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MagneticCoilTorque Properties

The MagneticCoilTorque type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBodyAxes
Gets or sets the body axes of the spacecraft. These should be the IntegrationAxes of the PropagationEulerianAxes associated with the spacecraft.
Public propertyCurrent
Gets or sets the electric current passing through the coil.
Public propertyDirectedArea
Gets or sets the area of the coil multiplied by the unit vector that is normal to the plane of the coil such that a positive current traveling through the coil obeys the right hand rule.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyMagneticFieldVector
Gets or sets a vector describing the magnetic field that the coil is subjected to. This is usually a MagneticFieldVector.
Public propertyNumberOfLoops
Gets or sets the number of current loops in the magnetic torquer coil.
Public propertyTorqueVector
Gets the Vector representation of this torque.
(Inherited from TorqueModel.)
See Also