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BillboardGraphics Properties

The BillboardGraphics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignedAxis
Gets or sets the aligned axis, which is the unit vector, in world coordinates, that the billboard up vector points towards. If not specified, the default is the zero vector, which means the billboard is aligned to the screen up vector.
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the color of the billboard. This color value is multiplied with the values of the billboard image to produce the final color. If not specified, the default is White.
Public propertyDisableDepthTestDistance
Gets or sets the distance from the camera at which to disable the depth test. This can be used to prevent clipping against terrain, for example. When set to zero, the depth test is always applied. When set to PositiveInfinity, the depth test is never applied. If not specified, the default is 0.0.
Public propertyDistanceDisplayCondition
Gets or sets the distances from the camera at which this billboard will be displayed. If not specified, the billboard is displayed regardless of camera distance.
Public propertyEyeOffset
Gets or sets the billboard's offset from the origin in eye coordinates. Eye coordinates are specified in a left-handed coordinate system where X points toward the viewer's right, Y points up, and Z points into the screen. If not specified, the default is Zero.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the billboard, in pixels (or meters, if SizeInMeters is true). By default, the native height of the image is used.
Public propertyHeightReference
Gets or sets the height reference of the billboard. If not specified, the default is None.
Public propertyHorizontalOrigin
Gets or sets whether the billboard is left, center, or right-aligned with the origin. If not specified, the default is Center.
Public propertyImage
Gets or sets the billboard image. This property must be specified, or the billboard will not be displayed.
Public propertyImageSubRegion
Gets or sets a sub-region of the image which will be used for the billboard, rather than the entire image, measured in pixels from the bottom-left.
Public propertyPixelOffset
Gets or sets the billboard's offset from the origin in pixel coordinates. The Y coordinate moves the billboard upwards, and the X coordinate moves the billboard to the right. If not specified, the default is Zero.
Public propertyPixelOffsetScaleByDistance
Gets or sets how the billboard's pixel offset should change based on the billboard's distance from the camera. This scalar value will be multiplied by PixelOffset. If not specified, then the pixel offset does not change based on the camera distance.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of the billboard, in radians, offset from the AlignedAxis. If not specified, the default is 0.0.
Public propertyScale
Gets or sets the scale of the billboard image. If not specified, the default is 1.0.
Public propertyScaleByDistance
Gets or sets how the billboard's scale should change based on the billboard's distance from the camera. This scalar value will be multiplied by Scale. If not specified, then the scale does not change based on the camera distance.
Public propertyShow
Gets or sets whether or not the billboard is shown. If not specified, the default is true.
Public propertySizeInMeters
Gets or sets whether this billboard's size (Width and Height) should be measured in meters, otherwise size is measured in pixels. If not specified, the default is false.
Public propertyTranslucencyByDistance
Gets or sets how the billboard's translucency should change based on the billboard's distance from the camera. This scalar value should range from 0 to 1. If not specified, then the translucency does not change based on the camera distance.
Public propertyVerticalOrigin
Gets or sets whether the billboard is bottom, center, or top-aligned with the origin. If not specified, the default is Center.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the billboard, in pixels (or meters, if SizeInMeters is true). By default, the native width of the image is used.
See Also