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USStandardAtmosphere1976 Properties

The USStandardAtmosphere1976 type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDensity
Gets a ScalarDependentOnServiceProvider that calculates atmospheric density using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version, in kg/m^3. The calculation requires the given service provider to provide the ILocationPointService service.
Public propertyDensityRatio
Gets a ScalarDependentOnServiceProvider that calculates the ratio of the local density to the density at sea level using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version. The calculation requires the given service provider to provide the ILocationPointService service.
Public propertyEarthRadius
Gets or sets the effective radius of the Earth (r0) used by the model, in meters. By default, this value is 6356766.0.
Public propertyEarthSurfaceGravity
Gets or sets the sea-level value of the acceleration of gravity (g0) used by the model, in m/s^2. By default, this value is 9.80665.
Public propertyIdealGasConstant
Gets or sets the ideal gas constant (R*) used by the model, in J/(kmol*K). By default, this value is 8314.32.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyMeanMolecularWeightAtSeaLevel
Gets or sets the mean molecular weight of the atmosphere at sea level (M0) used by the model, in kg/kmol. By default, this value is 28.9644.
Public propertyPressure
Gets a ScalarDependentOnServiceProvider that calculates atmospheric pressure using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version, in pascals. The calculation requires the given service provider to provide the ILocationPointService service.
Public propertySpecificHeatRatio
Gets or sets the ratio of specific heat of air at constant pressure to the specific heat of air at constant volume used by the model (γ). By default this value is 1.4.
Public propertySpeedOfSound
Gets a ScalarDependentOnServiceProvider that calculates the speed of sound using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version, in m/s. The calculation requires the given service provider to provide the ILocationPointService service.
Public propertyTemperature
Gets a ScalarDependentOnServiceProvider that calculates temperature using the U.S. Standard Atmosphere model, 1976 version, in kelvin. The calculation requires the given service provider to provide the ILocationPointService service.
See Also