subset of this full model, and sets other configuration options.
The field is then used by SphericalHarmonicGravity in order to calculate the
gravitational force.
| |
SphericalHarmonicGravitySecularVariations |
A linear model for the secular variations of a gravity model.
| |
SunCentralBody |
The star at the center of our solar system. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
TethysCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Tethys. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
ThirdBodyGravity |
Represents the gravitational acceleration created by bodies other than the central body around
which a target object is orbiting.
| |
ThirdBodyGravityThirdBodyInfo |
A combination of the position and gravitational parameter for a perturbing gravitational body.
| |
TimeVaryingSolidTideModel |
A solid tide model that must vary with time.
| |
TitanCentralBody |
The Saturnian moon Titan. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
TitaniaCentralBody |
The Uranian moon Titania. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
TorqueEvaluator |
Base class for evaluators created by a TorqueModel to compute the torque.
| |
TorqueModel |
Represents a torque which can be used to specify the equations
of rotational motion for a rigid-body parameterized by a PropagationEulerianAxes.
| |
TritonCentralBody |
The Neptunian moon Triton. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
TwoBodyGravity |
Represents the acceleration from a simple two body gravity model.
| |
UranianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris |
Provides Point instances representing the positions of some of the Uranian moons computed using a
J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the
comments file
of the ura111 ephemeris file.
| |
UranusCentralBody |
The planet Uranus. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
UranusSystemBarycenter |
The barycenter of the Uranus system. Used to define the orbits of Uranus's satellites.
| |
USStandardAtmosphere1976 |
Provides scalars that calculate values using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version.
This model is defined with respect to mean sea level, so you must configure the
MeanSeaLevel property on EarthCentralBody
before using this model.
| |
USStandardAtmosphere1976Result |
The result of the calculation.
| |
VectorRefractedDisplacement |
A vector representing the refracted displacement from an initial point to a final point as
both points move over time. The refracted displacement vector relies on an underlying VectorDisplacement
instance as well as an AtmosphericRefractionModel as the basis for computing the refracted displacement vector. In this way,
a refracted displacement vector which also accounts for light travel time can be achieved by configuring the refracted displacement vector with a VectorApparentDisplacement
instance as the underlying unrefracted displacement vector. If light travel time is not important to the analysis, the VectorTrueDisplacement can be used as the basis for refraction.
| |
VenusCentralBody |
The planet Venus. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
VestaCentralBody |
The asteroid Vesta. You should generally obtain an instance of this class from
the CentralBodiesFacet instance in the calculation context instead of creating one directly.
| |
WindModel |
Defines a wind model for an atmosphere.
| |
WorldGeodeticSystem1984 |
Provides the set of four World Geodetic System of 1984, WGS84 (G873), defining constants according
to Table 3.1 on page 3-5 of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency Technical Report TR8350.2,
Third Edition, Amendment 1, 3 January 2000.
| |
WorldMagneticModelVector |
Represents the magnetic field vector at a point due to
the Earth's magnetic field, as modeled by a WMM model.
Interface | Description | |
IJplDEWithMoonLibrationModel |
A JplDE which can return a libration model for the Moon.
Delegate | Description | |
CentralBodyInertialAxesComputeOrientationParameters |
The definition of a function which computes a set of orientation parameters.
| |
ComputeIauOrientationParameters |
The definition of a function which computes a set of orientation parameters.
Enumeration | Description | |
CoefficientOfReflectivityType |
Defines the type of Reflectivity Coefficient used in initializing SimpleSolarRadiationForce.
| |
EclipseType |
Enumerates the different types of shadowing that can occur during an eclipse.
| |
JplDECentralBody |
The central bodies referenced in a JPL DE file.
| |
JplDEDataIndex |
Indices of the data available in a JPL DE file.
| |
KindOfForce |
Indicates the properties of a given force to be used when
distinguishing the behavior of forces when defining equations of motion.
| |
RadiationVectorType |
Defines the type of vector to use between the target and the illuminating body in context of scalar occultation.
| |
RoleOfForce |
An indication of how important a given force is in the overall composite force
acting on a given object. Certain integrators will use this information to
optimize the efficiency of evaluating the equations of motion during propagation of forces.