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AGI.Foundation.Cesium Namespace

Contains types used for defining graphical properties of definitional objects to be written out as CZML.
Public classAccessQueryCesiumPropertyT
Public classAxesCesiumProperty
Public classAzimuthElevationMaskGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of an AzimuthElevationMask. This will produce the agi_fan property in CZML.
Public classAzimuthElevationMaskGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphics of an AzimuthElevationMask drawn at a location defined by ILocationPointService and orientation defined by IOrientationAxesService.
Public classBillboardGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a billboard, also sometimes called a marker. A billboard is a viewport-aligned image positioned in the 3D scene. This will produce the billboard property in CZML.
Public classBillboardGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphics of a billboard drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceCurveGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a CentralBodySurfaceCurve. This will produce the polyline property in CZML.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceCurveGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphical properties of a curve defined by a CentralBodySurfaceCurve.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceRegionGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a CentralBodySurfaceRegion. This will produce the polygon property in CZML.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceRegionGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphical properties of an area defined by a CentralBodySurfaceRegion.
Public classCesiumAvailabilityExtension
An extension that defines the availability of a CZML object.
Public classCesiumCustomProperties
A set of custom CZML properties to be written for a particular object.
Public classCesiumCustomPropertiesExtension
An extension that defines a set of custom CZML properties to be written for a particular object.
Public classCesiumDeleteExtension
An extension that indicates that a CZML object should be deleted from the client. This will produce the delete property in CZML.
Public classCesiumDeleteFanDirectionsExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML agi_fan.directions property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeleteOrientationExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML orientation property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeletePolygonHolesExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polygon.holes property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeletePolygonPositionsExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polygon.positions property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeletePolylinePositionsExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polyline.positions property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeletePositionExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML position property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumDeleteVectorDirectionExtension
An extension that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML agi_vector.direction property should be deleted from the client.
Public classCesiumFixedStepExtension
An extension that defines the step size to use when sampling properties for an object being written to CZML.
Public classCesiumOrientationExtension
An extension that specifies how an object's orientation should be written to CZML.
Public classCesiumOutputStream
A stream to which raw CZML data can be written. This is a low-level class that does not extensively validate that methods are called in a valid order, so it can be used to generate invalid JSON.
Public classCesiumPositionExtension
An extension that specifies how an object's position should be written to CZML.
Public classCesiumReferenceFrameExtension
An extension that defines the reference frame in which an object's CZML position will be written.
Public classCesiumResource
A resource to be linked from or embedded into a CZML document.
Public classCheckerboardMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface with a checkerboard pattern.
Public classClock
Defines initial clock settings associated with a CzmlDocument.
Public classCompositeCesiumPropertyT
Public classConstantCesiumPropertyT
Public classCzmlClientEntitySet
Represents a set of entities described by one or more CzmlDocuments.
Public classCzmlDocument
Generates CZML files.
Public classCzmlDocumentPacketizer
Generates a CZML document one packet at a time to allow for incremental processing by client applications.
Public classCzmlUpdateDocument
A CZML document which includes only the differences from the prior client state.
Public classCzmlUpdateDocumentPacketizer
Generates a CZML update document one packet at a time to allow for incremental processing by client applications.
Public classDeleteCesiumPropertyT
A CesiumPropertyT that specifies that existing data (samples or interval values) for a given property should be deleted on the client.
Public classDescription
Contains the description of a Cesium object. This will produce the description property in CZML.
Public classDescriptionExtension
An extension that defines the HTML description of an object.
Public classEllipsoidGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of an ellipsoid. This will produce the ellipsoid property in CZML.
Public classEllipsoidGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines an ellipsoid to be drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService.
Public classFieldOfViewGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphical properties of a sensor defined by a IFieldOfViewService positions by ILocationPointService and oriented by IOrientationAxesService
Public classGraphicalVector
An ExtensibleObject that describes a vector defined by IVectorService, IVectorGraphicsService and ILocationPointService.
Public classGridMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface with a two dimensional grid.
Public classImageMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface with an image.
Public classLabelGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a label. A label is viewport-aligned text positioned in the scene. This will produce the label property in CZML.
Public classLabelGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines a label to be drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService.
Public classLinkGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a line connecting the transmitter and receiver of an object providing the ILinkService. This will produce the polyline property in CZML.
Public classLinkGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphical properties of a line connecting the transmitter and receiver of an object providing the ILinkService.
Public classModelGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a glTF model. This will produce the model property in CZML.
Public classModelGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphics of a model drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService and oriented by IOrientationAxesService.
Public classNodeTransformationGraphics
Describes graphical properties for articulating/transforming nodes on a 3D model.
Public classPathGraphics

Defines the graphical properties of the path of a moving object over time. This will produce the path property in CZML.

Note that because clients cannot render a truly infinite path, the path must be limited in some manner. The path is limited by the LeadTime and TrailTime values, and also by the availability of the object. Availability is determined using the AvailabilityIntervals of the Point of the object, but can be overridden using CesiumAvailabilityExtension.

Public classPathGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphical properties of the path created by a ILocationPointService over time.
Public classPointCesiumProperty
Public classPointGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a point over time. This will produce the point property in CZML.
Public classPointGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines a point to be drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService.
Public classPolylineArrowMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface of a line with an arrow.
Public classPolylineDashMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface of a line with a pattern of dashes.
Public classPolylineGlowMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface of a line with a glowing color.
Public classPolylineOutlineMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface of a line with an outlined color.
Public classSampledCesiumPropertyT
A CesiumPropertyT that specifies a number of time-tagged samples. The samples are interpolated to find the property value at a given time.
Public classScalarCesiumProperty
Public classSensorFieldOfViewGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a SensorFieldOfView.
Public classSolidColorMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface with a solid color.
Public classStripeMaterialGraphics
Describes graphical properties of a material that fills the surface with alternating colors.
Public classTilesetGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a 3D tileset. This will produce the tileset property in CZML.
Public classTilesetGraphicsExtension
An extension that defines the graphics of a 3D tileset drawn at the location defined by ILocationPointService and oriented by IOrientationAxesService.
Public classTimeIntervalCesiumPropertyT
Public classUnitVectorCesiumProperty
Public classVectorCesiumProperty
Public classVectorGraphics
Defines the graphical properties of a vector defined by IVectorService.
Public classVelocityVectorDirectionCesiumProperty
A CesiumPropertyT that specifies that a property will be calculated on the client to be the direction of the velocity vector of a given object. The given object must be written out in the same CZML document, and must produce a CZML position.
Public classViewFrom
Contains a suggested initial camera location when tracking an object. This will produce the viewFrom property in CZML.
Public classViewFromExtension
An extension that defines the suggested camera location when tracking an object.
Public structureNearFarScalar
A numeric value which will be linearly interpolated between two values based on an object's distance from the camera, in eye coordinates. The computed value will interpolate between the near value and the far value while the camera distance falls between the near distance and the far distance, and will be clamped to the near or far value while the distance is less than the near distance or greater than the far distance, respectively.
Public interfaceICzmlDocument
A CZML document which can be written.
Public interfaceICzmlDocumentPacketizer
Generates a CZML document one packet at a time to allow for incremental processing by client applications.
Public enumerationAzimuthElevationMaskGraphicsProjection
Defines how AzimuthElevationMaskGraphics are visualized.
Public enumerationCesiumArcType
Specifies the type of an arc.
Public enumerationCesiumClassificationType
Whether a classification affects terrain, 3D Tiles, or both.
Public enumerationCesiumColorBlendMode
The mode to use when blending between a target color and an entity's source color.
Public enumerationCesiumExtrapolationType
The type of extrapolation to perform when outside the sample data range of an interpolatable property.
Public enumerationCesiumGenerationStatus
Public enumerationCesiumHeightReference
The height reference of an object, which indicates if the object's position is relative to terrain or not.
Public enumerationCesiumHorizontalOrigin
The horizontal origin of an item relative to its position.
Public enumerationCesiumImageFormat
The format of an image to be embedded in a CZML stream.
Public enumerationCesiumInterpolationAlgorithm
The algorithm to use for interpolation of sampled data.
Public enumerationCesiumLabelStyle
Specifies how the text of a label is drawn.
Public enumerationCesiumResourceBehavior
Specifies whether to embed a resource into a CZML stream or simply link to them.
Public enumerationCesiumSensorVolumePortionToDisplay
Specifies which parts of a sensor are to be displayed.
Public enumerationCesiumShadowMode
Whether or not an object casts or receives shadows from each light source when shadows are enabled.
Public enumerationCesiumStripeOrientation
The orientation of the stripes in a stripe material.
Public enumerationCesiumVerticalOrigin
The vertical origin of an item relative to its position.
Public enumerationClockRange
Defines the behavior of a clock when its current time reaches its start or end point.
Public enumerationClockStep
Defines how a simulated clock advances in time.